One distinguishing feature of the new middle class that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s was

1. The Whig Party
A. Was the legacy of the Know-Nothing Party
B. Was a reaction to the power of the Know-Nothing Party
C. Sought to actively incorporate immigrants into American society
D. Was just as xenophobic as the Know-Nothing Party
E. Was formed out of opposition to many of Jackson’s policies.

E. The Whig Party supported the supremacy of Congress rather than presidency. They also promoted internal improvements such as the building of roads, canals, and railroads which would benefit the West. As a result, President Jackson’s decision to veto the national bank and funding in a bill to construct state highways without the the consent of the Congress infuriated the party. It led the party to pledge against Jackson’s executive actions.

2. The principle of Popular Sovereignty stated
A. Congress would decide whether or not new territories would have slavery
B. allowed the Senate to vote on the issue of slavery in new territories
C. declared that no territory would have slavery unless it be approved of by a 2/3rds majority vote of citizens within each territory
D. allowed the decision of whether or not new territories would have slavery with a vote within that territory
E. allowed the American public to decide if new territories would have slavery with a majority vote on the issue in the Election of 1854.

D. CORRECT: Sovereignty alone is the idea of give ultimate independent authority and in this case that independent authority are the people. People create the law themselves or through representatives that are subject to election and recall. In 1854, Senator Stephen Douglas wanted Nebraska to become a state so that a transcontinental railroad could be built. According to the Missouri Compromise of 1820, slavery would not be allowed in Nebraska. Some senators wanted slavery in all the states, and they refused to vote for Douglas's bill. Douglas proposed that the area be divided into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska. The Missouri Compromise would be repealed and popular sovereignty would take its place. This meant that the people of each territory would decide by voting whether or not to allow slavery. Congress passed the compromise bill.

3. Why did the Federalist Party disintegrate?
A. they fell from the graces of the American public after the Hartford Convention where some Federalists proposed seceding from the Union because of the War of 1812.
B. the Democratic-Republican Party of Thomas Jefferson won the presidency in 1800
C. there was popular sentiment supporting states’ rights after the early 1800s
D. America united under the principles of the Democratic-Republican party which had wide support where the Federalists ideology was less popular
E. All of the choices

A.They continued to see the war as disastrous to their interests and viewed with extreme suspicion the growing influence of politicians and military leaders from the west.The Federalist party virtually disintegrated during this era due largely to their opposition of the War of 1812.

4. Why did the Democratic-Republic Party disintegrate?
A. The Democratic-Republicans fell apart when Jackson formed a new political party that supported his ideals, called the Democrats.
B. The Federalist Party made a massive resurgence after there was a reaction to states’ rights in America after Jackson took office
C. Most Democratic-Republicans became abolitionists during Jackson’s tenure in office
D. The huge amount of hatred towards Immigrants caused the Whigs to control Congress
E. All of these choices

A. The party called the Democrats was primarily created due to the fact that Andrew Jackson believed that the Democratic-Republicans did not run the way he believed it should. This is correct because after the election of 1828 the Democratic-Republican party broke apart and as a result the Democrats were created.

5. The Know-Nothing Party
A. was a single-issue party
B. was developed first with great secrecy
C. feared the influence of immigrants into American society
D. quickly rose to power in state legislatures then faded into obscurity
E. All of these choices

E. All of these choices are correct together, but singled out by saying one is true and not the others would be a lie. The Know-Nothing party was a single-issue party. They mainly focused on immigration of other irish settlers. The whole reason the party is named The Know-Nothing Party is because the party was developed in secrecy, and members were sworn to tell nothing of the party. The point of the party was to purify the American politics from Irish and German Catholic immigrants.The fear of the immigrants was considered a threat to the Protestants. The party quickly spread through the states as the “Native Americans,” referring to the Native-born Protestants. There were problems though with views on Slavery. This started the decrease of the Know-Nothing Party.

6. The Oregon Treaty
A. Established the Northern border between the United States and Canada
B. Prohibited slavery in the Oregon Territory
C. Cost the US nearly 15 million dollars
D. Was condemned by the majority of Americans
E. All of these choices

A. Correct because the US signed it in 1846, ending 28 years of joint occupancy of the Pacific Northwest. Ended the joint occupancy the US had with Britain after the War of 1812.

