What was the role of routes in exchanging the ideas and commodities since ancient times?

April 23, 2018 9th Class, Social Science 3,887 Views

Question: Write about the size of India.


  1. The land mass of India has an area of 3.28 million (3.28 lakh) square km; which comprises about 2.4% of the total geographical area of the world. India is the seventh largest country in the world.
  2. The land boundary of India is 15,200 km. The coastline of the country is 7,516.6 km; which includes the Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep.
  3. The latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India is about 30°. The time along the Standard Meridian is taken as the Indian Standard Time. The Standard Meridian of India passes through Mirzapur in UP which is located at 82°30’ east. The time lag between Arunachal Pradesh (in the east) and Gujarat (in the west) is about 2 hours. When one moves from south to north, the latitudinal extent influences the duration of day and night.

Question: “India’s land routes have been important since ancient times.” Explain.


  1. India’s contacts with the world have continued through the ages, but her relationships through the land routes are much older than her maritime contacts. The various passes across the mountains in the north have provided passages to the ancient travelers.
  2. These routes have contributed in the exchange of ideas and commodities since ancient times. The ideas of the Upanishads and the Ramayana, the stories of Panchtantra, the Indian numerals and the decimal system thus could reach many parts of the world.
  3. The spices, muslin and other merchandise were taken from India to different countries. On the other hand, the influence of Greek sculpture and the architectural style of dome and minarets from west Asia can be seen in different parts of our country.

Question: What is latitudinal extent of India? How does it influence our lives?

Answer: The latitudinal extent of India is 6°4′ N to 37°6′ N. It influence our lives in the following ways:

  1. The Tropic of Cancer divides the country into two equal parts. Thus, India is situated in tropical and temperature.
  2. The northern part of India has high annual range of temperature whereas the southern part has low annual range of temperature.
  3. The latitudinal extent influences the duration of the day and night as we move from south to north.

Question: What is the ‘Prime Meridian’? What is the other name for it and why?

Answer: The Prime Meridian is the imaginary line used to indicate 0° longitude that passes through Greenwich Meridian because it passes through the place called Greenwich in London.

Question: What role Indian land route play in relationship of India with other countries?

Answer: The Indian land routes are much older than her maritime contacts.

  1. The various passes across the mountains in the north have provided passages to the ancient travelers while the oceans restricted such interaction for a long time.
  2. These routes have contributed in the exchange of ideas and commodities since ancient times. The ideas of the Upanishads and the Ramayana, the stories of Panchtantra,the Indian numerals, and the decimal system thus could reach many parts of the world.
  3. The spices, muslin and other merchandise were taken from India to different countries. On the other hand, the influence of Greek sculpture,and the architectural styles of dome and minarets from West Asia can be seen in different parts of India.

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India’s land routes have been important since ancient times”. Explain.



Hint: As we know that India’s land route has been important from ancient times because the sharing of culture, civilization and economic activities have been accomplished through these land routes. Various foreign invasions have also been denied through land routes which caused stress in India.

Complete answer:
Ancient India was much rich in terms of culture, heritage, civilization as well as economy. Most developed civilizations like Indus valley civilization have its root in India. The land routes to India are from the north western part of India ranging from Hindukush hills. Various learners, philosophers, traders came to India from this route.
During the time of emergence of Buddhism in India various foreigners visited India and learnt the philosophy of Buddhism and Jainism. Fahiyan, Huen Tsang are the names of visitors who took Buddhist text and Philosophy out of India.
The land routes to India worked as a link for exchanging the ideas, culture and civilization.
The ancient accounts like Ramayana, Vedas, Upanishads and medical achievements of Charaka and Shushruta reached to other parts of the world from these land routes.

Therefore, we can say that the land routes to India were important since ancient times.

As we know that land routes to India worked as a link for exchanging the ideas, culture and philosophy of India with the rest of the world. The Vedas, Ramayanas, and the works of Aryabhatta, Charaka, Shushruta were known to the rest of the world and land routes to India worked a lot.

How did the routes have contributed in the exchange of ideas and commodities since ancient times?

The exchange of ideas and commodities between India and the rest of the world since ancient times is due to the fact that passes between the mountains and the sea routes enabled trade and the spread of Indian ideas in the rest of the world.

What was the contribution of land routes in ancient time?

Land routes enabled the expansion of scientific knowledge, important breakthroughs in science, technology, and mathematics were communicated to far across lands through ancient routes. <br> 3. The land routes also helped in the understanding of the cultures and traditions of other nations across the world.

Which commodities were exchanges while trading since ancient times?

indian spices, silk, muslin and various other commodities have been exchanged over countries.

How India's land routes have been important since ancient time?

The land routes to India worked as a link for exchanging the ideas, culture and civilization. The ancient accounts like Ramayana, Vedas, Upanishads and medical achievements of Charaka and Shushruta reached to other parts of the world from these land routes.


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