What are the steps to identify a systemic process used to develop the training program?

Step 3: Choose the format for your training program

Once you understand the current state of skills at the company, gaps you need to close, and the destination you want to reach out to, it’s time to decide which means you’re going to use for this.

Specifically, think of the format for your training sessions. Should it be online or offline? Individual or group? Self-pace, peer, or involving an instructor?

Online vs offline

Much here depends on the skills you’re going to include in your training program. For instance, activities requiring mastering manufacturing skills in healthcare or engineering apparently consider in-person learning. For many other skills, however, online video courses will fit the bill. Integrating online courses to your employee learning journeys can optimize your talent development costs sufficiently.

The challenge that you may face while choosing the online courses for the training program is its variety: there are thousands of courses for Python on such popular platforms like Coursera, Udemy, edX and similar. Here AI can again come into play and save you from the manual work: the algorithms can crawl, analyze and match the content of the learning platforms to your learning path requirements. Learn how Deutsche Telekom mastered this challenge.

One more way to go is to create blended training programs for employees, containing both instructor-led and online sessions. A blended training program can help L&D departments scale up their training efforts without spending vast amounts of money on in-person training. Besides, for non-remote companies, blended learning can be a bridge between legacy programs and 100% online learning.

Individual, peer, or with instructor?

Another perspective to consider is: should you actually involve any instructors or other peers in training sessions, or leave it to a ‘solo-learning-way’?

Peer learning is a pretty efficient concept and can be seen as a part of the ‘sharing is caring’ learning culture. Plus, it may work as an employee engagement tool by making everyone at the company a specific subject matter expert with an opportunity to share their knowledge with other employees.

Eventually, developing a training plan for individual learning in self-pace is also a good idea. Training programs created for self-learning, especially combined with online format, is the most common practice. The good thing here is to stick to microlearning – small learning experiences that take 10 or 20 minutes to complete and cover smaller digestible chunks of knowledge. A great example of this concept is LinkedIn Learning courses, and Google, which also nailed microlearning within their re:work project.

Step 4: Power up your employee learning with data

Basically, data and technology should be at the core of all the enlisted software features and beyond them. You can hardly find a single learning platform today which is not AI-enabled in any way. However, there’s one more essential aspect you need to keep in mind along with creating a personalized learning journey and closing skill gaps.

The key thing behind the learning is staying future-oriented. To ensure that, make sure you have data and technology allowing to predict future skills for your employees. In other words, it’s nice to have the algorithm at place which can build employees future profiles based on their today’s skill set data and professional growth progress.

With a data-driven approach, you’ll eliminate guess-work in developing your training programs and plans, and will keep in mind the future outlook of your company and people. Other than that, with data at place you can keep under the radar the external market view with its industry trends and future skills predictions. Thus, by putting together all the internal and external insights, you’ll be able to develop your employees accordingly to these external trends at the same time aligned with the internal goals company’s strategy.

Step 5: Measure the efficiency of the training program

Once your training plan goes live, it’s time to track their impact. For this, use software to examine progress and results of the training program, collect feedback from employees, and talk to their managers to see how much learning helped employees to bring advancement, better productivity, and new skills into their work.

Also, roll back to where you started, to the business goals, and see how training results match the initial goals. Is this training program enhancing the onboarding process for newcomers? Is it contributing to employee productivity increase? Is it impacting the growth of ROI in any way? Of course, reaching big goals takes time, but at every training course iteration, you need to do the check-up to make sure you’re leading the employees and the whole learning strategy in the right direction.

With the first results at hand, re-evaluate your training materials, make revisions, add renewed information, and overall, keep your programs up-to-date, and continuously improve it.

What are the steps to identify a systematic process used to develop the training program?

5 Steps to Creating Effective Training Programs.
Assess training needs: The first step in developing a training program is to identify and assess needs. ... .
Set organizational training objectives: ... .
Create training action plan: ... .
Implement training initiatives: ... .
Evaluate & revise training:.

What are the steps of systematic approach?

Step 1: Framing questions for a review. ... .
Step 2: Identifying relevant work. ... .
Step 3: Assessing the quality of studies. ... .
Step 4: Summarizing the evidence. ... .
Step 5: Interpreting the findings..

What are the four major steps in the systematic approach to training for performance?

The 4 Steps To Conduct An Effective Training Needs Analysis.
Phase 1: Understand Short and Long-Term Business Goals..
Phase 2: Identify the Desired Performance Outcomes..
Phase 3: Examine the Current Performance Outcomes and Identify Gaps..
Phase 4: Establish and Prioritize a Solution..

What is a systematic approach for developing training programs?

Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) is the systematic development of a training program consisting of 1) Management & Administration and 2) Instructional Design, to ensure the quality of instruction and the quality of the program.​​​​ The SAT used here is the ADDIE model.


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