7. The Missouri Compromise can be described by all of the following EXCEPT

A. It provided a method for counting slaves among state populations when determining the size of the states’ congressional delegations.
B. it allowed Missouri to be admitted to the Union as a slave state.
C. it created the free state of Maine from the territory that belonged to Massachusetts.
D. One of its purposes was to maintain the equal representation of free states and slave states in the Senate.
E. it included a northern border in the Louisiana Territory above which slavery was thereafter prohibited

8. Between 1820 and 1854, the greatest number of immigrants to the United States came from

A. France

B. Russia

C. Spain

D. England

E. Ireland

E. About 780,000 from Ireland. So many came because of the potato famine in Ireland.

9. “Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members... The virtue in most request is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion.”
The passage above was written by
A. Ralph Waldo Emerson
B. Jonathan Edwards

C. Harriet Beecher Stowe
D. Charles G. Finney
E. Andrew Carnegie

A. Emerson, an author, supported individualism and would be against society forcing people to conform.

10. The Free-Soil party advocated which of the following?
A. The freedom of settlers within the territories to determine the slave status of their new state.
B. Passage of the Homestead Act to give free land to all Western settlers.
C. The exclusion of slavery from any of the new territories.
D. The policy of giving newly-freed slaves “40 acres and a mule” following the civil war.
E. The destruction of the sharecropping system

11.     The principle of Popular Sovereignty stated that

A. the president, after meeting with public interest groups, was to decide on whether slaves would be allowed in a given territory

B. slavery would not be permitted in anywhere after 1848

C. New territories would decide with a vote whether or not that territory would allow slavery

D. settlers in the Western territories, not Congress, would decide whether to allow slavery in their territory

E. any settlers disagreeing with federal laws governing slavery were free to ignore those laws

The principle of Popular Sovereignty is the principle that the authority of the government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, or elected representatives (Rule by the People), who are the source of all political power. A is automatically wrong since principle of the authority states that there shouldn’t be one ultimate power deciding everything for nation. B is wrong because slavery didn’t get abolished until 1864. D is wrong b/c territories still needed some form of authority (elected representatives. E also doesn’t make sense because they still had to follow the states’ laws.

That leaves out C.

12. Reform movements during the first half of the nineteenth century attempted to accomplish all of the following EXCEPT

A. convince people not to drink alcohol

B. widen the division between church and state

C. rehabilitate criminals

D. induce humane treatment for the insane

E. bring about an end to slavery

B. The Second Great Awakening (or new religious revival) occurred during the early 1800’s, strengthening church influence.

13.     The Lowell system of early nineteenth-century textile manufacturing was noteworthy for its:
A. practice of hiring only adult males at a time when textiles was considered “women’s work”
B. commitment, in the face of the revolution, to maintain the old, “by-hand” method of manufacture
C. efforts to minimize the dehumanizing effects of industrial labor
D. pioneering advocacy of such issues as parental leave, vacation time, and health insurance for employees

E. particularly harsh treatment of employees

C. Because the Lowell system or Waltham system was to protect the workers from the harsh conditions that they can encounter during industrial labor.

14. The Wilmont Proviso
A. sought to ban slavery in territory gained from the Mexican Cession
B. sought to limit federal power in new territories
C. banned the slave sale in territories gained in the Oregon Treaty
D. pushed for an end to the Black Codes
E. sought to require states formed after the Compromise of 1850 to be slave states

A. The Bill created by David Wilmot was made to abolish slavery in the area won after the Mexican war. It passed through the House twice but never made it through the Senate. It caused a rift in the relationship between the North and South.

15. The spoils system under Andrew Jackson resulted in

A) a clean sweep of federal job holders.

B) the replacement of insecurity by security in employment.

C) the destruction of the personalized political machine.

D) the appointment of many corrupt and incompetent officials to federal jobs.

E) the same actions of those taken by John Quincy Adams.

D. Appointed voters into government positions, without them having much knowledge.

16. The election of 1824 marked a turning point in presidential politics because, for the first time,
    a. the presidency was won by someone who was not a member of the federalist party
    b. a presidential and vice-presidential candidate ran together on one ticket
    c. all the candidates campaigned widely throughout the states
    d. political parties officially participated in the election
    e. the system of choosing nominees by congressional caucus failed

E. Correct. A congressional caucus is a group of congress members who share common interests and goals. They meet together to discuss issues, which actions should be taken to dissolves these issues, and more. Previously, all presidential candidates had to have been nominated by a congressional caucus to run, and there was a candidate representing each political party. However, during this election, many states allowed their own citizens to elect a candidate, all of which were, as stated before, members of the Democratic-Republican party.

