What was the relationship between the Great War in the Great Migration quizlet?

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True or False The so-called Arabic Pledge involved Wilson's stand to stop North Africa's fall into chaos during the war.


Which of the following occurred when news of the European war first reached the United States?

President Wilson immediately called on Congress to build up American military strength and begin the conscription of young male soldiers.

Most old-line Americans were sympathetic to the Central Powers, so Wilson worried he would not have enough support to declare war and join the Allies.

Irish Americans became the group that most leaned toward supporting the Allies, and for this reason, Wilson felt confident in joining the Allies' side.

Wilson publically promoted neutrality while privately ensuring that the United States would help provide supplies to the Allies.

John J. Pershing was already on his way with tens of thousands of troops, as Wilson had already signed a pact with Great Britain and France.

Wilson publically promoted neutrality while privately ensuring that the United States would help provide supplies to the Allies.

True or False Woodrow Wilson was careful to build Republican, as well as Democratic, support for his peace plan.


Which of the following was recommended to Wilson as a Fifteenth Point but went ignored?
freedom of the seas"

national self-determination

the creation of a "league" of nations

an end to racial discrimination

military disarmament

an end to racial discrimination

What was the relationship between the Great War and the Great Migration?
Due to the increased opportunities for African Americans during wartime, race riots and other violent altercations ceased as civilians focused on the war effort.

Because a large number of immigrants were entering the United States, many as refugees, the war effort tripled in size and American industry was forever transformed.

Due to mobilization for the war, employment efforts led by northern businesses were directed at African Americans as well as whites for the first time, causing many to move north.

Because Mexican Americans were forbidden from enlisting in the military, many of them pursued jobs in urban areas

Because many American soldiers continued to find excitement and have positive experiences fighting in Europe, a large number decided to remain there after the war ended.

Due to mobilization for the war, employment efforts led by northern businesses were directed at African Americans as well as whites for the first time, causing many to move north.

Which of the following describes the experience of most soldiers fighting in France during the Great War?
They had to be very mobile because the battlefront changed radically from week to week, transitioning back and forth between the Western Front and Eastern Front.

They fought a war of attrition often in miserable conditions, suffering massive artillery attacks and then facing enemy fire to seize well-protected trenches.

They fought small-scale battles that afforded them chances to display individual bravery and courage and used weapons that had been available for centuries in new ways.

They fought much as their great-grandfathers had during the nineteenth century: in tightly packed formations, shooting volleys into the ranks of the enemy.

They fought a guerilla war because after Germany invaded and captured Paris, French resistance fighters formed partisan bands that harassed their occupiers.

They fought a war of attrition often in miserable conditions, suffering massive artillery attacks and then facing enemy fire to seize well-protected trenches.

What is the significance of the interception of the Zimmermann telegram?
It showed that Germany had no interest in collaborating with Mexico and thereby strengthened the trust between the United States and Mexico.

It announced Germany's decision to wage unrestricted submarine warfare and caused angered Americans to call for war.

It announced the addition of three countries to the Central Powers, leading the United States to stall entering the war.

It caused the United States to break diplomatic relations with Germany and begin sending supplies to the Allies.

It announced Germany's decision to wage unrestricted submarine warfare and caused angered Americans to call for war.

What was President Wilson's immediate response to the sinking of the Lusitania?
to follow Theodore Roosevelt's advice and declare war on Germany right away

to abandon any hopes of peace talks with Germany and refuse to send diplomats

to promote Williams Jennings Bryan in his cabinet and give him greater control of the war effort

to take a pro-British stance and dismiss German claims that the ship carried rifles and ammunition

to request that Congress vote on whether to formally enter the Great War then and there

to take a pro-British stance and dismiss German claims that the ship carried rifles and ammunition

What was the purpose of the Committee on Public Information?
to combat the growing presence of communism in the United States following the end of the Great War and to make it less likely to emerge in other countries

to form a prewar public information network, which was discontinued after the United States entered the war due to funding problems

to provide a nonpartisan and independent source for Americans to find information about the causes of the war and the nations involved in the fight

to pursue propaganda and shape public perceptions about the war to generate support for the American war effort

to organize dissent against American involvement in the war by highlighting the atrocities committed by both sides before 1917

to pursue propaganda and shape public perceptions about the war to generate support for the American war effort

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Immigration Act of 1917?
It made it much easier for immigrants to enter the United States because the government was desperate for men to join the American war effort.

It repealed and sought to make amends for the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act by allowing for unprecedented numbers of Chinese immigrants.

It was the first widely restrictive immigration law and included requirements for a literacy test and an increased "head tax" upon arriving to the United States.

It made it far more difficult for individuals from the Philippines to immigrate to the United States because the Philippines was no longer a U.S. colony.

Its greatest opposition came from labor unions who were desperate for the arrival of more workers, and its greatest support came from Wilson.

It was the first widely restrictive immigration law and included requirements for a literacy test and an increased "head tax" upon arriving to the United States.

What was the significance of the ship Lusitania?
It was a German ship that was sunk by the British early in the war, signaling the turning tide of the war and convincing Americans they could count on the Allies winning.

