The nurse is reviewing concepts of cultural aspects of pain. which statement is true regarding pain

Pain Management Nurse Exam Sample Questions

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After completing initial assessment of a patient the nurse was charted that this respirations are the Punic in this post is 58 bpm these types of data would be

The patient tells the nurse that he is very nervous as nauseated and feels hot these types of data would be

The patient's record laboratory studies Objective data and subjective data combine to form the

When listening to a patient's breath sounds the nurses I'm sure all the sound that is heard the nurses next action should be to

Validate the data by asking your coworker to listen to the breath sounds

The nurse is conducting a class for new graduate nurses during the teaching session the nurse should keep in mind that novice nurses without a background of skills and experience from which to draw are more likely to make their decisions using

Expert nurses learn to attend to a pattern of assessment data and act without consciously labeling it these responses are referred to as

The nurse is reviewing information about evidence-based practice EBP. Which statement best reflects EBP

EBP emphasizes the use of best evidence with the clinicians experience

The nurse is conducting a class on priority setting for a group of a new graduate nurse which is an example of a first level priority problem

Individual with shortness of breath and respiratory distress

When considering priority setting of problems the nurse keeps in mind that second level priority problems include which of these aspects

Abnormal laboratory values

Which critical thinking skills help the nurse see relationships among data

Clustering related to Hughes

The nurse knows that developing appropriate nursing interventions for patient relies on the appropriateness of the _______diagnosis

The nursing process is a sequential method of problem-solving that nurses use and includes which steps

Assessment diagnosis outcome identification planning implementation and evaluation

I newly admitted patient is an acute pain has not been sleeping well lately and is having difficulty breathing how should the nurse prioritize these problems

Which of these would be formulated by a nurse using diagnostic reasoning

Barriers to incorporating EBP include

Nurses lack of research skills in evaluating the quality of research studies

What step of the nursing process includes data collection by health history physical examination and interview

During the staff meeting nurses discuss the problems with accessing research studies to incorporate evidence-based clinical decision-making into their practice which suggestion by the nurse manager would best help these problems

Teach the nurses how to conduct electronic searches for research studies

When reviewing the concepts of health nurse recalls that the components of holistic health include which of these

Holistic health use the mind body and spirit as interdependent

The nurse recognizes that the concept of prevention in describing health is essential because

Prevention places the emphasis on the link between health and personal behavior

The nurse is performing a physical assessment on a newly admitted patient and example of objective information obtained during the physical assessment includes the

2 x 5 scar on the right lower forearm

Visiting nurse is making an initial home visit for patient who has many chronic medical problems which type of database is most appropriate to collect in the setting

A complete health data base because of the nurses primary responsibility for monitoring the patients health

Which situation is most appropriate during which the nurse performs A focused or problem centered history

Patient in an out patient clinic has cold and influenza like symptoms

The patient is at the clinic to have her blood pressure check she has been coming to the clinic weekly since she changed medications two months ago the nurse should

Collect a follow up database and then check her blood pressure

The patient is brought by ambulance to the emergency department with multiple traumas received in an automobile accident he is alert and cooperative but his injuries are quite severe how was the nurse proceed with data collection

Find me Tina sleep ask history questions while performing the examination and initiating lifesaving measures

A 42-year-old patient of Asian dissent is being seen at the clinic for initial examination the nurse knows that including cultural information and his health assessment is important to

Provide culturally sensitive an appropriate care

And the health promotion model the focus of the health professional includes

Helping the consumer choose a healthier lifestyle

The nurse has implemented several plan interventions to address the nursing diagnosis of acute pain which would be the next appropriate action

Evaluate the individuals condition and compare actual outcomes with expected outcomes

Which statement best describes a proficient nurse a proficient nurse is one who

Understands a patient situation as a whole rather than a list of tasks and recognizes the long-term goals for the patient

The nurse is reviewing data collected after an assessment of the data listed below which would be considered related Cues that would be clustered together during data analysis select all that apply

Inspiratory wheezes noted in left lower lobe's

Nonproductive cough

Patient reports dyspnea upon exertion

Rate of respirations 16 breaths per minute

What is an example of a first level priority problem

Teenager who was stung by a bee during a soccer game was having trouble breathing

