The expression let me know if i can be of further assistance is an example of a rubber stamp.

Product Description

Self Inking Stamp Rubber Stamp Ink Stamp Library Supplies Gift Round Stamp Ideal 400R .This round self inking stamp is ideal for rapid, repetitive stamping. Rubber stamp is avaialble in multiple colors: black, red, blue, purple & green. Self ink pads offer a large number of impressions before they begin to fade. The Ink pad needs to be re-inked in stamp. This Rubber Stamp Is Re-inkable Self Inking Stamp is Easy to replace Ink Pad or add ink Ideal is one of the leading self inking stamp brands in the market, superior build quality of cStamp. Ideal Self-Inking Stamps size: 1-5/8 inches Diameter. It will have Quiet and smooth operation. Impressions of self inking stamp are crisp Details of Ideal 400R Stamp Material : Plastic Rubber Stamp Impressions:Round Ink Pad: Built into the Stamp Ink Color: Choose From 5 Ink Colors Ink Type: Water Base Number of Ink Stamp Impressions Over 5000 Impressions Before Re-inking Production Time: Two Business Days We have wide range of card making stamps, your stamp stamp will be exactly similar to the listing image. Self Inking stamp is perfect to use on paper, envelopes, stationary Open mount base to easily align your stamp impressions.

Verb table


Simple Form
I, you, we, they rubber-stamp
he, she, it rubber-stamps
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I, you, he, she, it, we, they rubber-stamped
Present perfect
I, you, we, they have rubber-stamped
he, she, it has rubber-stamped
Past perfect
I, you, he, she, it, we, they had rubber-stamped
I, you, he, she, it, we, they will rubber-stamp
Future perfect
I, you, he, she, it, we, they will have rubber-stamped
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Continuous Form
I am rubber-stamping
he, she, it is rubber-stamping
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you, we, they are rubber-stamping
I, he, she, it was rubber-stamping
you, we, they were rubber-stamping
Present perfect
I, you, we, they have been rubber-stamping
he, she, it has been rubber-stamping
Past perfect
I, you, he, she, it, we, they had been rubber-stamping
I, you, he, she, it, we, they will be rubber-stamping
Future perfect
I, you, he, she, it, we, they will have been rubber-stamping
> View Less

What will writing in a way that elicits a positive response build for your company?

What happens to companies without goodwill?

They cant survive & you wont last long without it

You-Viewpoint, conversational language, Being courteous,  builds what?

what do you need to do to have a You-Viewpoint?

  • Think beyond your own goals to consider the communication situation from the recipients perspective
  • Emphasize you & your (when applicable)
  • De-Emphasize I, We, Our (when applicable)
  • Attitude that places the recipient at the center of the message

What can you do additionally to make a message a you-viewpoint? (besides reader centered pronouns when appropriate)

Supply Useful information and make the reader feel good about the decisions to do business with you 

What are some controversies of the you-viewpoint?

Some argue it can be insincere and manipulative (like flattery or fake friendliness) 

What are some ways to be ethical in a you-viewpoint message?

  • Sincerely be interested in your reader
  • treat others how you want to be treated

what tone is conversational language 

warm, natural and personable, it engages the reader, and is most easily understood to the reader as well (language wise)

What does conversational language avoid?

Stiff, impersonal wording 

How do you decide who you should be formal with and who you can be casual with?

On whom you're communicating with, what genre you're using, and what you're saying 

if you choose the wrong one, you run the risk of offending your reader. 

Being too formal can sound...

Being too informal can sound...

When is a formal style appropriate?

  • Communicating with someone you don't know
  • Someone at a higher level than you
  • using a relatively formal genre (Letter, long report, or external proposal)
  • Preparing a ceremonial message (Commendation or inspirational announcement)
  • Writing an extremely serious message such as a crisis response or official reprimand

When is a informal style appropriate?

  • Less formal situations
  • Co-Workers and other associates that know each other
  • informal medium (texting etc.)

Employees can add touches of goodwill when texting (when appropriate) by_______ &________ in their correspondence 

Emoticons and initialisms ( BTW) 

The difference in formality can be as simple as _______ of words 

substituting (As a result of... ---> So) etc. 

Even when you're being formal, still be ________ and avoid _____ & ______ words

Conversational , stiff & Dull words 

Do NOT use unnecessarily _____ words to sound formal

expressions used by habit every time a certain situation occurs

What do rubber stamps communicate?