It was one of the most formidable battleships in the British navy that sunk during one of the earliest and largest battles during the war, causing the United States to delay entering the war.

It was a British passenger ship secretly carrying ammunition, and its sinking by German U-boats caused many civilian deaths, including those of Americans, and sparked an outcry in the United States.

It was the only passenger ship attacked during the war, resulting in Germany honoring the wartime custom of stopping an enemy vessel and allowing passengers to escape before sinking it.

Its sinking was a victory for the United States and caused Wilson to slow efforts to strengthen the army and the navy so that he could attend to other pressing economic issues for the time being.

It was a British passenger ship secretly carrying ammunition, and its sinking by German U-boats caused many civilian deaths, including those of Americans, and sparked an outcry in the United States.

Which of the following led to the Great War?
the refusal of German leaders to become militaristic and honor their alliances when conflict in western Europe first erupted

the sudden dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the rise of a Serbian Empire that soon took its place

Germany's continued reliance on the United States and Britain for all steel production and related products

Wilson's eagerness to enter the war immediately to take advantage of the many nations who had decided to give up their colonial empires

rivalries in Europe driven by hypernationalism, racist beliefs, imperial competition over foreign colonies, and a desire for military supremacy

rivalries in Europe driven by hypernationalism, racist beliefs, imperial competition over foreign colonies, and a desire for military supremacy

Which of the following was an effect of the Great War?
the introduction of Europe's self-image as the center of civilized Western culture

the rise of the United States as the world's dominant power

the decline of Soviet communism as a force impacting other countries

the decades-long delay of American consumerism and economic prosperity

a tight alliance between the United States, Austria, and Germany

the rise of the United States as the world's dominant power

Which of the following contributed to the Red Scare of 1919-1920?
the failure of the Justice Department to establish any sort of General Intelligence Division to collect information on radicals in the United States and to promote public safety

the tremendous growth and pro-First World War sentiment of the Socialist party in the United States throughout the duration of the war

the violent actions of militants in the United States and the belief that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia had spread to the United States, causing the wave of labor strikes and race riots

the dissolving of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the rise of a provisional government in its place that sought to entirely undo communism

the support that the United States had given to the Central Powers throughout the war, which included Russia and its allies

the violent actions of militants in the United States and the belief that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia had spread to the United States, causing the wave of labor strikes and race riots

Which of the following was a result of Wilson's campaign to win public support for the Treaty of Versailles?
His health failed, leading him to be bedridden for months, which inspired sympathy for his position and the official passage of the treaty.

He won enough support to reach a compromise over a slightly revised treaty known as the Fourteen Points.

He faced the least opposition from Henry Cabot Lodge, who refused to make any changes to the treaty.

He successfully pressured senators to pass the treaty without revisions and built a much closer relationship between the United States and Germany.

His failing health after a stroke, his refusal to compromise, and his alienation of Republican senators ultimately caused the treaty to fail to pass.

His failing health after a stroke, his refusal to compromise, and his alienation of Republican senators ultimately caused the treaty to fail to pass.

Which of the following is true of the congressional resolution for war?
It came quickly in response to the sinking of the Lusitania.
It was unanimous.

It was divided strictly along party lines.

It passed overwhelmingly.

It eliminated Wilson's doubts regarding entering the war.

It passed overwhelmingly.

For violating the Espionage Act, Socialist leader Eugene Debs
received a ten-year prison term.
was acquitted.
was banned from future presidential campaigns.
renounced socialism.
was deported.

received a ten-year prison term.

How did Wilson justify the war to Congress during one of his famous speeches?
He described it as a war to save capitalism.

He described it as a war to make the world safe for democracy.

He described it as a war against Nazism and fascism.

He described it as a war to expand the American empire.

He described it as necessary despite Congress's lack of enthusiasm.

He described it as a war to make the world safe for democracy.

True or False During the presidential election of 1916, Republicans used the slogan "He kept us out of war" to discredit Wilson.


True or False On both sides of the Great War, many soldiers experienced "shell shock," now known as post-traumatic stress disorder, due to the experience of trench warfare.


What was the relationship between the Great War and Great Migration?

Arguably the most profound effect of World War I on African Americans was the acceleration of the multi-decade mass movement of black, southern rural farm laborers northward and westward to cities in search of higher wages in industrial jobs and better social and political opportunities.

How did World War 1 affect the Great Migration quizlet?

How did World War I affect the Great Migration? African Americans were no longer needed on farms in the South. African American workers abandoned factory jobs in the North for higher-paying agricultural jobs in the South. Factory workers left their jobs to fight in the war, creating a labor shortage in urban areas.

What was the cause of the Great Migration quizlet?

Why did the Great Migration occur? It occurred because African Americans were not content with the way they were treated in the south. They wanted to get away from sharecropping, wanted better job opportunities, and just wanted a better life.

What effect did the Great War have on the lives of American woman quizlet?

What effect did the Great War have on the lives of American women? Due to the large number of men in the armed forces, women were encouraged, as the scope of the war widened until the end of the war, to take jobs that had been held primarily by men.


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