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When Luke words his suggestions as positively as possible his managers are more likely to be interested in them because of the bias known as the framing effect True False?

Following all six stages of the decision-making process guarantees successful decisions. When Luke words his suggestions as positively as possible, his managers are more likely to be interested in them because of the bias known as the framing effect. The most constructive type of conflict is affective conflict.

What is the usual state of affairs in managerial decision making?

Lack of structure is the usual state of affairs in managerial decision-making.

Which of the following groups is most likely to experience groupthink?

Groupthink is more likely to occur in groups in which the members are feeling strong social identity—for instance, when there is a powerful and directive leader who creates a positive group feeling, and in times of stress and crisis when the group needs to rise to the occasion and make an important decision.

Which of the following is the most constructive type of conflict?

The most constructive type of conflict is affective conflict. Cognitive conflict is differences in perspectives or judgments about issues. The most fundamental unit of value in the creativity revolution is ideas.


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