What were the most common ways for enslaved people to obtain their freedom quizlet?

harles Deslondes - In 1811, a slave overseer and his fellow slaves broke into their owner's plantation house and hacked his son to death. This was the largest slave revolt in America history.

The Denmark Vesey Revolt- This plot was hatched in 1822 in South Carolina, led by a Caribbean native who planned to kill all the whites in the city of Charleston, as well as blacks that refused to participate in the revolt. The plot never got off the ground.

Nat Turner's Rebellion- This rebellion took place in Virginia in 1831, led by a trusted black overseer who claimed God had told him to lead a slave revolt. He and a small group of slaves killed their owner's family and continued to do so at other farmhouses, where he recruited other slaves to participate.

Gabriel Prosser- In 1800, an enslaved blacksmith hatched a revolt and planned to kidnap governor James Monroe and overthrow the white elite.



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What was the South's most important agricultural product?


In the first season after a new field was cleared for the planting of cotton it was typical for a farmer to ______.

plant corn in it

By time the Civil War began, almost a third of the total cotton crop came from plantations west of the _____________ River.


Why were Alabama and Mississippi particularly attractive areas for cotton planters?

The soil there was rich.

Which two crops became the major crops grown in the Upper South in the decades before the Civil War?

corn and wheat

Why did the economy of the South turn to cotton cultivation in the during the decades after the War of 1812?

The textile industry increased the demand for cotton.

Which was a consequence of farmers in the Upper South transitioning from growing tobacco to growing wheat?

They sold many enslaved people to the Lower South because they no longer needed so much labor.

How did cotton cultivation transform the physical landscape of the South?

Many wild acres were transformed into open fields.

Which crop predominated on southern plantations west of the Mississippi?


Which of the following best describes the society of the American South in the antebellum period?


Central Alabama was known as the "___________ _____________" region because of its dark, rich soil.

Black Belt

Which of the following best describes the shift in agricultural production in the Upper South from the 1700s to the 1800s?

Wheat and corn crops became more important.

The switch to corn and wheat as major crops in the Upper South led farmers in that region to do which of the following?

sell their surplus of enslaved people

On large plantations, most enslaved people were tasked with work ______.

in the fields

Which of the following best describes the profitability of slavery?

It was incredibly profitable.

In which economic sector did more than three-fourths of southern laborers work in 1860?


By 1860, the vast majority of white southerners ______.

did not enslave anyone

The tobacco and rice planters of the ___ were part of a settled region and a culture that reached back 150 to 200 years.

Atlantic Tidewater

Planters in the Tidewater area during the antebellum period ______.

-aspired to emulate the English country gentleman
-were the source of the legendary image of the "Old South"
-built substantial mansions in the Greek revival style

How was the distribution of enslaved people related to geography?

Flat areas had higher concentrations of enslaved people.

What was the attitude toward slavery in Europe and in the North?

increasingly hostile

By 1860, what percentage of white southerners were either slaveholders themselves or members of slaveholding families?

25 percent

In which of these states did much of the non-native population arrive after 1815?


Cotton growers in the South moved westward in order to ______.

make money by acquiring more fertile land

Where was the Tidewater area?

around Chesapeake Bay and along the South Carolina coast

Where did large slave plantations predominate in the South?

areas with good transportation and soil

Southern planters' newly found wealth and power led them to think of themselves as ______.

standard bearers of aristocratic values

How might the reality of the slave system have undermined the ideal of paternalism?

Enslaved people were brutalized and exploited.

Which crop was typically grown in the frontier region of the South?


Which of the following was not a responsibility of a plantation mistress?

managing the finances of the plantation

Which of the following was a major influence on the slaveholders of the Tidewater area?

Episcopal Church

True or false: In the antebellum period, most yeoman farmers owned their own land but were not slaveholders.


Circumstances that made it difficult for poor southern whites to escape poverty included the fact that they ______.

-were largely illiterate
-suffered from energy-draining diseases
-were generally malnourished

A slaveholder controlled an enslaved person's ______.

-family access

The myth of a benevolent slaveholder caring for his loyal workers is known as ______.


Plantation mistresses ______.

considered managing enslaved people the source of their greatest unhappiness

How much land did a yeoman farmer typically own and farm?

80 to 160 acres

How much contact did enslaved people on small farms have with whites?

more contact than on big plantations

In the pre-Civil War South, the poorest whites ______.

were often squatters on the land they occupied

Why were overseers known for being particularly harsh in their treatment of enslaved people?

They were paid according to the size of the harvest.