17. By what means did the United States take possession of the Oregon Territory?
a. The United States was granted the territory in a postwar treaty with France.
b. The United States bought it from the Native Americans who lived their.
c. U.S settlers were the first to arrive in the region; they claimed it for their country.
d. The French sold it to the United States as part of the Louisiana Purchase.

e. The US acquired it through treaty with the British in Canada.

E. The Oregon Treaty of 1846 gave most of Oregon to the United States.

18. Which of the following reformers fought for the rights of the mentally ill?
a. Ralph Waldo Emerson
b. Horace Mann
c. Dorthea Dix
d. Lucretia Mott
e. Helen Hunt Jackson

C. Dorothea Dix was an American activist, born April 4,1802. On behalf of the indigent insane and through a vigorous program of lobbying legislatures and the United States Congress, she created the first generation of American mental asylums. She served as a Superintendent of Army Nurses during the Civil War.

19. President James K. Polk is most closely associated with
a. economic development
b. the abolitionist movement
c. Westward Expansion
d. the Whig party
e. women’s suffrage

C. Under Polk’s presidency, America’s territory grew across the continent for the first time. As well as the acquiring of Texas from Mexico and a portion of Oregon from the British, which later formed the states Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, and Wyoming.

20. All of the following sparked support for the abolitionist movement EXCEPT
a. John Brown’s raid
b. The Liberator
c. the Fugitive Slave Act
d. the Wilmot Proviso
e. the Conscription Act

E. The Conscription Act was passed by Congress and made the enlistment of Union citizens mandatory. It subjected all able-bodied men between the ages of 20 and 45 to military conscription.

21. Which of the following was the LEAST influential in bringing about Andrew Jackson’s victory in the presidential election of 1828?
a. Support for Jackson among less prosperous voters
b. Jackson’s promise to bring new people into the government
c. Jackson’s defense of Native American property rights
d. Jackson’s promise to reform the electoral system
e. The reputation Jackson earned as a war hero as a result of the Battle of New Orleans

C. The Americans did not really care about the Native American property rights especially with the greed of the Americans and Manifest Destiny ideals that they believed in. They wanted to conquer as much as possible so they could get more money and land.

22. The Force Act of 1832 was passed in response to
a. the Indian Removal Act
b. the Tariff/Nullification crisis
c. the election of President Martin Van Buren
d. Clay’s American System
e. the Bank Recharter Bill

B. The Tariff / Nullification crisis caused the Force Act of 1832 to be passed because Andrew Jackson passed the Force Act of 1832 in order to authorize military action against South Carolina who wished to nullify the new taxes and threatened to secede.

23. Alexis de Tocqueville, a Frenchman traveling through the US and commenting on its society attributed American social mobility to
    a. the continuation of European traditions in the New World
    b. Americans’ rights to speak freely and to bear arms
    c. the government’s tolerance of labor unions and progressive organizations
  d. the lack of an aristocracy and the availability of frontier land
  e. mandatory public education

D. He was moved and deeply influenced by the lack of Aristocracy, and also limitless land which was available west. He believed it led to American opportunity for self advancement.

24. Which of the following changes in westward migration occurred in 1848?
a. Oregon territory decreased while the number headed for California greatly increased
b. the first great wave of migration ended, and the number of migrants remained extremely low until after the civil war.
c. for the first time, pioneers began to settle areas west of the Mississippi River.
d. large numbers of free blacks, unwelcome in the east, began to resettle in the west

A. The population for California increased because of the gold rush that happened in California. Gold was found there which attracted people down there.

25. Supreme Court Decisions concerning Native Americans in 1831 and 1832
a. reinforced the rights of states to remove native Americans from disputed lands
b. denied them the right to sue in federal court, but affirmed their rights to land that was traditionally theirs.
c. voided previous treaties between native Americans and the US on the grounds that the treaties were unfair.
d. granted tribes official status as foreign nations.
e. ruled that the federal government had an unilateral right to relocate Native Americans to lands west of the Mississippi.