What is an example of a second level priority problem

An older adult with a urinary tract infection is also showing signs of confusion and agitation

What is an example of a third level priority problem

A patient newly diagnosed with type two diabetes mellitus does not know how to check his own blood sugar with a glucometer

The nurse is reviewing the development of culture which statement is correct regarding the development of one's culture. culture is

Learned through language acquisition and socialization

During a class on the aspects of culture the nurse shares with the culture has four basic characteristics which statement correctly reflects one of these characteristics

Call true adapts to specific environmental factors and available natural resources

During your seminar on cultural aspects of nursing the nurse recognizes that the top of the nation stating the specific interesting knowledge he believes skills and customs acquired by members of a society reflects which term

When discussing the use of the term subculture the nurse recognizes that it is best described as

Identifying fairly large groups of people with shared characteristics that are not common to all members of a culture

When reviewing the demographics of ethnic groups in the United States the nurse for calls at the largest and fastest-growing population is

During an assessment nurse notices that a patient is handling a small charm that is tied to a leather strap around his neck which action by the nurse is most appropriate

Ask the patient about the item and its significance

The nurse manager is explaining culturally competent care during a staff meeting which statement accurately describes the concept of culturally competent care. The caregiver

Understands and attends to the total context of the patients situation

The nurse recognizes that an example of a person who is heritage consistent would be a

Woman who follows the traditions that her mother followed regarding meals

After a class on culture and ethnic city the new graduate nurse reflects a correct understanding of the concept of ethnicity with which statement

Ethnicity pertains to a social group within the social system that claims shared values and traditions

The nurse is comparing the concept of religion and spirituality which of the following is an appropriate component of ones spirituality

Personal effort made to find purpose and meaning in life

A woman who has lived in the United States for a year after moving from Europe has learn to speak English and is almost finished with her college studies she now dresses like her peers and says that her family in Europe would hardly recognize her this nurse recognizes that this situation illustrate which concept

The nurse is conducting a heritage assessment which question is most appropriate for this assessment

Do you mostly participate in the religious traditions of your family

In the majority culture of America coughing sweating and diarrhea are symptoms of an illness for some individuals of Mexican American origin however the symptoms are a normal part of living the nurse recognizes that this difference is true probably because Mexican Americans

Consider the symptoms part of normal living not symptoms of ill health

The nurse is reviewing series of illness the germ theory which states that microscopic organisms such as bacteria and viruses are responsible for specific disease condition is a basic believe of which theory of illness

An Asian American woman is experiencing diarrhea which is believed to be cold Or yin The nurse expect that the woman is likely to try to treat it with

Foods that are hot or yang

Many Asians believe and the yen yang Theory which is rooted in the ancient Chinese philosophy of Tao. Which statement most accurately reflects health in an Asian with this belief

All aspects of the person or in perfect balance

Illness is considered part of life with me course in is in our design of this harmony within. This statement most accurately reflects the views about illness from which theory

An individual who takes the Magicorereligous perspective of illness and disease is likely to believe that his or her illness was caused by

If an American Indian woman has come to the clinic to seek help with regulating her diabetes and the nurse can expect that she

May also be seeking assistance of a shaman or Medicine man

An older Mexican American woman with traditional believes has been admitted to an inpatient care unit A culturally sensitive nurse would

Further assess the patient's cultural believes and offer the patient assistance in contacting a curandero or priest if she desires

A 63-year-old Chinese American man enters the hospital with complaints of chest pain shortness of breath and palpitations which statement most accurately reflects the nurses best course of action

It is unclear what is happening with this patient consequently the nurse should perform an assessment in both the physical and psychosocial realms

Symptoms such as pain or often influenced by persons cultural heritage which of the following is a true statement regarding pain

Nurses need to recognize that many cultural practice silent suffering as a response to pain

The nurse is reviewing concepts of cultural aspects of pain. which statement is true regarding pain

Just as patient is very in their perceptions of pain so will they vary in their expressions of pain

During a class on religion and spirituality the nurses asked to define spirituality which answers correct. Spirituality is

Arises out of each person's unique life experience and his or her personal effort to find purpose in life

