What is created when values are entered on the same criteria row of the design grid?

Chapter 14: Creating an Access Database and Running Queries


Aggregate functions Calculations such as MIN, MAX, AVG, and SUM that are performed on a group of records.
Append To add on to the end of an object—for example, to add records to the end of an existing table.
AND condition A compound criteria used to display records that match all parts of the specified criteria.
AutoNumber data type A data type that describes a unique sequential or random number assigned by Access as each record is entered and that is useful for data that has no distinct field that can be considered unique.
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Best Fit An Access command that adjusts the width of a column to accommodate the column’s longest entry.
Blank database A database that has no data and has no database objects—you must create the data and the objects as you need them.
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Calculated field A field that displays the value of a mathematical operation.
Caption A property setting that displays a name for a field in a table, query, form, or report other than that listed as the field name.
Common field A field in one or more tables that stores the same data.
Comparison operators Symbols used to determine if the value in a field is the same (=), greater than (>), less than (<), or in between a range of values as specified by the criteria.
Compound criteria Multiple conditions in a query or filter.
Criteria Conditions in a query that identify the specific records for which you are looking.
Currency data type An Access data type that describes monetary values and numeric data that can be used in mathematical calculations involving data with one to four decimal places.
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Data Facts about people, events, things, or ideas.
Data source The table or tables from which a form, query, or report retrieves its data.
Data type The characteristic that defines the kind of data that can be entered into a field, such as numbers, text, or dates.
Database An organized collection of facts about people, events, things, or ideas related to a specific topic or purpose.
Database management system Database software that controls how related collections of data are stored, organized, retrieved, and secured; also known as a DBMS.
Database template A preformatted database designed for a specific purpose.
Datasheet view The Access view that displays data organized in columns and rows similar to an Excel worksheet.
DBMS An acronym for database management system.
Design grid The lower area of the Query window that displays the design of the query.
Design view The Access view that displays the underlying structure or design of an object—the data is not displayed.
Destination table The table to which you import or append data.
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Export Copy data from one file into another file.
Expression A combination of functions, field values, constants, and operators that produce a result.
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Field A single piece of data that is stored in every record and formatted as a column in a database table.
Field list A list of the field names in a table.
Field properties Characteristics of a field that control how the field displays and how data can be entered in the field.
First principle of good database design A principle of good database design stating that data is organized in tables so that there is no redundant data.
Flat database A simple database file that is not related or linked to any other collection of data.
Foreign key The field that is included in the related table so that the field can be joined with the primary key in another table for the purpose of creating a relationship.
Form A database object used to enter data, edit data, or display data from a table or query.
Form view The Access view in which you can view the records but you cannot change the layout or design of the form.
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Import The process of copying data from another file, such as a Word table or an Excel workbook, into a separate file, such as an Access database.
Information Data that is organized in a useful manner.
Is Not Null A criteria that searches for fields that are not empty.
Is Null A criteria that searches for fields that are empty.
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Join line In the Relationships window, the line joining two tables that visually indicates the related field and the type of relationship.
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Layout view The Access view in which you can make changes to a form or to a report while the object is open.
Link A connection to data in another file.
Logical operators Operators that combine criteria by using AND and OR; with two criteria, AND requires that both conditions be met, and OR requires that either condition be met for a record to be displayed in query results.
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Message Bar The area directly below the ribbon that displays information such as security alerts when there is potentially unsafe, active content in an Office 2010 document that you open.
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Navigation area An area at the bottom of the Access window that indicates the number of records in the table and that contains controls (arrows) with which you can navigate among the records.
Navigation Pane An area of the Access window that displays and organizes the names of the objects in a database; from here, you open objects for use.
Normalization The process of applying design rules and principles to ensure that your database performs as expected.
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Object window An area of the Access window that displays open objects, such as tables, forms, queries, or reports; by default, each object displays on its own tab.
Objects The basic parts of a database that you create to store your data and to work with your data—for example, tables, forms, queries, and reports.
One-to-many relationship A relationship between two tables where one record in the first table corresponds to many records in the second table—the most common type of relationship in Access.
OR condition A compound criteria used to display records that match at least one of the specified criteria.
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Primary key The field that uniquely identifies a record in a table—for example, a Student ID number at a college.
Property Sheet A list of characteristics—properties—for fields or controls on a form, query, or report in which you can make precise changes to each property associated with the field or control.
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Query A database object that retrieves specific data from one or more database objects—either tables or other queries—and then, in a single datasheet, displays only the data you specify.
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Record All of the categories of data pertaining to one person, place, thing, event, or idea and that is formatted as a row in a database table.
Record selector bar The bar at the left edge of a record when it is displayed in a form and that is used to select an entire record.
Record selector box The small box at the left of a record in Datasheet view that, when clicked, selects the entire record.
Redundant In a database, information that is repeated in a manner that indicates poor database design.
Referential integrity A set of rules that Access uses to ensure that the data between related tables is valid.
Relational database A sophisticated type of database that has multiple collections of data within the file that are related to one another.
Relationship An association that you establish between two tables based on a common field.
Report A database object that displays the fields and records from a table or query in an easy-to-read format suitable for printing.
Run The process in which Access searches the records in the data source included in the query design, finds the records that match the specified criteria, and then displays the records in a datasheet; only the fields that have been included in the query design display.
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Second principle of good database design A principle stating that appropriate database techniques are used to ensure the accuracy of data entered into a table.
Secure environment A system that uses controlled servers.
Select query A type of Access query that retrieves (selects) data from one or more tables or queries, displaying the selected data in a datasheet; also known as a simple select query.
Servers Computers that provide services on a network such as an email server or a file server.
SharePoint An application for setting up websites to share and manage documents.
Short Text data type An Access data type that describes text, a combination of text and numbers, or numbers that are not used in calculations, such as a number that is an identifier like a Customer ID.
Simple select query Another name for a select query.
Sorting The process of arranging data in a specific order based on the value in a field.
Source file When importing a file, refers to the file being imported.
Structure In Access, the underlying design of a table, including field names, data types, descriptions, and field properties.
Subdatasheet A format for displaying related records when you click the plus sign (+) next to a record in a table on the one side of a relationship.
Subset A portion of the total records available.
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Table The database object that stores data organized in an arrangement of columns and rows and that is the foundation of an Access database.
Table area The upper area of the Query window that displays field lists for the tables that are used in the query.
Text string A sequence of characters.
Truncated Refers to data that is cut off or shortened.
Trust Center An area of the Access program where you can view the security and privacy settings for your Access installation.
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Wizard A feature in Microsoft Office that walks you step by step through a process.
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Which of the following functions counts the number of records that have a value in the field?

The COUNT function counts the number of cells that contain numbers, and counts numbers within the list of arguments. Use the COUNT function to get the number of entries in a number field that is in a range or array of numbers.

Which of the following is used to locate data in a database?

Queries. Queries can perform many different functions in a database. Their most common function is to retrieve specific data from the tables.

Which of the following keyboard shortcuts opens the Expression Builder?

or press CTRL+F2. Tip If you see the word expression in a menu, you can click it to start the Expression Builder.

Which of the following is the most common type of query?

Select queries are the most common, and you will use them to select or extract specified data from your tables. A parameter query is a type of select query that asks you to input the criteria you want used to extract data.


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