Routine treatment, You have no special concern for the reader, that the case is being handles in the same way as any other 

Whats the main issue with rubber stamps?

They aren't specific enough to EACH reader, signal that you have quit thinking of THIS reader and His/Her situation 

Whats a better alternative ending to a rubber stamp closing? 

One that thanks the reader for something particular or offers to answer questions about a particular topic 

Examples of rubber stamps 

  • Thank you in advance
  • Please respond at your earliest convenience 
  • Please let me know if you have any questions

How can you stop using rubber stamps?


Respectful and considerate treatment of others 

What does courtesy in BCOM do?

Produces friendly relations between people

what does courtesy in BCOM result in?

a better human climate for solving business problems and doing business 

does including things such as "please, thank you, etc" count as being courteous? Does a message have to include overtly polite expressions to convey goodwill?

not necessarily, NO, as long as they're focusing on the readers interests and putting their feelings first 

Rather than focusing on stock phrases to seem courteous , consider what will make the recipient feel most ___, ___, ___

Comfortable, understood and appreciated 

Five ways of being courteous 

  1. You-Viewpoint
  2. Conversational Language
  3. Avoid blaming the reader
  4. Refrain from talking down to your readers
  5. Do more than is expected

How do you avoid blaming the reader?

  • objectively explain and focus on the facts  rather than the reader and then move on to a solution
  • avoid using 'you' when doing so would blame the reader

when is it okay to use a passive voice to avoid blaming? Example?

when it will keep you from assigning blame to a certain person

What are ways that insinuate 'talking down to your readers'?

  • wording that might insult their intelligence
  • tell them something they already are well aware of
  • telling the reader how to feel ( "you'll be happy to know that, you wont want to miss this, etc.)
  • saying "you need, you want, etc." because it suggests the reader isn't an adult capable of making intelligent decisions

Seven simple things business people do to be considerate 

  1. Include internet link in email so reader doesn't have to do extra work
  2. offer alternative solution instead of saying "no"
  3. tell reader additional products/ services they might like
  4. include tips on how to make the most of the discussed product/service
  5. anticipate readers questions and supply the info before they have to ask for it
  6. attach things such as maps, schedules, reports or other documents that might be handy
  7. write congratulatory note when reader (or their company) has been in the news for special achievement

Three Goals of communicating 

  1. Communicate
  2. Build positive human relations
  3. go the extra mile for the reader

Positive words are best for ____________ your communication goals

Positive wording does what?

puts the reader in a receptive frame of mind, helps create goodwill so the relationship remains positive 

Don't use _____ words such as ___,___,____,____ that will detract from your goal


  • mistake
  • failure
  • refuse
  • cannot etc.

How do you accentuate the positive? 

  • Use positive words
  • Focus on what you can do
  • Manage emphasis for positive effect
  • Use positive emphasis ethically

what does focusing on what you


do, do for a message?

  • doesn't allow the negativity dominate the rest of the info in the message
  • lets you solve the readers problem even if you cant do exactly what they want
  • helps the reader not focus on the negative either
  • keeps the message and reader positive

What are the three ways to manage emphasis for a positive effect?

Position, sentence structure, and space 

how do you manage emphasis for a positive effect with position?

  • beg and end will carry more emphasis so put positive information there
  • putting negative int he middle de-emphasizes them

how do you manage emphasis for a positive effect with sentence structure?

  • Short, simple sentences and main clauses call attention to their content
  • de-emphasize negative points by subordinating them and putting them into dependent clauses and modifying phrases

how do you manage emphasis for a positive effect with space?

  • The less space you devote to a point, the less its emphasized
  • focus on the negative POINT as little as possible

how can you preface negative points/news to make it as positive as possible?

Preface them with explanatory, cushioning words

just because you want to spend little space on the negative point, doesn't mean that its _____ than a positive point

shorter (remember the yes and no to a parking permit example)

How can positive emphasis be used unethically?

  • when overdone, can lead to fake & manipulative massages
  • can cause the recipient to overlook an important negative point (discontinuation of a service or info on an unsafe product)
  • the effort to please can lead to being dishonest or insincere

study of principles that guide or should guide human conduct

What are two main communication related ethical issues?

Dishonesty & Discriminatory wording 

Dishonesty or lying in communication can come in two ways. what are those? 

Lie of commission: An outright falsehood Life of Omission: Leaving out information

Words that refer negatively to groups of people because of their gender, race, nationality, sexual orientation, age, disability or some other trait.

How can you avoid using discriminatory wording? 