Before one can explore the variety of ways in which an enslaved person experienced their daily life, it is necessary to understand that ______.

enslaved people were not in control of their own lives

The labor system in which enslaved people worked in small groups of 20 to 25 under the supervision of an overseer was called the ______ system.


Which labor system was most commonly used in the rice fields?

the task system

Enslaved people on small farms typically worked ______.

beside their slaveholders

Which of these characterized the lives of most enslaved people?

-rough, drafty shelter
-inadequate clothing
-lower life expectancy than other Americans

The person who supervised the performance of enslaved people on plantations was known as the _______________

overseer or driver

Between 1730 and 1830 which of the following countries witnessed slave revolts?

-British Guiana

For plantation owners, which of the following was a drawback of the gang system?

Gangs required the supervision of overseers and drivers.

The labor system in which enslaved people worked at their own pace in order to fulfill a daily quota of work was known as the ______ system.


Which of the following statements accurately describe the clothing worn by enslaved people?

-The clothing of enslaved people was made of rough, cheap cloth.
-Enslaved people received a couple of outfits and a pair of shoes each year.

What country was established in 1804, the second independent republic in the Western Hemisphere, as a result of a slave rebellion?


Which of the following are true statements about Gabriel Prosser's rebellion?

-Prosser and other leaders were caught and killed.
-It failed after a few people betrayed the plot.

How did southern whites feel after Nat Turner's Rebellion of 1831?

uneasy because they did not know when the next rebellion might occur

Why did most enslaved people run away?

to gain leverage in negotiations with their slaveholders

Which of the following is true about slave family life?

Enslaved people were expected to choose a partner and establish family life.

What was the outcome of Gabriel Prosser's rebellion?

Gabriel Prosser was betrayed by fellow conspirators, was captured, and was executed.

According to Frederick Douglass, the slave songs represent "the ___________________________" of the enslaved person's heart.


What occurred during Nat Turner's Rebellion of 1831?

Dozens of whites were killed.

Which of the following was the most common form of slave resistance?


Which two southern evangelical denominations did most converted enslaved people join?

Methodist and Baptist churches

Which of the following was not a way that enslaved people marked marriages?

inventing folktales to symbolize the event

What was the significance of slave folktales and songs that used animals symbolically?

-The stories symbolized the predicaments that enslaved people faced.
-Their message was to teach the young to survive in a hostile world.

Which of the following groups of enslaved people sometimes felt superior to other enslaved people?

-those with lighter skin
-skilled workers
-house servants

Which was not a teaching of African American slave religion?

Enslaved people should be obedient to their slaveholders.

Where did most free southern Blacks live?

the Upper South

Which of the following best describes the effect white racism had on slave communities?

It brought them closer together and created a common bond.

Why did enslaved people complain to their enslavers about the treatment they received from overseers?

They believed this would drive a wedge between the slaveholder and the overseer.

Which of the following are true statements about free Black southerners?

-They were more often of mixed racial ancestry than were enslaved people.
-They were disproportionately female.

Which of the following is a true statement about the free Black population in the pre-Civil War South?

The free Black population was more urban than the enslaved Black population.

Most free Black southerners ______.

farmed or worked in unskilled jobs

Enslaved people were sometimes permitted to ______.

-earn money by plying a trade
-purchase the freedom of another enslaved person

How did the free southern Black population's literacy rate compare to that of the slave population in the South?

The literacy rate among free southern Blacks was higher.

After Nat Turner's Rebellion, free African Americans in the South ______.

faced additional restrictions on their civil and political rights

A free Black southerner would most likely be a ______.


Which group of enslaved people experienced the greatest fluidity between slavery and freedom?


In the 1820s and 1830s, white southerners ______.

became more aggressive in defending the institution of slavery

How did southern religious leaders justify slavery?

They argued that the Bible and Christ did not explicitly prohibit or condemn slavery.

How did southern state legislatures respond to Nat Turner's Rebellion in 1831?

They passed laws restricting the rights of free African Americans.

Why did the Whigs gain support in the South in 1836?

Southern voters felt they could not trust the northern Democratic nominee for president, Martin Van Buren, on the slavery question.

Which event did not influence the way that southerners talked about slavery?

the Panic of 1837

True or false: Southern ministers argued that slavery was condemned by Christ and therefore should be outlawed.


Which of the following could free Black people in the South expect after Nat Turner's Rebellion?

-being required to carry papers certifying their freedom
-being barred from assembling
-being restricted from entering another state

In 1836 the Democrats nominated the northerner ______, whom the Whigs contended could not be counted on to protect slavery.

Martin Van Buren

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