B. the ruling was that since they are different nations (but not completely sovereign) from the US they have no right to sue but the ruling also stated that Native Americans had the rights to the land they originally settled on

26. In the 1830’s, Southern states passed a number of laws regarding the behavior of free blacks. These laws were intended to
a. encourage free blacks to migrate to the North
b. impose a uniform procedure regarding the retrieval of fugitive slaves
c. increase the pool of available black skilled laborers in the growing Southern economy
d. guarantee the rights of free blacks traveling through slave states.
e. create an official set of guidelines concerning “acceptable” treatment of slaves.

A. Southern states didn’t approve of free blacks within their states due to racism, work-competition, and possible rebellions. They wanted to rid the free blacks of the South and send them to the North where they wouldn’t be able to disrupt the South’s society.

27. As a result of the Missouri Compromise

A) there were more slave than free states in the Union.

B) slavery was outlawed in all states north of the forty-second parallel.

C) slavery was banned north of 36° 30’ in the Louisiana Purchase territory.

D) Missouri was required to free its slaves when they reached full adulthood.

E) there were more free states than slave states in the Union.

C. This is correct because Henry Clay draws a line across the Louisiana Territory, any new state (except Missouri) north of this would not be allowed to permit slavery, any state below this line would be allowed to have slavery.

28. In McCulloch v. Maryland, Cohens v. Virginia, and Gibbons v. Ogden, Chief Justice Marshall's rulings limited the extent of

A) states' rights.

B) judicial review.

C) federalism.

D) constitutionalism.

A. McCulloch said Congress could use the "necessary and proper" clause as authority to pass legislation, without needing specific constitutional anarchy, Cohens said the U.S. Supreme Court could review the constitutionality of state court criminal convictions, and Gibbons said the "commerce" clause provided congress with the power to regulate interstate commerce.

29. All of the following were results of the Missouri Compromise EXCEPT that

A) extremists in both the North and South were not satisfied.

B) Missouri entered the Union as a slave state.

C) Maine entered the Union as a free state.

D) sectionalism was reduced.

E) the balance between the North and South was kept even.

D. Correct: It was increased, especially with the new dividing line between which states could be free and not.

30. John Quincy Adams, elected president in 1825, was charged by his political opponents with having struck a “corrupt bargain” when he appointed _______________ to become__________ .

A) John C. Calhoun, vice president

B) William Crawford, chief justice of the United States

C) Henry Clay, secretary of state

D) Daniel Webster, secretary of state

E) John Eaton, secretary of the navy

C. As a candidate for the presidency in 1824, Clay had the fourth largest number of electoral votes, and, with no candidate having a majority; the election went to the House, where the three highest were to be voted upon. It became Clay's duty to vote for one of his rivals. Despite the Western interests of Andrew Jackson and despite the instructions of the Kentucky legislature to vote for him, Clay's dislike for the military hero was so intense that he voted for John Quincy Adams. When President Adams appointed Clay Secretary of State, Jackson's friends cried "corrupt bargain" and charged Clay with political collusion.

31. The section of the United States most hurt by the Tariff of 1828 was

A) New England.

B) the West.

C) the Southwest.

D) the South.

E) the middle states.

D. The South opposed the Tariff of Abomination, considering to nullify it in 1830. The South was against protectionism, which was putting taxes on imported goods via tariff. The South was also buying many English-made goods, which was what the Tariff of 1828 was directly targeting.

32. Andrew Jackson's veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States was

A) the first presidential veto.

B) a major expansion of presidential power.

C) unconstitutional.

D) overturned by a two-thirds vote in Congress.

E) supported by the Anti-Masonic party.

B. Andrew Jackson firmly inserted himself in the legislative process by vetoing the bill, and effectively ending the National Bank.

33. Americans moved into Texas

A) when invited by the Spanish government.

B) after an agreement was concluded between Mexican authorities and Stephen Austin.

C) on Sam Houston's defeat of General Santa Anna.

D) to spread Protestantism.

E) after the Battle of San Jacinto.

B. Correct- New nation includes what is today,Texas, much of the Southwest, and California. Because Mexico had a small population, American’s were encouraged to move to ranch. Ranchers are supposed to come WITHOUT slaves, learn Spanish, become Catholic, and become Mexican citizens.

34. Presidents Jackson and Van Buren hesitated to extend recognition to and to annex the new Texas Republic because

A) Texans did not want to be annexed to the United States.

