What are the characteristics of individuals with a high need for achievement as per McClelland?

David McClelland and his associates proposed McClelland’s theory of Needs / Achievement Motivation Theory. This theory states that human behaviour is affected by three needs - Need for Power, Achievement and Affiliation. Need for achievementis the urge to excel, to accomplish in relation to a set of standards, to struggle to achieve success. Need for power is the desire to influence other individual’s behaviour as per your wish. In other words, it is the desire to have control over others and to be influential. Need for affiliation is a need for open and sociable interpersonal relationships. In other words, it is a desire for relationship based on co-operation and mutual understanding.

The individuals with high achievement needs are highly motivated by competing and challenging work. They look for promotional opportunities in job. They have a strong urge for feedback on their achievement. Such individuals try to get satisfaction in performing things better. High

achievement is directly related to high performance. Individuals who are better and above average performers are highly motivated. They assume responsibility for solving the problems at work. McClelland called such individuals as gamblers as they set challenging targets for themselves and they take deliberate risk to achieve those set targets. Such individuals look for innovative ways of performing job. They perceive achievement of goals as a reward, and value it more than a financial reward.

The individuals who are motivated by power have a strong urge to be influential and controlling. They want that their views and ideas should dominate and thus, they want to lead. Such individuals are motivated by the need for reputation and self-esteem. Individuals with greater power and authority will perform better than those possessing less power. Generally, managers with high need for power turn out to be more efficient and successful managers. They are more determined and loyal to the organization they work for. Need for power should not always be taken negatively. It can be viewed as the need to have a positive effect on the organization and to support the organization in achieving it’s goals. The individuals who are motivated by affiliation have an urge for a friendly and supportive environment. Such individuals are effective performers in a team. These people want to be liked by others. The manager’s ability to make decisions is hampered if they have a high affiliation need as they prefer to be accepted and liked by others, and this weakens their objectivity. Individuals having high affiliation needs prefer working in an environment providing greater personal interaction. Such people have a need to be on the good books of all. They generally cannot be good leaders.

McClelland Theory of Motivation: this article explains the McClelland Theory of Motivation, developed by David McClelland, in a practical way. After reading you will understand the basics of this powerful motivation theory.

What is the McClelland Motivation Theory?

The American psychologist David McClelland studied the way in which people satisfy their needs. What motivates people and what motivators are learned? According to David McClelland, people have motivating drivers that are directly linked to need regardless of age, gender, culture or race. As a result of the McClelland Motivation Theory, David McClelland identified four types of motivational need:

  1. Need for achievement
  2. Need for power
  3. Need for affiliation
  4. Need for avoidance

Need for achievement

Generally speaking, people want to accomplish something in life. This could mean starting a large family for some and a well-paid job and an illustrious career for others. David McClelland studied what drives people to achieve something.

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What motivates them and how can they make a contribution to society? Upon completing his study, he distinguished four characteristics that are consistent with the need for achievement: striving for an average task complexity, responsibility for own performance, the need for feedback and the use of innovation/creativity.

Need for power

People with a need for power, attach great value to status, reputation and recognition. They have a need to be perceived as important and they have a need to direct and influence others. According to David McClelland, this type of person enjoys competition and winning.

When this need is great, they will not be open to feedback. This need may consist of personal power and of institutional power. Those who focus on personal power have the desire to have control over others. Those who are focused on institutional power, like to organize the efforts of more people to further the company’s goals.

Need for affiliation

People are a gregarious bunch and they want to belong to the group. When the need for affiliation is high, they want to be liked and they will conform to the group’s behaviour and wishes. In this case, they will favour cooperation over competition. Therefore, the need for affiliation does not go well with the need for power.

Need for avoidance

This needs category was added later by David McClelland. When people do not wish to perform at the forefront and prefer to avoid unpleasant situations, this need will surface. People have fear of failure, fear of rejection and even fear of success. By avoiding situations that may trigger these fears, they think to have found a safe solution.

McClelland Theory of Motivation: the Iceberg model

David McClelland developed the iceberg model using the McClelland Motivation Theory.

The Iceberg model of David McClelland looks at a person’s visible behaviour, knowledge and skills and the underlying unexpressed and unconscious deeper layers.

In general, a person’s knowledge, skills and behaviour can be found above the waterline of the iceberg. The central element is what they do. Below the waterline we find think and want, which focus on abstract terms such as standards, values and beliefs, self-esteem, characteristics, personality and motives. These four invisible layers could reinforce one another as motives. However, they may also block the visible behaviour of the person in question,

Above the waterline

Anything above the waterline is powerful and tangible in which the focus is not on ‘what’ but on ‘how’. In an organization this can be translated into an organizational vision and strategy, content, structure, finance and especially the result of work, working arrangements, training and giving feedback. This will create a guideline for employees.

Below the waterline

Below the waterline things are much more abstract and they are fed by the undercurrent. It is about the ever-present feeling without it being tangible. The relationships between people (interaction), their feelings, their expressiveness, sense of purpose can all be found below the waterline. The organizational culture is also created below the waterline. The events below the waterline affect the events above the waterline. This is the reason why both levels must be taken into consideration in change processes.

McClelland Theory of Motivation : Linking with the motivating drivers

David McClelland provides an insight into the (learned) needs of someone by his McClelland Motivation Theory and he links this to what this person does (above water level) and what they think and want (below the water level).

In an organization it is interesting to know what motivates employees in a team.

By looking at their behavior, they can be asked what they would ultimately like to achieve and what their real needs are.

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It’s Your Turn

What do you think? Is the McClelland Motivation Theory applicable in today’s management and development organizations? Do you recognize the practical explanation of do you have more suggestions? What are your success factors which you would like to share?

Share your experience and knowledge in the comments box below.

More information

  1. Burnham, D. H. (2008). Power Is the Great Motivator. Harvard Business Review Press.
  2. McClelland, D. C., Koestner, R., & Weinberger, J. (1989). How do self-attributed and implicit motives differ?. Psychological review, 96(4), 690.
  3. McClelland, D. C. (1987). Human motivation. CUP Archive.
  4. McClelland, D. C. (1985). How motives, skills, and values determine what people do. American Psychologist, 40(7), 812.

How to cite this article:
Mulder, P. (2015). McClelland Motivation Theory. Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero: //www.toolshero.com/psychology/mcclelland-theory-of-motivation/

Published on: 03/09/2015 | Last update: 04/05/2022

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Tagged: Theories of Motivation

How does McClelland define the need for achievement?

In other words, need for achievement is a Behaviour directed towards competition with a standard of excellence. McClelland found that people with a high need for achievement perform better than those with a moderate or low need for achievement, and noted regional, national differences in achievement motivation.

What did McClelland say about high achievers?

People motivated by achievement need challenging, but not impossible, projects. They thrive on overcoming difficult problems or situations, so make sure you keep them engaged this way. People motivated by achievement work very effectively either alone or with other high achievers.

What are the 3 factors of McClelland's motivational needs?

McClelland's Human Motivation Theory states that every person has one of three main driving motivators: the needs for achievement, affiliation, or power. These motivators are not inherent; we develop them through our culture and life experiences.

What describes people with a high need for achievement?

People high in N-Ach are characterized by a tendency to seek challenges and a high degree of independence. Their most satisfying reward is the recognition of their achievements.


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