  1. Use gender neutral wording
  1. Avoid words that stereotype by age
  2. Avoid words that stereotype by race, nationality, or sexual orientation
  3. Avoid words that typecast those with disabilities 

How can you use gender neutral wording 

  • avoid use of masculine (or feminine) pronouns to refer to a group of people that includes both genders ( if a customer is loyal, he is put on our loyalty list)
  • Avoid words derived from masculine words that leave out the other gender (Businessman, fireman, freshman)
  • Avoid wording that calls undue attention to a persons gender or implies one gender has more status than the other (Male nurse, female engineer, waitress, stewardess)

Why is it important to avoid words that stereotype by Race, nationality, or sexual orientation?

These can be especially harmful because they frequently reinforce negative stereotypes. Members of these minority's rarely all fit the same characteristics. you don't need to say he's a "black cop" or a "gay teacher" etc. or anything that calls undue attention to their "group" that isn't warranted by the purpose of your communication 

When is there often stereotyping by age & how/why should you avoid it?

  • Stereotyping seniors implies that they are forgetful, slow, tech inept etc.
  • Use senior, veteran, experienced, retired instead of elder, senior citizen etc.
  • Stereotyping younger employees implies that they (Young accountant, young manager etc.) be sure the attention to their age is defensible, not because you want to imply that there inexperienced etc
  • using generational labels to stereotype (baby boomers, millennials etc.)

How should you refer to those with disabilities?

whatever the people with the disability prefer  (they aren't "the disabled person" they're "the person with a disability" so the disability isn't their defining characteristic 

What are some other unethical communication practices? Define 

  • Wasting others time: with unnecessary or unclear communications
  • Playing Political Games: Professional success at another's expense when its achieved unethically ( Throwing someone under the bus, taking the side that favors with your boss to get a leg up, spreading or letting harmful rumors be spread)
  • Undermining your employer: Trashing your company (or previous company) on social media, sharing company secrets, spending hours on the internet for personal reasons at work
  • Taking advantage of others: Using language someone wont understand to keep the other party from being able to make a well informed decision

What are four qualities to cultivate to be an ethical communicator

  1. Trustworthiness
  2. Restraint
  3. Ethical Bravery
  4. Communication Savvy

(under trustworthiness) : the personal trait that inclines people to trust you i.e. telling the truth, saying what you mean, doing what you say you'll do 

(under trustworthiness):quality of being true to your ethical principles in all situations (aligning all your behaviors w/ your core values) and speaking the truth to yourself and being willing to admit your weaknesses and mistakes 

Instead of acting impulsively or blurting out remarks, they take a moment to consider whether the behavior is appropriate (self-regulation)

Speak up when your ethical principles require it. (courage, inner strength) 

Using your communication problem solving skills to figure out a way to steer people in an ethical direction 

______ & ______ should be last resorts, not go to strategies for helping your company avoid questionable behavior

Confrontation & Whistleblowing 

Typically describe the core values of the organization and behaviors that are and aren't considered ethical 

Three established approaches to ethical reasoning 

  1. Aristotelian Ethics
  2. Kantian Ethics
  3. Utilitarian Ethics

What would the virtuous person do in this situation?

What will yield the greatest good for the greatest number?

Three steps in ethical problem solving 

  1. What makes me think this situation raises and ethical issue (Does is violate code of conduct, rules, etc.?)
  2. What does the situation, in all details, look like from the three main ethical perspectives? (Aristotelian, Kantian, Etc.)
  3. Using one or more of these perspectives, what should I do or say - if anything - to help ensure an ethical outcome?

What is the use of rubber stamp?

A rubber stamp is a small device with a name, date, or symbol on it. You press it on to an ink pad and then on to a document in order to show that the document has been officially dealt with. In Post Offices, virtually every document that's passed across the counter is stamped with a rubber stamp.

Why is the following statement potentially insulting to its recipient you will want to take advantage of this exciting opportunity before its too late?

Why is the following statement potentially insulting to its recipient? "You will want to take advantage of this exciting opportunity before its too late!" It tells the recipient how they should feel. When should you use a more formal style?

Which of the following statements best illustrates the you

The statement "We will do our best to assist you with your problem" best illustrates communicating with the you-viewpoint.

What is the primary purpose of the You

The You-viewpoint will make you—sender of the message—better informed to use your understanding of the receiver's knowledge to influence the ideas you include and the amount of explanation you give. Moreover, you will be able to use words the receiver will understand and accept.