B) antislavery groups in the United States opposed the expansion of slavery.

C) they were old political opponents of the Texas president, Sam Houston.

D) public opinion in the United States opposed annexation.

E) they feared war with Mexico's ally, Spain.

B. Correct: They would have had too many conflicts with the antislavery groups in the United states that did oppose the expansion of the slavery, so they were hesitating in doing so with the new Texas Republic that was an independent sovereign nation.

35. In the case Marbury v. Madison 1803,
A. the Supreme Court ruled a decision the president made as Unconstitutional
B. the Supreme Court declared an Act of Congress Unconstitutional, therefore giving the power of the Supreme Court, Judicial Review, or the power to nullify federal laws.
C. The Supreme Court ruled that the president had acted Unconstitutionally, and therefore gave the power of the Supreme Court, Execute Interpreter.
D. The Supreme Court ruled that all presidential appointees from previous administrations must be honored.
E. The Supreme Court ruled that it had no power to interpret the Constitution, but instead, each state reserved this power as per the Tenth Amendment.

B. (Correct) The Supreme Court did declare an Act of Congress unconstitutional. The power of the Supreme Court, Judicial Review, or the nullification of federal laws was given during the Marbury vs. Madison case.

36. The Federalist power lost control of the American Political Sphere after 1800, and disintegrated after the Hartford Convention, Federalist tendencies in government remained in the Judicial branch because of the fact that Supreme Court Justices and other federal judges serve life terms; this is evidenced by
A. The many instances where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of States’ Rights!
B. The many instances where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Individual Liberties protected by the Bill of Rights!
C. The many instances where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Federal Authority over States’ Authority!
D. The many instances where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Commerce Clause to extend States’ Rights!
E. The many instances where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Executive Authority!

C. Correct. Obviously, federalist favored federal authority and they did not believe that the states should be able to have any type of strong authority, so most of the time federal authority is put above state authority

37. The policy of the Jackson administration toward the eastern Indian tribes was

A) removal by the US Army

B) gradual assimilation.

C) a war of genocide.

D) federal protection from state governments.

E) to encourage them to preserve their traditional culture.

A. Jackson adopted a paternalistic attitude toward the Indians.He encouraged various tribes to accept a federal offer of land west of the Mississippi where, he promised, they would enjoy complete sovereignty forever. Jackson coerced numerous tribes to abandon some 100 million acres of Indian lands and settle in the West. The movement was titled the “trail of taers”

38. The Adams-Onis Treaty
A. Excluded Spain from North American treaties
B. Reduced British influence in North America
C. Granted the Northwest Territory to the US
D. Weakened Spanish influence in South America
E. Granted the US the Florida Territory.

E. Also known as the Florida Treaty because it was when the US asked for Florida territory in exchange for a boundary between the US and New Spain (Mexico).

39. The first great federal transportation project was
A. the construction of national roads
B. the building of the canals
C. the building of national railroads
D. the construction of federal ports in all major cities
E. the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad

A. Correct The first great federal transportation project was consisted of building a road the stretched from Cumberland, Maryland to Wheeling Virginia. This turned out to better for travelers than transporters of freight. It was constructed in 1811.

40. The construction boom of the canal networks in the North
I. connected the Northeast to the breadbasket of the Midwest
II. did much to kick-start the development of the Market Economy in America
III. helped to make Urbanization of the Northeast possible
IV. provided a new industry for cash employment for people constructing canals, stimulated the banking industry in the Northeast, and fueled the Industrialization of the US
V. did not happen to a great extent in the South, which still relied on subsidence agriculture to a large degree

A. I, II, and IV only
B. I, II, and V only
B. I, II, III, and V only
C. I, II, IV, and V only
D. I, III, and V only
E. I, II, III, IV, V

3 and 5 are true because (3) it allowed for the movement of people between the Northeast and the Midwest and (5) many in the south were poor subsistence farmers who did not engage in the market. 3 and 4 are true because (3) it allowed for the movement of people between the Northeast and the Midwest and (4) the construction of the canals created multiple jobs. 3 is true because it allowed for the movement of people between the Northeast and the Midwest. 2 and 4 are true because (2) the canals opened up trade between the Northeast and the Midwest and (4) the construction of the canals created multiple jobs.

All 5 are true; 1 is true because it literally connected and provided a form of transportation between the the Northeast and the Midwest.

