What would you enter at the command prompt on a Linux system to display a list of files and subdirectories that exist within the present working direc?

To print the current working directory, we use the pwd command in the Linux system.

pwd (print working directory) – The pwd command is used to display the name of the current working directory in the Linux system using the terminal. This is a shell building command that is available in most Unix shells such as Bourne shell, ash, bash, kash, and zsh.


The general syntax of the pwd command is as follows −

pwd [-LP]

A brief description of options available in the pwd command.

Option & Description
-L (logical)
Display the value of $pwd if it names the current working directory
-P (physical)
Display the physical directory, without any soft link
Displays a help message and then exits.

By default, the pwd works as if -L option was specified.

Exit Status

The pwd command returns true unless an invalid option supplied or the current directory could not be read.

To display the current working directory, we use the pwd command in the Linux/Unix system as shown below.

vikash@tutorialspoint:~ pwd /home/vikash

To display the physical directory instead of symbolic links or soft links, we use -P option with the pwd command in the Linux/Unix system as shown below.

vikash@tutorialspoint:~ pwd -P /home/vikash

To display more about the pwd command we use -help option with the pwd command as shown below.

vikash@tutorialspoint:~ pwd --help

After execution of above command. It will be prompt a short description with available options available in the pwd command.

Updated on 01-Jul-2021 14:20:29

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  • School Seneca College
  • Course Title CPR 101
  • Pages 4
  • Ratings 100% (2) 2 out of 2 people found this document helpful

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1.4.6 Practice QuestionsQuestion 1:What would you enter at the command prompt to start a new Bourne-again shell (bash) session?

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Question 2:What would you enter at the command prompt on a Linux system to display the IP addresses andthe subnet masks assigned to each network interface on a Linux system?

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Question 3:What would you enter at the command prompt on a Linux system to display a list of files andsubdirectories that exist within the present working directory?

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Login, IP address, home directory, Working directory, PWD, Ifconfig

What would you enter at the command prompt on a Linux system to display the present working director?

pwd (print working directory) – The pwd command is used to display the name of the current working directory in the Linux system using the terminal. This is a shell building command that is available in most Unix shells such as Bourne shell, ash, bash, kash, and zsh.

What would you enter at the command prompt on a Linux system to display the IP addresses and the subnet?

The ifconfig command displays the IP addresses and the subnet masks assigned to each network interface installed on a Linux system.

What would you enter at the command prompt to display a list of files?

You can use the DIR command by itself (just type “dir” at the Command Prompt) to list the files and folders in the current directory.

What would you enter at the command prompt to start a new born again show bash session?

What would you enter at the command prompt to start a new Bourne-again shell (bash) session? The bash command opens a Bourne-again sheel (bash) session. The Bourne-again shell (bash) is the standard shell used in most Linux computers. It uses commands similar to a UNIX shell.


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