What are the difference between deontological and consequentialist approaches to ethical problems?


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    Three Approaches to Making Ethical Decisions Within an Educational Institution Ethical decision-making is essential in understanding and demonstrating values in educational institutions. Philosophical, social and moral principles and values accentuate ethical decision-making and shape the foundation for understanding the relationship between an individual's values and decisions made in educational institutions. Administrating what an individual knows is right is not always straightforward, and determining

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  • Normative Theories Of Ethics And Its Principles

    foundation and scope of moral values, properties and words. It is mainly concerned on morality. The two main schools of met ethics are cognitivism and non-cognitivism (Argandona, 2004). Normative ethics: The area under moral philosophy which approaches to understand the right or wrong

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  • Individual Consequentialist Approach

    consist of individual consequentialists, deontological, and holistic approaches. In addition, this assignment consists of an overview on which approaches or perspectives is most appealing to me, my view on Shue’s principles for achieving fair or equitable distribution of costs for protecting the environment, and the major differences between the holistic and individualistic approaches to environmental ethic. Furthermore, this assignment will discuss these approaches in the order listed above. The most

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  • Most Frequently Used Approaches to Normative Ethics

    frequently used approaches to normative ethics are, in no particular order of importance, virtue theory, deontology, and utilitarianism (Hursthouse, 2012). As such, there are a number of inherent differences and similarities that exist between these philosophical approaches to determining what sort of behavior constitutes that which is moral. In fact, the relevance of all three philosophies to the determination of action that is deemed ethically sanctioned is the chief similarity that exists between these

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  • My Personal Philosophy Of Leadership

    Every person has a moral framework in which he operates his daily life. Many use this philosophy without even consciously doing so; others will question almost all decisions they make. My personal moral philosophy is closely tied to my philosophy of leadership. I reside in the first category of people, those that operate in a moral philosophy that has not been specifically identified, but is strongly tied to my faith. This paper will allow me to express my own personal and leadership philosophy.

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  • What Are The Ethical Schools Of Deontology

    investigates questions of right and wrong and of the best way of living for people. In this essay I am going to explain the differences between the ethical schools of consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics and argue that in my opinion deontology is the most reasonable theory of the three. Consequentialism The first school of ethics I am addressing, consequentialism, looks at or predicts the consequences of all actions. The most outstanding example of this school of ethics is about the moral

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  • Essay about Eth 316 Week 1

    2013 Tammy Matthews Introduction Utilitarianism, deontological, and virtue theory ethics are three normative approaches to ethics. This paper will go over the similarities and differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological principles. It will include information of the variations in how each concept details ethics, morality, and it will also discuss a personal experience to describe the correlation between virtue, values, and moral perceptions as they relate to one

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  • The Theoretical Approaches Of Ethics And Values

    solution to this dilemma because it depends on the person’s ethics and values. The purpose of this essay is to critically analyse the theoretical approaches of ethics and values which relate to community and youth work practice. Firstly, the essay will briefly discuss the idea of community and youth work as a profession and explain the difference between ethics and values. Following this, the essay will outline the Kantian approach to morality and examine the critique of consequential ethics and virtue

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  • Utilitarianism Vs. Kant 's Deontology

    (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2) Deontology is defined as the study of one’s moral obligation. (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 3) Utilitarianism is thought to be one of the most powerful and persuasive consequentialist approaches to normative ethics. (Plamenatz, 1) Consequentialism is defined as the theory that the value and especially the moral value of an act should be judged by the value of its consequences. (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 4) Utilitarianism was created by Jeremy Bentham in a book

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  • Kant And Hobbes 's View On Morality

    Kant and Hobbes have completely different interpretations of morality. The vast differences between them is due to their opposing schools of thought. Kant’s view on morality is very analytical and strict. Whereas, Hobbes’ view is both provisional and tentative, depending on the outcomes. Although these differences between their philosophies were present, they both took a subjective stance in their reasoning meaning, they believed moral philosophy should be centered on the person. This essay will

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What is the difference between non consequentialist or deontological and consequentialist normative moral theories?

While consequentialist accounts focus only on how much good or bad an action produces, non-consequentialist ethics often take other factors into account beyond consequences. For example, the consequentialist view generally holds that people should only weigh their own welfare as much as that of any other person.

Which is better consequentialism or deontology?

Both ethical approaches have also been used to support individual liberty, but again for different reasons. Consequentialists focus on the wealth and happiness that free markets and societies create, while deontologists emphasize the greater respect for the rights and dignity of individuals that liberty promotes.

What is the similarities between consequentialism and deontology?

Deontology and Consequentialism can be extremely similar philosophical views as they focus on doing the greater good. However, both contain key factors that make each idea unique and different. It could be said that both theories arrive at the same conclusion but through the way of different paths.

What are the problems with deontological ethics?

Deontologists argue that you can never know what the results will be so it doesn't make sense to decide whether something is ethical based on outcomes. You can consider it the opposite of consequentialism and utilitarianism in many ways.


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