Which behavior is most strongly associated with introversion in a personality test Weegy

Personality Types

  • Analysts

    Intuitive (N) and Thinking (T) personality types, known for their rationality, impartiality, and intellectual excellence.

    • Architect (INTJ)
    • Logician (INTP)
    • Commander (ENTJ)
    • Debater (ENTP)
  • Diplomats

    Intuitive (N) and Feeling (F) personality types, known for their empathy, diplomatic skills, and passionate idealism.

    • Advocate (INFJ)
    • Mediator (INFP)
    • Protagonist (ENFJ)
    • Campaigner (ENFP)
  • Sentinels

    Observant (S) and Judging (J) personality types, known for their practicality and focus on order, security, and stability.

    • Logistician (ISTJ)
    • Defender (ISFJ)
    • Executive (ESTJ)
    • Consul (ESFJ)
  • Explorers

    Observant (S) and Prospecting (P) personality types, known for their spontaneity, ingenuity, and flexibility.

    • Virtuoso (ISTP)
    • Adventurer (ISFP)
    • Entrepreneur (ESTP)
    • Entertainer (ESFP)

Believed personality developed in childhood as one goes through psycho-sexual stage.
In each stage, the id focuses on a certain erogenous zone (pleasure-sensitive area of body)
Conflict between satisfying urges and rules of society in each stage. If conflict is not resolved successfully, that can lead to fixation
Fixation is an enduring focus on a particular erogenous zone that reveals itself as maladaptive behavior in adult personality.

Oral stage: birth-18 months—erogenous zone is the mouth, infants obtain pleasure and satisfaction from sucking, biting and chewing. However, conflict comes when society wants weaning, but id doesn't want that. Oral fixation could be nail biting, chewing on things (this came from what Freud thinks is being weaned too early—constantly trying to satisfy oral urges—using biting sarcasm, eating a lot, etc.
Anal stage: 1.5-3 years—erogenous zone is the anus, Freud believed that toddlers obtained pleasure and satisfaction from expelling and attaining feces. The big conflict is when society demands toilet training. The id was no part of this, this id goes whenever it wants. When we describe someone as anal we consider them (fastidious, hyper-retentive, focused)—they would show these as adults if toilet trained too early and have an anal-retentive personality
Phallic stage: 3-6 years—erogenous zone is the genitals (penis and clitoris)
Boys go through an Oedipus complex—child has unconscious sexual desire for their mom, would like to have mom all to themselves, but dad is in the way. However, boy notices that girls don't have penises and thinks penis was cut off, so if he tries to compete with father, his penis will be cut off, so boy tries to be like dad and identify with him. Mom likes dad so if boy acts like dad, then mom will like him.
Electra complex: at first little girl sexually desires mom, but realizes she does not have a penis, so she develops penis envy and wishes she had a penis and wonders what happens to hers. She comes to the conclusions that her mom cut her penis off so since her mom is evil and mean she wants her father but is afraid of losing her mother's love so she represses her resentment of mom and identifies with mom trying to be like her and substitutes desire for a penis for a baby.
Latency period: 6-adolescent—nothing happens no erogenous zone
Genital stage: puberty-throughout life—erogenous zone is penis for males and vagina; if everything went well earlier you transfer previous desire for mom and dad to a more socially acceptable figure.


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Weegy: Quality of a feeler are: typically aware of not only their own emotions but the emotions of others around them, ...

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Who originally characterized introversion and extraversion?

Popularized by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (1921), the terms extroversion/introversion were used to describe aspects of human personality as part of a collective unconscious. Jung regarded extroversion and introversion as the major orientations of personality.

What should be a primary use of a personality test?

Personality tests are designed to systematically elicit information about a person's motivations, preferences, interests, emotional make-up, and style of interacting with people and situations.

What does it mean if you score 50 in the energy category of the 16 personalities test?

The closer the score is to 50%, the weaker the trait. Theoretically, and for purposes of illustration, if the score passes below 50% for one trait, it starts increasing the percentage and describing the strength of the other trait in the pair.

Which characteristic is indicated by gaining energy?

Extroverts, who gain energy from the “external world” or from interactions with others.


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