What is the name of a state tax levied on a natural resource taken from the earth?

Climate change is the greatest environmental threat we face as human beings. The global average temperature has already risen by 1.1 °C since pre-industrial times, and if the Paris Agreement target - to keep the increase below 2 °C and try to limit it to 1.5 °C - is not met, the consequences could be catastrophic. We therefore need, to reduce the emission of green house gas globally and international bodies such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), environmental organisations and many economists agree that a key tool for fighting climate change is environmental taxation.


According to the statistical framework developed jointly in 1997 by Eurostat, the European Commission, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the International Energy Agency (IEA), environmental taxes are "those whose tax base consists of a physical unit (or similar) of some material that has a negative, verified and specific impact on the environment".

In an unregulated scenario, a company could manufacture a product in a polluting way without considering its impact on the planet's health or that of the environment. This is what is known in economics as externality. The purpose of green taxes is to make polluters pay in accordance with the 'polluter pays' principle, with the price reflecting the cost of these externalities.


There is almost total unanimity when it comes to pointing to environmental taxation as a key tool for moving towards a decarbonized economy that favours sustainable development. Among the main benefits that justify the existence of these taxes, the following stand out:

  They internalize the negative externalities.

  They promote energy saving and the use of renewable sources.

  They discourage anti-ecological behaviour.

  They motivate companies to innovate in sustainability.

  They generate revenue for governments, allowing other taxes to be lowered or environmental projects to be carried out.

  They protect the environment.

The IMF has proposed that the countries that emit the most greenhouse gases establish a tax on CO2 emissions. According to this organization, this rate would have to be USD 75/ 68 Euros per ton in 2030.

he agency maintains that this rate will impact, mainly, in the use of coal to generate electricity. This type of tax seeks to shift more polluting forms of energy in favour of less polluting ones, such as renewables.

The ideal situation for environmental taxation is what is known as the double dividend hypothesis. Contrary to the prejudice that environmental taxes burden the economy, a scenario in which the rise in these taxes would be compensated by a reduction in taxes on labour, capital or consumption would result in a double benefit: an improvement in the environmental quality and efficiency of the economic system.


Each country has its own design regarding environmental taxes. In spite of this, at the international level the main taxable facts with environmental interest are:

  The emissions of nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) which are produced, above all, by combustion vehicles.

  The emissions of sulpher dioxide (SO2) —the main cause of acid rain—especially produced by the combustion of petroleum products and the burning of coal.

  Waste management (domestic, commercials, industrials, construction, etc).

  The noise made by the take-off and landing of aircraft.

  Energy products (petrol, diesel, natural gas, coal, electricity generation from fuels, etc.) which generate CO2 emissions when burned.

  Sources of water pollution (pesticides, artificial fertilizers, acids, etc).

  Earth manipulation and the extraction and use of natural resources.

  The emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2).

  Products that reduce the ozone layer.

Transport (polluting vehicle registration, use, import or sales).

In terms of industries, the one most affected by environmental taxation is energy. According to Eurostat, in 2020 energy taxes in the European Union (EU) accounted for more than three-quarters of total environmental tax revenues (77.2% of the total), well ahead of taxes on transport (19.1%) and on pollution and resources (3.7%). 

What is an excise tax also known as and what is it levied on quizlet?

excise tax. a tax charged on each unit of a good or service that is sold. Also known as "sin taxes"

Who owns natural resources in the United States?

Ownership. Private individuals and corporations, as well as federal, state, local, and Native American governments, can own land and the oil, gas, coal, and other minerals found below the surface.

What is a type of nontax revenue in the state of Texas?

The full reports can be found at comptroller.texas.gov/transparency/reports. The state's major non-tax revenue sources are federal income, fees and licenses, state health-related fees and rebates, state lottery proceeds, land income and proceeds from the state's investments. Texas does not collect a state property tax.

What is the use of natural resources for profit?

Commercial natural resources can be important sources of profit and foreign exchange. Rents on non-renewable, renewable, and potentially sustainable resources can be used to finance investments in other forms of wealth.


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