Which concept refers to the systematic killing of one category of people by another?


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Which concept refers to the systematic killing of one category of people by another?

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Race -A socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society CONSIDER IMPORTANT. -People may classify one another on the basis of physical characteristics such as skin color, facial features, hair texture,
Race Information -Socially constructed concept. -The striking variety of racial traits found today is the product of migration. -Middle East has a pronounced racial mix (western Asia) because it was a historically a crossroads of migration. -Japan is characterized by raci
Ethnicity -A shared cultural heritage. -Socially constructed. -Based on common ancestry, language, and religion. -Cultural Traits. -FOR MOST PEOPLE, ETHNICITY IS MORE COMPLICATED THAN RACE!
Minority -Any category of people distinguished by physical or cultural difference that a society sets apart and subordinates. -Based on race, ethnicity, or both. -Not all members of a minority category are disadvantaged. -Job success rarely allows individuals to e
Minorities (Two Key Characteristics) -Society imposes them on a distinctive identity (race, sex, sexual orientation, the poor), which may be based on physical or cultural traits. -Subordination: Minorities experience subordination (typically lower income, lower occupational prestige, and lim
"Race is not a black-and-white issue" -An increasing amount of people are considering themselves to be multiracial and/or multiethnic. -No society contains biologically "pure" people. -There is more genetic variation within each racial "category" than between categories.
Minority shift in the United States -Minorities are at a majority in four states. (California, New Mexico, Texas, and Hawaii) -By about 2042, minorities are likely to form a majority of the US population.
Prejudice (Attitudes) -A rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people. -Can be negative and positive, positive prejudice exaggerate the virtues of people like ourselves, and negative prejudice condemn those who are different from us. Can range from dislik
Stereotype -A simplified description applied to every person in some category.
Racism -The belief that one racial category is innately superior to the other.
Scapegoat Theory -A person or category of people, typically with little power, whom other people unfairly blame for their own troubles. -"White woman in the textile factory receiving low wages among minorites."
Discrimination (Action) -Unequal treatment of various categories of people. -Ranges from subtle to extreme- can be positive or negative.
Institutional Prejudice and Discrimination (Carmichael and Hamilton) -Bias built into the operation of society's institutions. -Schools, hospitals, law enforcement, and the workplace. -People are slow to recognize and condemn institutional prejudice and discrimination because it often involves respected public officals and
The Thomas Theorem of Prejudice -"Situations that are defined as real become real in their consequences." -Vicious cycle of prejudice disadvantages becoming a reality for minorities and being reinforced through further prejudice. Belief in innate superiority of the majority gives more p
Authoritarian Personality Theory of Prejudice (Theodor Adorno and colleagues) -Rigid moralists see things in "black-and-white". -Extreme prejudice is a personality trait of some individuals. -Tend to view society as naturally competitive. ("The better must dominate the weak")
Conflict Theory of Prejudice -Self-justification for the rich and powerful in the US. -All elites benefit when prejudice divides workers across racial and ethnic lines and discourages them from working together to advance their common interests.
Conflict Theory of Prejudice Cont. -Cultivation of climate of race consciousness for greater power and privileges by minorities. -Sometimes called "identity politics".
Pluralism -A state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing. -United States is "pluralistic" in its philosophy of law. "Ethnic Villages." Chinatown/Little Italy
Assimilation -The process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture. -Changing styles of dress, values, religion, language, and friends. -Involves changes in ethnicity but not in race.
Miscegenation -Biological reproduction by partners of different racial categories. -This is how racial traits can diminish over generations. -Interracial marriages still only compose 7.5% of marriages.
Segregation -The physical and social separation of categories of people. "1954: Brown v Board of Education of Topeka reduced de jure "by law" segregation, but de facto "in fact" segregation continues in the form of countless neighborhoods home to people of a single r
Genocide -Systematic killing of one category of people by another. -Native Americans -Holocaust (Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Handicapped) -Stalin -Pol Pot's "capitalist" extermination in Cambodia -Hutus/Tutsis -Serbs killing Bosnians -Sudan (Darfur region)