Dinners recognizes that working with children with a different cultural perspective maybe especially difficult because

Children have spiritual needs that are influenced by their stages of development

A 30-year-old woman has recently moved to United States with her husband they are living with the woman sister until they can get a home of their own when company drives to visit with the sisters woman the woman feel suddenly shy and retreats back to the bedroom to hide until company leaves she explains that her reaction to guest is simply because she does not know how to speak perfect English this woman could be experiencing

After a symptom is recognize the first effort at treatment is often self care which of the following statements about self-care is true self care is

Influenced by the accessibility of over-the-counter medicines

The nurse is reviewing the hot to cold cereal of health and illness which statement best describes the basic tenets of this theory

The treatment of disease consist of adding or subtracting cold heat dryness or wetness to restore the balance of the humors of the body

in the hot cold Siri illnesses are believed to be caused by hot or cold entering the body which of these patient conditions is most consistent with a cold condition

Older man with gastrointestinal discomfort

When providing cultural confident competent care nurses must incorporate cultural assessment into their health assessment which statement is most appropriate to use one initiating an assessment of cultural believes with an older American Indian patient

What cultural or spiritual believes are important to you

During a class on cultural practices nurse here's the term cultural taboo which statement illustrates the concept of a cultural taboo

Refusing to except blood products as part of treatment

The nurse recognizes that category such as Ethnicity gender and religion illustrate the concept of

The nurse is reviewing concepts related to one's heritage and believes the believe his divine or superhuman powers to be obeyed and worshiped as the creators and rulers of the universe is known as

When planning a cultural assessment the nurse should include which component

Which of the following reflects the traditional health and illness believes and practices of those of African heritage health is

Being in harmony with nature

The nurse is reviewing aspects of cultural care which statements illustrate proper cultural care. select all that apply

Select questions that are not complex

Touch patients within the cultural boundaries of their heritage

Pace questions throughout the physical examination

The nurses asking questions about a patient's house beliefs which questions are appropriate

What is your definition of health
How do you describe illness
What did your mother do to keep you from getting sick
How do you keep yourself healthy

The nurse is conducting an interview with a woman who is recently learned that she is pregnant and who has come to the clinic today to begin prenatal care the woman states that she and her husband are excited about the pregnancy but have a few questions she looks nervously at her hands during interview and size loudly considering the concept of communication which statement does the nurse know to be most accurate

Exhibiting verbal and nonverbal behaviors that do not match

Receding is a part of communication process which receiver is most likely to miss interpret iMessage sent by healthcare professional

Man whose wife has just been diagnosed with lung cancer

The nurse makes which adjustment in the physical environment to promote the success of an interview

Reduces noise by turning off television and radio

In an interview the nurse may find it necessary to take notes to aid his or her memory later which statement is true regarding notetaking

Note taking may impede the nurses observation of the patient nonverbal behavior

The nurse asked I would like to ask you some questions about your health and your usual daily activities so that we can better plan your stay here this question is found at the ______phase of the interview process

It woman who is Justin Trudeau emergency department after being battered by her husband the nurse need to get some information from her to begin treatment what is the best choice for an opening phase of the interview this patient

Mrs.H my name is Mrs. C. I need to ask you a few questions about what happened

During an interview the nurse states you mentioned having shortness of breath tell me more about that which verbal skill is used with the statement

The patient has finished giving the nurse information about the reason he is seeking care when reviewing the data the nurse finds that some information about past hospitalizations is missing at this point which statement by the nurse would be most appropriate to gather data

Mr. why I just need to get some additional information about your past hospitalizations when was the last time you were admitted for chest pain

And using verbal responses to assess the patient's narrative some responses focus on the patients frame of reference and some focus on the healthcare providers perspective an example of a verbal response that focuses on the healthcare providers perspective would be

I'm taking a history from the newly admitted patient the nurse notices that he often positive and expectantly looks at the nurse what would The nurses best response to this behavior

Be silent and allow him to continue when he's ready

It woman is this massive problems she is having with her two-year-old son she says he won't go to sleep at night and during the day he has several fit I get so upset when that happens the nurses best verbal response would be

fits ? tell me what you mean by this

A 17-year-old single mother is describing how difficult it is to raise it three-year-old child by herself during the course of the interview she states I can't believe my boyfriend left me to do this by myself what a terrible thing to do to me which of these responses by the nurse uses empathy

