Marketers have traditionally classified products on the basis of three characteristics

A ___ is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need, including physical goods, services, experiences, events, persons, places, properties, organizations, information, and ideas. A) function B) product C) benefit D) process E) structure

When companies search for new ways to satisfy customers and distinguish their offering from others, they look at the ___ product, which encompasses all the possible augmentations and transformations of the product. A) consumption B) expected C) potential D) augmented E) basic

When a shopper purchases new shoes, he or she expects the shoes to cover his or her feet and allow him or her to walk unobstructed. This is an example of what level in the consumer-value hierarchy? A) pure tangible good B) basic product C) augmented product D) potential product E) generic product

Which of the following are tangible goods that normally survive many uses? A) generic goods B) durable goods C) core benefits D) convenience goods E) unsought goods

The five product levels add more customer value, and together they constitute a(n) ________. A) core benefit B) basic product C) augmented product D) customer-value hierarchy E) expected product

D) customer-value hierarchy

capital items are long-lasting goods that facilitate developing or managing the finished product. They include two groups: installations and ________. A) natural products B) component materials C) operating supplies D) equipment E) processed materials

t/f: Marketers have traditionally classified products on the basis of characteristics such as durability, tangibility, and use.

t/f: Carlos always buys bread and milk when he goes grocery shopping. In this case, bread and milk are examples of impulse goods.

t/f: Capital items are long-lasting goods that facilitate developing or managing the finished products.

If the Ford GT is designed to accelerate to 50 miles per hour within 10 seconds, and every Ford GT coming off the assembly line does this, the model is said to have high ________. A) reliability B) conformance quality C) durability D) compatibility E) interoperability

For ________ to be valued for products like vehicles and kitchen appliances, it should not be associated with an excessive price premium and the product must not be subject to rapid technological obsolescence. A) conformance quality B) performance quality C) repairability D) durability E) style

Smith & Adams Poultry set up a computer system so that its customers (restaurants and hotels) can directly inform its central supply system about purchase volumes and dates, as well as automatically receive confirmation of orders and shipments. This is an example of a company differentiating its service in terms of ________. A) customer relationships B) customer training C) installation D) delivery ease E) ordering ease

Realizing that although household products is a huge category–taking up an entire supermarket aisle or more–it is an incredibly boring one, the founders of Method Products designed a sleek, uncluttered dish soap container that also carried functional advantages, such as ease of dispensing soap and cleaning. Method is competing in the crowded market for household products on the basis of superior ________. A) design B) durability C) conformance D) reliability E) performance quality

t/f: Firms should design the highest performance level possible for their products.

t/f: Customer training and customer consulting are two areas for service differentiation that manufacturers can use with their products.

t/f: To the manufacturer, a well-designed product is easy to make and distribute; to the customer, it is pleasing to look at and easy to use.

A group of products within a product class that are closely related because they perform a similar function, are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through the same outlets or channels, or fall within given price ranges is known as a ________. A) product type B) product class C) need family D) product variant E) product line

A ________ is the set of all products and items a particular seller offers for sale. A) product line B) product mix C) product extension D) product system E) product class

Happy Home Products produces detergents, toothpaste, bar soap, disposable diapers, and paper products. This company has a product ________ of five lines. A) type B) length C) class D) mix E) width

In offering a product line, companies normally develop a ________ and modules that can be added to meet different customer requirements. A) convenience item B) flagship product C) staple item D) potential product E) basic platform

Which of the following is a purpose of product mapping? A) studying market matrices B) integrating target markets C) identifying market segments D) educating consumers E) integrating target matrices

C) identifying market segments

A manufacturer of hiking boots looks at data that indicate that their subsegment of the market called "serious hiker" is declining and is predicted to decline into the future. The firm decides to enter the "low-price" segment with its new items. This is an example of a firm's ________ to reach a new market. A) down-market stretch B) up-market stretch C) two-way stretch D) marketing research E) disintermediation

purchasers of theatre tickets receive a 20 percent discount if they purchase and pay for the full season at one time. This is an example of what type of product-mix pricing? A) mixed bundling B) pure bundling C) product line pricing D) captive-product pricing E) two-part pricing

Gillette uses ________ pricing when it offers razor handles at a low cost, but places a high markup on the replacement razor blades that fit in the handles. A) optional-feature B) two-part C) by-product D) product line E) captive-product

The main advantage of co-branding is that a product may be convincingly positioned by virtue of the ________ involved. A) branding synergy B) increased advertising dollars C) multiple brands D) bundled package E) pure bundling

___ branding is a special case of co-branding involving creating brand equity for materials, components, or parts that are necessarily contained within other branded products. A) Cross B) Ingredient C) Equity D) Family E) Generic

t/f: The product hierarchy stretches from basic needs to particular items that satisfy those needs.

t/f: The product-line length can be obtained by averaging the number of variants within the brand groups.

t/f: Manufacturers of systems such as razors and ink jet printers use a system of pricing called "two-part pricing": one price for the disposable products and another for the "hardware."

t/f: Co-branding involves combining two or more well-known existing brands are combined into a joint product and/or marketing them together in some fashion.

t/f: Ingredient branding can take on a form called "self-branding" in which the company advertises its own branded ingredients.

Packaging includes all the activities of designing and producing the container for a product. This includes up to three levels of material: primary package, secondary package, and ________ package. A) retailer B) design C) shipping D) consumer E) supplier

___ are formal statements of expected product performance by the manufacturer. A) Insurances B) Warranties C) Bonds D) Invoices E) Balance sheets

Many sellers offer either general or specific guarantees. Guarantees reduce the buyer's ________ risk. A) actual B) perceived C) real D) implied E) stated

Guarantees are most effective in two situations. The first is when the company or products are not well known. The second is when the product's quality is ________ to competition. A) not known B) different C) inferior D) equivalent E) superior

t/f: Warranties are formal statements of expected product performance by the manufacturer.

t/f: Guarantees are most effective when the product is well known and/or similar in performance to other brands in the market. 

