What do you call the ability of everyone to do his her daily task efficiently and comfortably without experiencing fatigue and have some reserves in emergency?


It is Physical Fitness.

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness refers to the capacity or capability of an individual person to perform his or her daily tasks without experiencing undue fatigue. Physical fitness can also be used as a measurement tool in order to asses the ability of the body to function efficiently and effective in performing work or leisure activities.

Physical fitness is important since it enables us to be become productive individuals. If someone is weak or has an unhealthy lifestyle, the activities he or she can do would be limited.

Achieving physical fitness

Over the past years, ordinary people and doctors have continuously updated and innovated various physical fitness programs to accommodate the needs of various people. They came up with different programs for the following:

  • Children
  • Underweight individuals
  • Overweight individuals
  • Adults
  • Old people

Some of the ways of achieving physical fitness include:

  1. Regular exercise
  2. Proper diet
  3. Taking food supplements
  4. Regular check ups

Regular exercise

Doing a 30-minute jog or walk around the neighborhood does a big favor to your body. It regulates blood flows in the heart and other important body organs. You can also go to gym and do some cardiovascular exercises there.

Proper diet

Regular exercise partnered with proper diet is the way to go towards achieving physical fitness. Observe your intake of foods and reduce fatty, oily or similar kinds of foods. Start eating vegetables and fruits

Taking food  supplements

On the times that you are unable to follow your strict diet, taking supplements would help provide the missing nutrients that your body needs.

Regular check-ups

Lastly, consult a doctor to have yourself evaluated. Doctors will check your vital organs to find any hidden illnesses that you might have unconsciously acquired.

Refer to the following links for additional information on:

Meaning of obese/obesity


Components of physical fitness


Importance of exercise


Is the ability of a person to perform his or her daily tasks and still have reserve energy in case of an emergency?

Physical Fitness – the ability to carry out daily tasks easily and have enough reserve energy to respond to unexpected demands.

Is physical fitness the ability to carry out daily tasks without fatigue?

Physical fitness can be defined as the “ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies” (Park 1989).

What is physical fitness quizlet?

Physical Fitness is the ability to participate in everyday physical activities with efficiency and energy. Physical fitness contributes positively to physical, mental and social health.


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