41. The Monroe Doctrine issued by President James Monroe in the 1823
A. said that America would be the defender of North and South America and the European power had no authority here for Imperialism, Colonial Expansion
B. had little effect on Europeans because the US was still so small and weak
C. was honored by Britain
D. was issued because Spain’s power was declining in South America and Spanish colonies there were declaring their independence
E. All of these!

E. They did state that they would intervene with any problems having to do with either country, but would not meddle with any British or European concerns regarding those areas, therefore not imposing that they have no authority. To an extent, it did have little effect because of the size of European authority and land. To an extent, they stood in agreement and helped made the United State’s goal succeed of no European power moving on. The United States knew what was happening to the Spanish colonies and passed this act knowing that it would ensure Spanish safety. The Monroe Doctrine accounted for all of these.

42. The group of Native Americans that lived in the Southeast and attempted to assimilate into white culture were the
A. Apache
B. Iroquois
C. Miami
D. Cherokee
E. Winnebago

D. The Cherokee tried using the American political system to sue for their rights, but it was denied because they were not white. The Cherokee people mainly lived in “Northern” states, along with Georgia and Alabama - thus the Southeastern US as we know it today. The Cherokee would suffer 4000 losses on the Trail of Tears as part of the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

43. The Nullification Crisis occurred in the State of ________ because they rejected a federal tariff, seeing it as benefiting Northern Industrial Manufacturers and hurting the South because now goods would cost more than the Free Market, without government interventions like tariffs, would dictate!
A. South Carolina
B. Ohio
C. Georgia
D. New York
E. Massachusetts

A. They say the excessive taxes they would have to pay being unfair since their economy was agriculturally based and that the northern industries would only benefit. South Carolina was afraid that the taxes would grow the north's economy which will allow them to have more power in the government. It could lead to them outlawing slavery .

44. The Supreme Court Case __________ denied the State of Georgia the right to take Cherokee land.
A. Marbury v. Madison
B. McCulloch v. Maryland
C. Gibbons v. Ogden
D. Roe v. Wade
E. Worcester v. Georgia

E. 1832.-The missionaries Samuel Worcester and Elizur Butler were arrested by Georgia because of their opposition to the Cherokee removal. George Rockingham Gilmer, governor of Georgia, persuaded fed. gov. to withdraw Worcester’s appointment to make him subject to arrest. Even if they had applied for state licenses, they still would’ve been denied. Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) struck down Georgia’s law. Because the Cherokees argued that the laws violated their sovereign rights with the US.

45. In response to the Supreme Court denying states from taking Cherokee land Jackson
A. vetoed the ruling
B. nullified the Supreme Court’s ruling by removing Indians to Oklahoma with the US military
C. reluctantly submitted to the Court’s ruling
D. Vetoed the power of Judicial Review of the Supreme Court
E. sued the Cherokee nation in the Supreme Court

B. Correct, because Jackson was an advocate for the removal of Indians to Oklahoma and for the common man (doesn’t include blacks, native americans, and other ethnic/religious minorities), he saw the Indian removal as a way for white settlers to produce cotton

46. From Jackson’s response to the Nullification Crisis when South Carolina nullified a federal tariff,it seems obvious
A. Jackson clearly supported South Carolina’s nullification
B. Jackson believed in unrestrained federal power
C. Jackson would use the presidential veto to extend his political agenda
D. Jackson was a strong states’ rights advocate, but saw the states’ powers as limited and not sovereign.
E. Jackson believed that states should hold autonomy in dealing with economic laws prescribed by Congress.

D. D is right because Jackson believed that South Carolina should do something about the tariff, since they didn’t have power to do much, so forth they used the army, and force act, so that way there would be no uprising.

47. The “Trail of Tears” refers to

A. the removal of Indians in the East from the homelands

B. the nullification of the National Bank

C. the building of the Erie Canal

D. the building of the National Roads

E. Westward Expansion and the conquest of Indian territories in the West

A. The “Trail of Tears” is the forced movement of Cherokee Indians in 1838 to the land west

of Mississippi River forced by the U.S. Army; it lasted 116 days and was 1,000 miles long,

many Indians died along the way

48. The Second Great Awakening
I. was a reaction to Americans losing religiosity
II. was a resurgence of Christian Evangelism in the US
III. was rapidly spread on the frontier because so many frontier farmers were physically separated from society and religious community with others
IV. cause many to seek social reforms in prisons, psychiatric hospitals, orphanages, etc. to make a more Christian America
V. In the end, never had much impact on society in the US

A. I, II, V, only
B. I, II, IV, and V only
C. I, III, IV, and V only
D. I, II, III, IV, only
E. all of them!


This is the correct answer because all options are true except “V”.

