What are the two basic factors that influence a persons power in an organization quizlet?


____ the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers towards goal achievement

-this direction can affect followers interpretation of events, the organization of their work activities, their commitment to key goals, their relationships with other followers, and their access to cooperation and support from other work units


this is the ability to influence the behavior of others and resist unwanted influence in return

-just because a person has the ability to influence others doesnt mean they will actually choose to do so
-in addition to influencing others, this can be seen as the ability to resist the influence attempt of others (ex. voicing of a dissenting opinion, refusal to preform specific behaviors, or the organization of an opposing group of coworkers


-sometimes leaders need to ___ the influence of other leaders or higher ups to do whats best for their own unit

-while other times leaders will need to ___ (same word) the influence of their own employees to avoid being a "pushover" when employees try to go their own way

organizational and personal

the 2 dimensions and 5 types of power are as follows:

-legitimate, reward, and coercive

2. _____
-expert and referent


_____ power

-this derives primarily from a person's position within the organization

3 types: legitimate, reward, and coercive


(a type of organizational power)
_____ power

-derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred to as "formal authority"
-these people have some title (some term on a organizational chart that says "look, im supposed to have influence over you")
-those with this power have the understood right to ask others to do things considered within the scope of their authority

ex. manager asks employee to stay late to work on a project, work on one task instead of another, or work faster

NOT within scope= asking employee to mow their law

(usually higher in the organization=more of this power)


(a type of organizational power)
____ power

-this exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person want
-those with this power have the ability to influence others if those being influenced believe they will get the rewards by behaving in a certain way

ex. managers typically have control over raises, performance evaluations, awards, and more desirable job assignments, and the resources an employee might require to perform a job effectively


(a type of organizational power)
____ power

-this exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization
-operates primarily on the principle of fear
-exists when one person believes that another has the ability to punish him/her and is willing to use that power

ex. a manager might have the right to fire, demote, suspend, or lower the pay of an employee

(generally regarded as a poor form of power to use regularly, because it tends to result in negative feelings to those that wield it)


____ power
-power that captures "something else"

2 types: expert and referent


(a type of personal power)
___ power

-derives from a persons expertise, skill, or knowledge on which others depend
-when people have a track record of high performance, the ability to solve problems, or specific knowledge thats necessary to accomplish tasks, theyre more likely to be able to influence other people who need that expertise

(huge player in the Silicon Valley where its widely perceived as that the best leaders are those with this expertise skill)


(a type of personal power)
___ power

-exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person
-this desire is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual

ex. Angelina Jolie, Peyton Manning, JJ Watt all possess high levels of this power b/c others want to emulate them
-the same could be said of leaders in an organization who possess a good reputation, attractive personal qualities, or a certain level of charisma

ex. Sheryl Sandberg Facebook COO, the people who surround her have always noticed her "presence" when she walks into a room


it is possible for a person to possess ___ all of the forms of power at the same time


___ forms of power are more strongly related to organizational commitment and job performance than organizational forms

legitimate power

guidelines for ___ ___:

-make polite, clear requests
-explain the reason for the request
-dont exceed your scope of authority
-follow up to verify compliance
-insist on compliance if appropriate

reward power

guidelines for ___ ___:

-offer the types of rewards people desire
-offer rewards that are fair and ethical
-dont promise more than you can deliver
-explain the criteria for giving rewards and keep it simple
-provide rewards as promised if requirements are met
-dont use rewards in a manipulative fashion

coercive power

guidelines for ___ ___:

-explain the rules and requirements and ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations
-respond to infractions promptly and without favoritism
-investigate to get the facts before follow through
-provide ample warnings
-use punishments that are legitimate, fair, and commensurate with the seriousness of noncompliance

expert power

guidelines for ___ ___:

-explain the reasons for a request and why its important
-provide evidence that a proposal will be successful
-dont make rash, careless, or inconsistent statements
-dont exaggerate or misrep the facts
-listen seriously to the persons concerns and suggestions
-act confidently and decisively in a crisis

referent power

guidelines for ___ ___:

