The rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect them to be obeyed is known as

organizational design a process in which mgrs develop or change their org's structure
work specialization involves having each discrete step of a job done by different people rather than having 1 person do the whole job
chain of command mgmt principle that no person should reort to more than 1 boss
span of control the # of subordinates a mgr can direct effeciently & effectively
the # of people a person reports to; can vary span of control
authority the rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders & expect them to be obeyed
responsibility an obligation to perform assigned activities
line authority the authority that entitles a mgr to direct the work of an employee
staff authority positions that have some authority but that are created to support, assist, & advise the holders of line authority
power an individual's capacity to influence decisions
horizontal dimension reflects a functional area
vertical dimension reflects the influence one holds in the org
centrality one's distance from the org's power core or center
3 dimensional concept power
centralization how much decision-making is pushed down to lower levels in an org;
the higher is the level of decision making highly centralized
decentralization the pushing down of decision making authority to the lowest levels of an org
functional departmentalization the grouping of activities by functions performed (HR, accounting, engineering)
5 sources or bases of power coercive, reward, legitimate, expert, referent
coercive power based on fear
reward power based on the ability to distribute something that others value
legitimate power based on one's position in the formal hierarchy
expert power based on one's expertise, special skills, or knowledge
referent power based on identification w/ a person who has desirable resources or personal traits
product departmentalization the grouping of activities by product produced
customer deparmentalization the grouping of activities by common customers
geographic departmentalization the grouping of activities by territory
process departmentalization the grouping of activities by work or customer flow
mechanistic organization a bureaucracy; a structure that is high in specialization, formalization, & centralization
organic organization an adhocracy; a structure that is low in specialization, formalization, & centralization
strategy & structure structure is a means to help mgmt achieve its objectives; type of structure depends greatly on strategy
Alfred Chandler concluded that changes in corporate strategy precede & lead to changes in org's structure
size & structure as orgs grow, their strategies become more elaborate
after 2000 employees, the size has less influence on strategy it is already somewhat mechanistic
technology & structure the more routine the technology, the more standardized the structure can be
environment-mechanistic orgs more effective in stable environments
environment-organic orgs betters suited for dynamic & uncertain environments
simple structure an org that is low in specialization & formalization but high in centralization
functional structure an org in which similar & related occupational specialties are grouped together; makes it the dominant form for the org
results in economies of scale, minimizes duplication of personnel & equipment, same language as peers functional structure
divisional structure an org made up of self contained units; focuses on results
frees HQ from mundane details so they can focus on long-term & strategic planning divisional structure
disadvanage of divisional structure duplication of activities & resources; increases org's costs & reduces efficiency
matrix structure specialists from functional depts are assigned to work on 1 or more projects led by a project mgr
weaves together elements of function & product departmentalization matrix structure
disadvantage of matrix employees report to 2 or mroe bosses, their dept mgr & project mgr
strength of matrix can facilitate coordination of a multiple set of complex & interdependent projects while still retaining the economies that result from functional specialists grouped together.
can plant seeds of power struggle matrix
team-based structure an org that consists entirely of work groups or teams
Thermos company moved to a structure of work teams
boundaryless organization an org that is not defined or limited by boundaries or categories imposed by traditional structures
attempt to eliminate vertical, horizontal, & interorganizational barriers boundaryless orgs
a rapidly changing environment compels an org to rapidly innovate to survive (boundaryless org)
organizational culture a system of shared meaning w/in an org that determines how employees should act
vision or mission of the org where org culture comes from
org's culture rersults from founders' biases & assumptions and what the employees learn from their subsequent experiences
strong cultures can create predictability, orderliness, & consistency w/o the need for written documentation
have more of an effect on structure than weak ones strong cultures

What refers to right inherent in managerial position?

Authority refers to the rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect the orders to be obeyed.

What refers to right inherent is a managerial position to tell people what to do and what they expect to do it?

Authorityrefers to the rights inherent in a managerial position to tell people what to do and to expect them to do it. Managers in the chain of command have authority to do their job of coordinating and overseeing the work of others.


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