49. The Reform Movement in the 1800s
I. was inspired, at least in part, by the Second Great Awakening
II. sought to end drinking, gambling, and reform institutions like hospitals, insane asylums, prisons, orphanages
III. sought to limit slavery
IV. caused some states to begin public education
V. was rejected outright by Catholics

A. I, II, III, IV, and V
B. V only
C, I, II, III, IV only
D. III, and IV only
E. All of them

C. Correct- The Reform Movement was influenced by the Second Great Awakening, reformed hospitals, insane asylums, prisons, orphanages, sought to end drinking and gambling, sought to limit slavery, and also caused some states to institute public education.

50. The most plausible reason for the Texas Revolution was
A. oppression of Protestant by the Catholic Church
B. discovery of rich cotton-growing land in East Texas
C. the discovery of gold at Waco Tanks, Texas
D. oppressive Mexican rule
E. the refusal of Texans to accept Mexican citizenship and abide by Mexican law

E.CORRECT-The Texans wanted to expand and separate from the Mexican nation. Some Americans wanted to become part of the United States.

51. The Mexican American War 1846-1848, and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
A. ceded all of the what is today, the Southwest US and California to the US for $15 million
B. further intensified the slavery debate
C. was instigated by the United States’ annexation of Texas
D. occurred after an ambiguous border skirmish on the Rio Grande where James K. Polk had positioned US troops to “defend” Texas
E. All of these

E. Mexico also agreed to cede to the United States California and New Mexico (which included present-day California, Nevada, and Utah, and parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming) in exchange for million and assumption by the United States of claims against Mexico by U.S. citizens. In the Mexican congress, a sizable minority was in favor of continuing the fight. Nevertheless both countries ratified the document. The signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo marked the end of a war and the beginning of a lengthy U.S. political debate over slavery in the acquired territories, as well as continued conflict with Mexico over boundaries. This was one of the pieces of land given to the US by Mexico in exchange for the 15 million dollar lump sum. While Mexico did not follow through with its threat to declare war if the United States annexed Texas, relations between the two nations remained tense due to Mexico’s disputed border with Texas. According to the Texans, their state included significant portions of what is today New Mexico and Colorado, and the western and southern portions of Texas itself, which they claimed extended to the Rio Grande River. The Mexicans, however, argued that the border only extended to the Nueces River, several miles to the north of the Rio Grande. Since all are correct this is the only logical answer.

52. The Compromise of 1850
I. Admitted California to the Union as Free State
II. Nullified the Missouri Compromise of 1820 by allowing the New Mexico and Utah Territories to decide by popular sovereignty whether or not to allow slavery
III. Required the North to enforce Fugitive Slave Laws and return Runaways to the South
IV. Abolished the Slave Trade in Washington DC
V. Diffused Sectional Tensions

A. I and V only
B. II and V only
C. III and V only
D. IV and V only
E. I, II, III, IV, only

53.) During the 1800’s the most common form of resistance to slavery by slaves themselves was:

A, Rebelling openly, using weapons, and planning confrontations

B. Organizing petitions and demonstrations against slavery

C. Escaping to Canada via the Underground Railroad

D. working slowly and breaking tools

E. Cooperating with the abolitionist movement to advocate laws to end slavery.

D. (The correct answers) It worked because it slowed down work production greatly.

54.) “Build, therefore, your own world. As fast as you conform your life to the pure idea in your mind, that will unfold its great proportions. A correspondent revolution in things will attend the influx of the spirit.”

The 1836 passage above exemplifies which of the following intellectual trends.