-show acceptance and positive regard
-act supportive and helpful
-use sincere forms of ingratiation
-defend and back up people when appropriate
-do unsolicited favors
-make self sacrifices to show concern
-keep promises

contingency factors

____ ___ of power

-factors which effect the strength of a persons ability to use power to influence others

ex. a person can have high levels of personal and referent power but if he/she works alone and performs task that nobody sees, the ability to influence others is greatly reduced

4 types:
1. substitutability
2. centrality
3. discretion
4. visibility


(a contingency of power)

-this is the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources
-leaders that control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence


(a contingency of power)

-the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own
-if managers are forced to follow organizational policies and rules, their ability to influence others is reduced


(a contingency of power)

-this represents how important a persons job is and how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks
-leaders who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a greater ability to use their power to influence others


(a contingency of power)

-this is how aware others are of a leaders power and position
-if everyone knows that a leader has a certain level of power, the ability to use that power to influence others is likely to be high


having power increases our ____ to influence behavior, it doesnt mean that we will use or exert that power


_____ is the use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others

2 important aspects:

1. this can be directional
-most frequently occurs downward (managers doing this to employees)
-also can be lateral (peers doing this for peers)
-or upward (employees influencing managers)

2. this is all relative
-absolute power of the "influencer" and "influencee" isnt as important as the disparity between them

influence tactics

leaders depend on a # of tactics to cause behavioral and attitudinal changes in others this is called ____ ____

10 types:
4 most effective-rational persuasion, consultation, inspirational appeals, collaboration
4 moderately effective- ingratiation, personal appeals, exchange, apprising
2 least effective- pressure and coalitions

most effective

the 4 ___ ___ influence tactics are:

-rational persuasion
-inspirational appeals

moderately effective

the 4 _____ ____ influence tactics are:

-personal appeals

least effective

the 2 ____ ___ influence tactics are:


rational persuasion

(A type of most effective influence tactic)

-the use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that the request is a worthwhile one
-most effective when it helps show that the proposal is important and feasible
-important because its the only tactic thats consistently successful in the case of upward influence

ex. CEO Larry Page of Google would walk around the engineers and see a product being developed and sometimes would say "oh i dont like that" but the engineers would get some data to back up their idea, and the amazing thing was that Larry was fine to be wrong. As long as the data supported them he was fine with it. (Also was a huge morale booster for the engineer)

inspirational appeal

(A type of most effective influence tactic)

-this is a tactic designed to appeal to the targets values and ideals thereby creating an emotional or attitudinal reaction
-to use this effectively leaders must have insight into what kinds of things are important to the target


(A type of most effective influence tactic)

-this occurs that the target is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a request
-this tactic increase commitment from the target, who now has a stake in seeing what his/her opinions are valued


(A type of most effective influence tactic)

-a leader uses this by attempting to make it easier for the target to complete the request
-could involve the leader helping complete the task, providing required resources, or removing obstacles that make task completion difficult


(a type of moderately effective tactic)

-the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the influencer
-also referred to as "sucking up", especially when used as a long term strategy and not nearly as effective when used immediately prior to making an influence attempt

personal appeals

(a type of moderately effective tactic)

-this occurs when the requestor asks for something based on personal friendship or loyalty
-the stronger the friendship, the more successful the attempt is likely to be

exchange tactic

(a type of moderately effective tactic)

-this is used when the requestor offers a reward or resource to the target in return for performing a request
-this type of request requires that the requestor have something of value to offer


(a type of moderately effective tactic)

-occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing the request will benefit the target personally
-it differs from rational persuasion in that is focuses solely on the benefit to the target as opposed to simple logic or benefits to the group or organization
-it differs from exchange, in that the benefit is not necessarily something that the requestor gives to the target but rather something that results from the action


(a type of least effective tactic-although doesnt mean they arent used or cant be effective at times)

-the use of coercive power through threats and demands
-coercion is a poor way to influence others and may only bring benefits over the short term