Which of the following is most closely related with the organic growth of an organization? A) acquiring a product or service brand B) entering new market places C) increasing the operational profitability D) increasing productivity of employees E) developing new products from within

E) developing new products from within

Most new-product activities are devoted to ________. A) changing the target markets B) developing new-to-the-world products C) introducing backward integration D) improving existing products E) changing the existing market dynamics

D) improving existing products

Jordan's firm enters new markets by tweaking products for new customers, uses variations on a core product to stay one step ahead of the market, and creates interim solutions for industry-wide products. In other words, it pursues ________. A) disruptive technologies B) incremental innovation C) complex innovations D) discontinuous innovations E) radical innovations

which of the following methods for new-product development incorporates buyers' preferences in the final design of the product? A) quality function deployment B) market leadership C) cost leadership D) incremental innovation E) disruptive technology

A) quality function deployment

After creating a product prototype, a company tests it within the firm to see how it performs in different applications. The company refines the prototype to correct the mistakes found in in-house testing. What should be the next step? A) commercializing the product B) performing concept testing C) conducting beta testing with customers D) creating a marketing strategy for the product E) performing business analysis

C) conducting beta testing with customers

which of the following questions is answered during the business analysis of ideas? A) Does the product meet a need? B) Do we have a technically and commercially sound product? C) Can we find a cost-effective, affordable marketing strategy? D) Can this product meet sales expectations? E) Can we find a good concept consumers say they would try?

D) Can this product meet sales expectations?

The stage in the new product process that occurs first is the ________ stage. A) idea generation B) product development C) test marketing D) product soft launch E) concept testing

A(n) ________ is an elaborated version of a product idea expressed in consumer terms. A) test brand B) alpha product C) beta product D) business schedule E) product concept

Brown & Smith, Inc. engages in the design, development, making, and retail selling of designer jewelry in North America. Before approving a new design, the company draws it on a computer and then produces models to show potential consumers and get their reactions. This allows the company to analyze the possible customer reaction. Identify the concept testing method used here. A) conjoint analysis B) perceptual mapping C) virtual reality testing D) rapid prototyping E) digital fabrication

__ exhibit replacement cycles dictated by physical wear or obsolescence associated with changing style, features, and performance. A) Frequently purchased products B) High-moving goods C) Inexpensive products D) Commodity products E) Infrequently purchased products

E) Infrequently purchased products

Which of the following methodologies takes the list of desired customer attributes (CAs) generated by market research and turns them into a list of engineering attributes (EAs) that engineers can use? A) quality control processes B) quality function deployment C) rapid prototyping D) marketing control E) control system formation

B) quality function deployment

__ testing is a customer test that involves placing the product within the firm to see how it performs in different applications. A) Beta B) Research C) Sales-wave D) Alpha E) Simulated

Poga International, a multinational beverage corporation identifies that one of its competitors is launching an apple flavored drink. The company decides to launch an apple flavor brand along with its competitor. What timing strategy is used here? A) first entry B) blunt entry C) parallel entry D) late entry E) exchange entry

Some firms might delay the launch of their products until after the competitor has borne the cost of educating the market. Such an entry is called ________ entry. A) strategic pay off B) parallel C) balancing D) late E) compensating

Armordo is a famous vacuum cleaner brand in Africa. Clara has heard of Armordo and she knows that the product is a success. She has started considering whether or not to buy the vacuum cleaner. What stage of the consumer-adoption process is Clara in? A) awareness B) adoption C) evaluation D) trial E) interest

Joseph, a student of Columbia University, found that many of his classmates had purchased an iPad tablet from Apple. Several months after the product's launch, realizing that the iPad was widely considered to be useful and that many students in the United States had rated it highly, Joseph also decided to purchase an iPad. Which of the following is the adopter group to which Joseph belongs? A) early adopter B) innovator C) late majority D) laggard E) early majority

t/f: Companies that fail to develop new products leave their existing offerings vulnerable to increased domestic and foreign competition.

t/f: A business analysis is performed mainly to identify if a company has a technically and commercially sound product.

t/f: co-creation can help a company create favorable word of mouth.

t/f: Concept testing means validating the product concept by discussing within the design group.

t/f: beta testing tests the product within the firm to see how it performs in different applications.

t/f: some firms might delay a new product launch until after the competitor has borne the cost of educating the market and its product may reveal flaws the late entrant can avoid. This can be classified as a parallel entry.

t/f: An innovation's rate of adoption depends in part on compatibility, or the degree to which the benefits of use are observable or describable to others.

What are the 3 characteristics of marketing?

Some of the major characteristics of marketing concept are as follows: 1. Customer-orientation 2. Marketing Research 3. Marketing Planning 4.

What are the characteristics of a product and how do marketers classify products?

There are four types of products and each is classified based on consumer habits, price, and product characteristics: convenience goods, shopping goods, specialty products, and unsought goods.

What are the characteristics of products?

Product characteristics are attributes of the product itself that need to be controlled. Examples of product characteristics are size, shape, weight, color, quality, hardness, etc. The list of product characteristics depends on your product and how its functional design requirements have been defined.

What are the characteristics of marketing?

Key characteristics of a great marketing and sales relationship include:.
Shared Vision For The Company. ... .
Mutual Understanding & Respect. ... .
Win-Win Attitude. ... .
Shared Standards When It Comes To Lead Quality. ... .
Communication. ... .
Spend Time Together. ... .
Give Credit Where It's Due..


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