It must be so hard to face this alone

Iman husband and knitted to the observation unit for observation after being treated for a large cut on his four head as the nurse works through the interview one of the standard questions has to do with alcohol tobacco and drugs used when the nurse asked him about tobacco use he states I quit smoking after my wife died seven years ago however the nurse notices an open pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket using confrontation the nurse could say

Mr. Kay said that you don't smoke but I see that you have an open pack of cigarettes in your pocket

The nurse has used interpretation regarding a patient statement or action after using this technique it would be best for the nurse to

Allow time for the patient to confirm or correct the inference

During an interview a woman says I have decided that I can no longer allow my children to live with their father's violence but I just can't seem to leave him using interpretation the nurses best response would be

It sounds as if you might be afraid of how your husband will respond

A pregnant woman states I just know labor will be so painful but I won't be able to stand it I know it sounds awful but I really dread going into labor the nurse responds by saying oh don't worry about labor so much I have been through it and although it is painful many good medications are available to decrease the pain which statement is true regarding this response the nurses reply was a

Non-therapeutic response by providing the fall three restaurants the nurse actually cut off further discussion of the woman's fears

Turn your visit to the clinic patients say the doctor just told me he thought I ought to stop smoking he doesn't understand how hard I have tried I just don't know the best way to do it what should I do the nurses most appropriate response in this case would be

Would you like some information about the different ways a person can quit smoking

As the nurse enters a patient's room the nurse finds her crying the patient states that she has just found out that the lump in her breast is cancer and says I'm so afraid of him you know the nurses most therapeutic response would be to say and a gentle manner

You're afraid you might lose your breast

A nurse is taking complete health histories on all of the patients attending a wall this workshop on history form one of the curtain questions asks if you don't smoke drink or take drugs do you this question is an example of

Using biased or leading questions

When observing the patients verbal and nonverbal communication the nurse notices a discrepancy which statement is true regarding the situation the nurse should

Focus on the patients nonverbal behaviors because these are often more reflective of the patients true feelings

Dying to interview a parent of a hospitalize child is sitting in an open position as the interviewer begins to discuss his sons treatment however he said only crosses his arms against his chest and crosses his legs this changed posture would suggest that the parents

Uncomfortable talking about his sons treatment

Hey mother brings her 28 month old daughter into her clinic for a well child visit at the beginning of the visit the nurse focuses attention away from the topper but as the interview progresses the toddler begins to warm up and is smiling Shiley at the nurse the nurse will be most successful and interacting with the Toddler if which is done next

Stoop down to her level and ask her about the toys she's holding

During examination of a three year old child the nurse will need to take her blood pressure what might the nurse do to try to gain the child's full cooperation

Tell the child that by using the blood pressure cuff we can see how strong her muscles are

Hey 16-year-old boy has just been a knitted to the unit for overnight observation after being in an automobile accident what is the nurses best approach to communicating with him

Be totally honest with him even if the information is unpleasant

75-year-old woman is at the office for preoperative interview nurse is aware that the interview may take longer than interviews with younger person what is the reason for this

And age person has a longer story to tell

Which statement accurately describes the concept of culturally competent care?

The nurse manager is explaining culturally competent care during a staff meeting. Which statement accurately describes the concept of culturally competent care? "The caregiver: Understands and attends to the total context of the patient's situation."

Which statement explains the concept of culturally competent nursing quizlet?

Which of the following best explains the concept of cultural competence? Nurses adjust their own practices to meet their patients' cultural preferences, beliefs, and practices.

Which is the best description of a culturally competent nurse quizlet?

Culturally competent implies that the caregivers understand and attend to the total context of the patient's situation including awareness of immigration status, stress factors, other social factors, and cultural similarities and differences.

When planning a cultural assessment the nurse should include which components?

Some of the components of a cultural assessment involve biocultural variations of the disease, both verbal and non-verbal communication, cultural affiliations, sanctions and restrictions, developmental considerations, economics, educational background, health-related beliefs and practices, social networks, nutrition, ...


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