(a type of least effective tactic-although doesnt mean they arent used or cant be effective at times)

-occurs when the influence enlists other people to help influence the target
-these people can be peers, subordinates, or one of the targets superiors
-generally used in combo with one of the other tactics

ex. if rational persuasion isnt strong enough, the influencer might bring in another person to show that that person agrees with the logic of the argument

influence tactics

2 points to be notes about ___ ___

1. these tend to be most successful when used in combination
-many tactics have some limitations or weaknesses that can be overcome using other tactics

2. these that tend to be most successful are "softer" in nature
-rational persuasion, consultation, inspirational appeals and collaboration take advantage of personal rather than organizational forms of power
-leaders that are most effective at influencing others will generally rely on the softer tactics, make appropriate requests, and ensure the tactics they use match the types of power they have


_____ to influence tactics

3 types:
1. internalization (most effective)
2. compliance
3. resistance (least effective)


(a response to influence tactics)

-most effective
-occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence request
-for the leader this is the best outcome, because it results in employee putting forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do

reflects a shift in BOTH behaviors and attitudes!!


(a response to influence tactics)

-moderately effective
-occurs when targets of influence are willing to do what the leader asks, but they do it with a degree of ambivalence
-this behavior is the most common response to influence attempts in organizations, b/c anyone with some degree of power who makes a reasonable request is likely to achieve compliance
-this response allows leaders to accomplish their purpose, but it doesnt bring about the highest levels of employee effort and dedication

reflects a shift in behaviors of employees but NOT attitudes!!


(a response to influence tactics)

-least effective
-occurs when the target refuses to perform the influence request and puts forth an effort to avoid having to do it
-could come in the form of making excuses, trying to influence the requestor in return, or simply refusing to carry out the request
-most likely when the influencers power is low relative to the target of when the request itself is inappropriate or unreasonable

reflects NO shift in behavior or attitude of employee


most negative connotation next to power might be _____

organizational politics

___ ____ this can be seen as actions by individuals that are directed toward the goal of furthering their own self interest

-although generally a negative perception, its important to note that this definition doesnt imply that furthering ones self interest is necessarily in opposition to the companys interests
-a leader must be able to push his/her own ideas and influence others through the use of this

political skill

a recent study suggests that, to be effective, leaders must have a certain degree of ____ ___

-this is the ability to effectively understand others at work and use that knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives

2 aspects of this:
1. networking ability
2. social astuteness

2 capabilities:
1. interpersonal influence
2. apparent sincerity

-taken together these 4 skills provide a distinct advantage when navigating political environments in organizations
-these people who exhibit these skills tend to have higher ratings of both task performance and organizational citizenship behaviors from others, especially when the social req. of the job are high

networking ability

(aspect of political skill)
___ __ and adeptness at identifying and developing diverse contacts

social astuteness

(aspect of political skill)
____ ____ the tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior

interpersonal influence

(capability of political skill)
_____ ___ involves having an unassuming and convincing personal style thats flexible enough to adapt to different situations

apparent sincerity

(capability of political skill)
_____ ____ involves appearing to others to have high levels of honest and genuineness

extremely political

environments that are perceived as ____ ___ have been shown to cause lower job satisfaction, increased strain, lower job performance (both task and extra role related), higher turnover intentions, and lower organizational commitment among employees

-infact shown to be a detriment to company performance as a whole

personal and organizational

organizational politics are driven by ___ and ____ characteristics

-some employees have a strong need for power that provides them w/ an incentive to engage in political behaviors
-others have a "Machiavellian" tendency, meaning their willing to manipulate and deceive others to acquire power


"______" tendency, meaning their willing to manipulate and deceive others to acquire power


____ characteristics of orgranizational politics

-need for power


____ characteristics of orgranizational politics

-lack of participation in decision making
-limited or changing resources
-ambiguity in roles
-higher performance pressure
-unclear performance evaluations

*have a much stronger effect on political behavior than personal factors *


organizational factors that are most likely to increase politics are those that raise the level of ____ in an environment