A. Evangelicalism

B. Transcendentalism

C. Abolitionism

D. Mormon theology

E. Pragmatist Philosophy

A. Correct: Evangelicalism stresses the importance of personal conversion and faith as the means of salvation

55.)Politics in the antebellum United States changed dramatically because

A. expanded White male suffrage broadened participation in elections

B. female suffrage became a topic of debate in the House of Representatives

C. Widespread electoral reform resulted in direct election of senators.

D. The power of the federal government expanded to ensure the equal protection of all citizens

E. The government sought to assimilate American Indians in the West.

A. Correct, because white male suffrage allowed all white men to vote, so all the social classes could now participate in politics

56.) One distinguishing feature of the new middle class that emerged in the 1830’s and 1840’s was

A. its member's tendency to be tolerant of religious diversity

B. the separation of economic production from the home and family life

C. the fact that almost all middle class-men attended graduate and professional schools

D. its members support for ending legal immigration from eastern Europe

E. the fact that most married women worked outside the home to provide income for their families

B. In the 1830’s there was a huge influx of immigrants and all throughout the 1840’s. This made more jobs for people which meant they left home to do those jobs, and not jobs like farming and agricultural jobs.

57. Andrew Jackson vetoed the recharter of the Bank of the United States partly because he believed that the bank

A) concentrated too much power in the hands if a few people

B) gave too many loans to assist unstable state and local banks

C) was secretly funding the abolitionist movement

D) was overly subsidized by state tax monies

E) planned to create new paper money unsupported by good or silver

A. Jackson and his advisors carefully crafted a veto that would not anger the public and therefore would not cost the Democrats support in the fall election. He was convinced that the Bank was not only unconstitutional--as Jefferson and his followers had long maintained--but that its concentrated financial power represented a dire threat to popular liberty.

58. "We do not know whether free laborers ever sleep . . . The free laborer must work or starve. He is more of a slave than the negro, because he works longer and harder for less allowance than the slave, and has no holiday, because the cares of life with him begin when its labors end. He has no liberty, not a single right." George Fitzhugh, Cannibals All! or, Slaves Without Masters, 1857

The excerpt above reflects the common argument in the antebellum South that

A) slavery was immoral

B) capitalism was the economic system most likely to generate wealth and happiness for the most people

C) the South needed to change to survive

D) slaves lived better than northern factory workers

E) industrialists took care of their workers' welfare

D. is correct because he specifically says the answer in the quote: “He is more of a slave than a negro because he works longer and harder for less allowance than the slave…”. In short, he is saying that free laborers earned less money and had much longer working hours than a slave.

59. The role of women expresses in the cult of domesticity had it's roots in

A) Progressive Era urban reform

B) mid-nineteenth-century nativism

C) the early twentieth-century suffrage movement

D) republican motherhood

E) the reaction against feminism after the Second World War

D. Correct Promotes the idea that women are the “mom figure”. Centers around belief that daughters of American patriots should be raised to uphold republican ideas. Role of the woman should be to carry on these ideas to children and future.

60. The United States gained which of the following from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848?

A) an undisputed claim to Oregon

B) control the sugar trade with Cuba

C) possession of California and most of the southwest

D) possession of the Philippines

E) the right to construct a canal across the Isthmus of Panama

C. This is correct because under the terms of the treaty Mexico cedes California, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and Colorado.

61. The United States House of Representatives responded to abolitionist agitation in the 1830s by

A) approving appropriations to help finance colonization efforts

B) prohibiting the slave trade in the District of Columbia

C) limiting the publication of abolitionist writings to certain publishers

D) banning discussion of antislavery petitions

E) considering the passage of free speech laws to protect outspoken abolitionists  

D. The abolitionist movement wanted to end racial discrimination and slavery, which the House of Representatives disagreed with. To counteract their beliefs, they banned the discussion of antislavery petitions.

What was the purpose behind the publication of 1840 illustration above?

What was the purpose behind the publication of the 1840 illustration above? To attack William Henry Harrison for being a poor, uneducated farmer.

Which of the following best explains the cause of emergence of new political parties in the early nineteenth century?

Which of the following best explains the cause of the emergence of new political parties in the early nineteenth century? Debates over federal issues such as internal improvements, tariffs, and the abolition of slavery fueled the rise—and sometimes decline—of parties such as the Jacksonian Democrats, and the Whigs.

Who was in the middle class in the late 1800s where did they live?

Who was in the "middle class" in the late 1800s? Where did they live? Doctors or lawyers the outskirts of the city or the suburbs. 12.

Which of the following best explains a change in migration in United States society during the 1800s?

Which of the following best explains a change in migration in United States society during the early 1800s? The rise in manufacturing in the North coincided with an increase of immigration from abroad to these urban areas.