Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic methods and procedures.

Published 05.03.2022 07:15 on the subject Science by shannel99

CHARACTERISTICS OF RESEARCH: 1.EMPIRICAL - Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.
2.LOGICAL - Research is based on valid procedures and principles.
3.CYCLICA - Research is a cyclical because it starts with a problem and ends with a problem.
4.ANALYTICAL - Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether historical, descriptive, experimental and case study.
5. CRITICAL - Research exhibits careful and precise judgment.
6.METHODICAL - Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures.
7.REPLICABILITY - The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.


Another question on Science

5.Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment. 6.Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures. 7.Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results. What are the qualities of a good researcher? 1.Intellectual Curiosity. Researcher undertakes deep thinking and inquiry of the things, problems, and situations around him. 2.Prudence. Researcher is careful to conduct his study at the right time and at the right place wisely, efficiently, and economically. 3.Healthy Criticism. Researcher is always doubtful as to the truthfulness of the results. 4.Intellectual Honesty. Researcher collects or gathers the data or facts objectively in order to arrive at truthful and honest results. 5.Intellectual Creativity. A resourceful investigator always creates new methods of research and enjoys inventing unique, novel and original researches, and considers research as his hobby. The Research Process Research is expected to be organized and systematic. A definite set of procedures and steps are to be followed in conducting researchResearch processes are the activities undertaken to carry out the research. Components of the Research Process 1. Selection of General Problem or Topic A crucial stage in the research process The best research begins with a careful, detailed process of developing a valid, researchable question that you need to answer Be open to developing and assessing your research topic as you acquire more information in the succeeding stages 2. Reviewing the Literature A literature review essentially consists of critically reading, evaluating and organizing existing literature on the topic to assess the state of knowledge in the area. During this stage you should aim to become an ‘expert’ in your field of research.

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Characteristics of Research
1.Empirical. Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.

2. Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles.

3. Cyclical. Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a problem.

4. Analytical. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether historical, descriptive, experimental and case study.

5. Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment.

6. Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures.

7. Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.

Is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures?

Methodical – research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures.

What is methodical research?

Methodical Procedure: the way in which researchers (or any other creators of knowledge) arrange, develop, and/or modify any technique, theory, or previous result in a methodological approach, or, alternatively, develop a new technique.

What is the systematic process of conducting research?

A systematic review attempts to collate all empirical evidence that fits a protocol designed to answer answer a specific research question. Researchers conducting systematic reviews use explicit methods aimed at minimizing bias, in order to produce more reliable findings that can be used to inform decision making.

What is the characteristic of research where research is conducted in an unbiased systematic procedure?

Systematic - follows orderly and sequential procedure. Controlled - all variables except those that are tested/experimented upon are kept constant. Objective, Unbiased, & Logical - all findings are logically based on empirical.


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