-when people are uncertain about an outcome or event they generally act in ways that help reduce the uncertainty
- a # of events can trigger this such as: lack of participation in decision making, limited or changing resources, ambiguity in roles, higher performance pressure, unclear performance evaluations

*have a much stronger effect on political behavior than personal factors *

employee reactions

negative ____ ___ to organizational politics include:
-decreased job satisfaction
-decreased organizational commitment
-decreased task performance
-increased strain


____ arises when 2 or more individuals perceive that their goals are in opposition

-this an politics are clearly intertwined , b/c the pursuit of ones self interests often breeds this in others
-when this arises in organizations leaders have the ability to use their power and influence to resolve it

2 factors:
1. assertive
2. cooperative

5 styles:
1. competing (win-lose)
2. collaboration (win-win)
3. compromise
4. avoiding (lose-lose)
5. accomodating (lose-win)


(a style of conflict resolution/mgmt)

-AKA win-lose
-high assertiveness, low cooperation
-occurs when 1 party attempts to get his or her own goals met w/o concern for the other partys results
-occurs most often when 1 party has high levels of organizational power and can use legitimate or coercive power to settle the conflict
-generally involves hard forms of influence (pressure/coalition)
-best used when leader knows he/she is right and must make a quick decision

*although may get the result initially, it wont win a leader many friends given the negative reactions that tend to accompany such tactics*


(a style of conflict resolution)

-AKA lose-lose
-low assertiveness, low cooperation
-occurs when 1 party wants to remain neutral, stay away from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather info or let things cool down
-usually results in unfavorable results for everyone, inc. the organization
-may result in negative feelings toward the leader

*never truly resolves conflict*


(a style of conflict resolution)

-AKA lose-win
-low assertiveness, high cooperation
-occurs when 1 party gives in to the other and acts in a completely unselfish way
-leaders typically use this when the issue isnt really that important to them but is very important to the other party
-important strategy to think about when the leader has less power than the other party
-if leaders know are going to lose the conflict anyway due to their lack of power, it might be a better long term strategy to give in to the demands of the other party


(a style of conflict resolution)

-AKA win-win
-high assertiveness, high cooperation
-occurs when both parties work together to max outcomes
-generally regarded as the *most effective form of conflict resolution* especially in reference to task oriented rather than personal conflicts
- *most difficulut to come by* b/c requires full sharing of info by both parties


(a style of conflict resolution)

-moderate assertiveness and cooperation
-occurs when conflict is resolved through give and take concessions
-perhaps *most common* form of conflict resolution, whereby each party losses are offset by gains and vice versa
-seen as a easy form of resolution, maintains relations b/w parties, and generally results in favorable evaluations for the leader


___ are more likely to compromise than men because they tend to not be as competitive

emotional intelligence

recent studies show that individuals with higher levels of ____ ___ are more likely to adopt to constructive forms of conflict mgmt


___ is extremely important when using the more cooperative forms of conflict resolution, especially when there is a larger degree of conflict


___ is the process in which two or more interdependent individuals discuss and attempt to come to an agreement about their different preferences

-doing this well requires knowledge of power structures, how to best influence the other party, and awareness of their own biases in decision making

2 strategies: distributive and integrative bargaining


(strategy of negotiation)

____ bargaining involves a win-lose negotiating over a "fixed-pie" of resources (when one person gains another loses)
-also known as "zero sum" condition
-most visible negotiations using this approach are union mgmt labor negotiations (automobile manufacturers, airlines, nurses at hospitals)

ex. purchasing a car, the dealership has a price on the car that is negotiable. every $ you save, the dealership loses


(strategy of negotiation)

