What is the term used to describe how people relate to one another and influence each others behavior?

Sociology is the study of human society and social behavior.  It is, to put in simply, the study of what we do, how we do it, and why we do it.  It is a subject that involves the study of a wide variety of topics from social rules and groups to religious cults and social issues like crime and poverty. 


Social Interaction is how people relate to one another in different social situations and influence each other's behavior. People interact with each other in a wide variety of ways - from talking, to texting, to e-mails, and in crowds and groups.

 Social Phenomenaare observable (can be seen and studied) facts or events that involve human society.   An example is the recent craze over the Twilight Movies.  Huge crowds of enthusiastic young people read the books, watch the films, and go "crazy" over the fims' stars.  Why do they do this?  It's just a story, right?  There are countless other social phenomena that can be observed and studied!

The Social Sciencesare the disciplines (subjects) that involve the study of human behavior using scientific methods. The social sciences include history, anthropology, psychology, political science, and economics.  Sociology is a social science that often involves the use of one or more of the other social sciences to understand social phenomena.  For example, we will study the Hippie counterculture of the 1960s by learning about their history - focusing on the famous Woodstock Festival held in August of 1969. 

Psychology - the study of individual behavior and mental processes.  In Sociology, psychology is often used to understand why individuals in groups or social situations act the way they do.

In 2015, Dylan Roof joined a Bible study at a church in Charleston, S.C., then proceeded to pull out a gun and shoot 9 African-Americans in cold blood.  Why did he do this?  What made him hate black people so much?

How could he show no remorse for his horrible crimes?  All these questions have to do with studying the psychology of an individual - something that sociologists often do in order to understand a social issues or problem like racism and hate.  

EXAMPLE:  Psychology can be used to understand why a particular person - like Dylan Roof -  is prejudiced against members of a different racial group. 

History - the study of past events.  Sociologists often study past events to learn about social phenomenon.  

The Beatles' appearance on the nationally televised Ed Sullivan show in 1964 began their rapid rise to fame in the U.S. and helped to spark "Beatlemania."   

EXAMPLE:  Sociologists study the Beatles to learn about their  influence on American culture during the 1960s. 

Economics -  the study of how people make choices to satisfy their needs and wants. 

The racist reaction to Chinese immigrants in the U.S. during the late 1800s was sparked, largely, by a fear that the Chinese would take jobs away from Americans.  

EXAMPLE:   Conflicts between different racial or cultural groups can often be caused or made worse due to competition for scarce resources like jobs or education.

Anthropology - the study of present and past cultures. 

Teenage girls in the 1950s dressed and acted much differently from their mothers and other adults.  The specific things that teenagers do and how they do them would be of interest to an anthropologist.  

EXAMPLE:  American teenagers have their own ways of dressing, talking, socializing, and thinking about the world. 

Political Science -  the study of governments and government systems.

The programs used in each state to fight child poverty would be-related to political science.  

EXAMPLE:  Governments often pass laws that affect people in society - like laws to provide jobs or financial aid to homeless people.

The Sociological Perspectiveis how you use your knowledge of sociology to understand social life.  For example, if you want to understand street gangs, you will have to use sociology.  Many people think that gangs are just a bunch of hoodlums who sell drugs and shoot each other in the streets.   Gangs are much more complicated than that.  This is where the sociological perspective comes in, 

     What kinds of young people join gangs and why?  What social problems are caused or made worse by gang activity?  When and where did the first street gangs form?  Why were they formed?  What historical events have caused the gang problem to grow?  These are the kinds of questions one would ask when using the sociological perspective to understand a current issue like gangs.   

 * Basically, using any or all of the 5 social sciences or 3 Sociological Perspectives to understand a certain social phenomena is using the Sociological Perspective!  

The Sociological Imagination is how we learn to see ourselves within a larger social and historical context. That is, you learn to see that you are part of U.S. society on many different levels.  For example, you are teenagers -- so you belong to one of the largest and most influential subcultures in the whole world!  No kidding!  Also, you are connected to many others through social relationships, groups, internet networks, and family connections.   In short, YOU are part of the society we are studying!  So, with that in mind, we will learn many terms and concepts that you can use to understand your own lives!

The Three Main Perspective of Sociology

    The three perspectives are simply three different approaches that can be used to explain social phenomena and/or social behavior.  All three can be used to explain the same thing from three different "perspectives" of viewpoints.  For example, all three can be used to explain street gangs in American cities or racial prejudice. 

Functionalist PerspectiveThe sociological perspectives are simply different "angles" used to study different social phenomena.  The functionalist perspective focuses on the functions of things like the family, religion, education, prisons, teenage cliques, and high schools.  What purpose do these things serve in society?   What are the positive and negative functions of each?  How do these things operate and help to hold society together? 

Manifest Functionthe intended function.  For example, the intended function of a high school is to educate students by giving them the knowledge and skills they need to become productive citizens.   The manifest functions of a prison include protecting society from dangerous criminals and helping prisoners to become rehabilitated so they can rejoin society.

 Latent Functionunintended functions.  High schools are intended to educate students, but sometimes they have functions other than that.  For instance, high schools help students how to interact with others - adults (teachers/coaches) and students from a variety of social and cultural backgrounds.  In high school students may form friendships that last for many years.  They may learn social skills to help them deal with other people in their jobs or careers. 

Dysfunctionnegative function.   Sometimes functions can be negative or even harmful.  For example, sometimes high schools be places where students engage in illegal activities such as drug use or join together in cliques that exclude or even pick on other students.   A dysfunction of a prison could be that it helps criminals learn new and more dangerous criminal behaviors. 

The Conflict Perspective is used when trying to understand how and why conflicts exist in society.  Why do these conflict exist?  How do they promote competition and change in society?  Social conflict can range from political protest to violent acts carried out against members of a certain group.   What kinds of conflicts exist in society today? 

The recent "Occupy Wall Street" protests in New York City were inspired by the idea that a small percentage of businessmen and investors (1%) control most of the wealth in the U.S.   The protesters want this to somehow be changed so that the majority of Americans (99%) have a more equal opportunity for jobs and wealth.   Conflict between racial groups is sometimes the result of competition for jobs, education, or some other scarce resource.  

The Internationist Perspective is used to focus on the different ways that people interact with each other in everyday situations.  How do family members interact with each other?  How do people interact in public places - like Wal-Mart or at the mall?  What rules does society have related to social interaction?    

What is the term used to describe how people relate to one another and influence each other's behavior?

Social interaction: how people relate to one another and influence each other's behavior. Sociologists focus on the group rather than on the individual. Social phenomena: observable facts or events that involve human society.

What is the name of the interaction between people that takes place through the use of symbols?

Symbolic interactionism is a micro-level theory that focuses on meanings attached to human interaction, both verbal and non-verbal, and to symbols. Communication—the exchange of meaning through language and symbols—is believed to be the way in which people make sense of their social worlds.

What are individuals and groups that influence our orientation to life called?

Human beings learn how to think, behave, and act through agents of socialization—those people or groups that influence our self-concept, attitudes, behaviors, or other orientations toward life. Major agents of socialization include the family, religion, daycare, school, peer groups, sports, and the workplace.

What is the name of the social science that focuses on individual personality?

Personality psychology focuses on individual traits, characteristics, and thoughts. Social psychology is focused on situations. Social psychologists are interested in the impact that the social environment and group interactions have on attitudes and behaviors.


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