____ bargaining is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario
-involves the use of problem solving and mutual respect to achieve an outcome thats satisfying for both parties
-leaders who thrive in conflict resolution style of collaboration are likely to thrive in these types of negotiations
-allows a long term relationship to be formed b/w parties (b/c neither side feels like a loser)
-higher level of outcome favorbility when both parties are considered

ex. a marry couple is negotiating on where to go on vacation, husband wants to go to the mountains while the wife wants to go to a luxury hotel on the beach, after much discussion they decide on a luxury hotel in the mountains (mountains benefit husband, luxury benefits wife)

multiple outcomes

integrative bargaining is most appropriate when ___ __ are possible, there is an adequate amount of trust, and parties are willing to be flexible

negotiation stages

_____ ___:
1. preparation
2. exchanging info
3. bargaining
4. closing and commitment


(1st step to negotiation)
-arguably most important stage
-during this time each party determines what their goals are for the negotiation and whether or not the other party has anything to offer
-also ea. party should consider an alternative to a negotiated agreement, or BATNA


____ describes a negotiators bottom line
-in other words: at what point are you willing to walk away?
-at this point the negotiator is better off not negotiating at all
-the standard by which all proposed agreements should be measured

exchanging informtion

(2nd step to negotiation)
-non-confrontational process, each party makes a case for its position and attempts to put all favorable info on the table
-each party also informs the other how it has arrived to its conclusions and which issues it believes are important
-when the other party is unfamiliar this stage likely contains lots of active listening and questions


(3rd step to negotiation)
-this stage is the 1 most people imagine when they here the term "negotiating"
-success at this stage depends mightily on how well prev. 2 stages have proceeded
-the goal is for each party to walk away feeling like they gained something of value (regardless of strategy)
-likely parties must make concessions and give up something to get something in return

closing and commitment

(4th step to negotiation)
-this stage entails the process of formalizing an agreement reached during the prev stage
-ideally there will be no issues or misconceptions about the agreement arrived at the bargaining stage, if they do exist the negotiation process will regress back to bargaining, and process will start over again

position of power

research has shown that when negotiators perceive themselves as being in a ____ of ____ in comparison to the other party, theyre more likely to demand more, concede less, and behave more agressively during negotiations


____ emotions, while they generally lead to a more integrative bargaining approach, can also cause negotiators to be overconfident and make decisions too quickly


____ emotions tend to lead toward a more distributive bargaining approach and lower judgement accuracy

moderate positive

power and influence have a ___ ___ effect on job performance AND organizational commitment

normative and continuance

not much is know about the relationship between the impact of power and influence and ____ & _____ commitment

alternative dispute action

____ ___ ___ this is a process by which 2 parties resolve conflicts through the use of a specially trained, neutral 3rd party
-various types typically chosen as a function of time pressures, dispute intensity, and the type of conflict involved

2 most common forms:
1. mediation
2. arbitration


(type of alternative dispute action)

-requires a 3rd party to facilitate the dispute resolution process, though this third party has no formal authority to dictate a solution
-play the role of a neutral objective party who listens to the arguments of each side and attempts to help 2 parties come to an agreement

(can be relatively easy and quick)


(type of alternative dispute action)

-occurs when a 3rd party determines a binding settlement to a dispute
-can be a individual or a board/group whose job is to listen to the various arguments then make a decision about the solution to the conflict
-can be much riskier for parties, isnt in charge of making everyone happy, just arriving at the most equitable solution in his/her own opinion

What is a source of power that originates mostly from a person's formal position or informal role in an organization?

Legitimate or Positional Power Legitimate power is also known as positional power. It's derived from the position a person holds in an organization's hierarchy. Job descriptions, for example, require junior workers to report to managers and give managers the power to assign duties to their juniors.

What techniques can individuals use to develop power and influence quizlet?

What techniques can individuals use to develop power and influence? Use position and personal power. Develop referent power. Match influence and political tactics to suit the situation.

Which of the following best describes power quizlet?

Terms in this set (50) Which of the following statements best describes power? It is the potential of one individual to influence the behavior of another individual.

What are the characteristics of organizations quizlet?

There are three common characteristics of organization which is distinct purpose, deliberate structure, and people. This purpose is typically expressed in terms of a goal or a set of goals that the organization hopes to accomplish.