In the Stacked column chart, define range as the horizontal axis label values Quizlet

Using a combo chart can let you plot two different but related groups of data within a single chart. When the values for one data series will not be legible on the axis for the other data series, however, you can assign one data series to a secondary axis. The secondary axis will have a different scale suitable for that set of data values, making all values legible.Click and drag to select range B3:D17.You want to graph both the Sales and Years as Client data for each client. A combination chart makes sense here.Click the Insert tab on the ribbon.In the Charts group, click the Recommended Charts button.The Insert Chart dialog box opens. You can choose chart options from the Recommended Charts tab or click the All Charts tab to see additional options.In the Insert Chart dialog box, click the All Charts tab.A list of all chart types appears in the left pane of the dialog box, with previews of chart subtypes at right.In the list of chart types, click Combo.Excel displays Combo chart options in the right pane. The Clustered Column - Line combo chart is currently selected. You will accept this chart type, but make a modification.In the Choose the chart type and axis for your data series box, for the Years as Client data series, click the Secondary Axis check box to select it.The Years as Client values are much lower than the Sales values. If plotted on the same axis, the Years as Client values will not be readable. Using a secondary axis scaled to fit values in the Years as Client data series will make the chart more readable.Click OK.Excel inserts the combo chart in the worksheet. You can customize the chart later to suit your needs.

Data bars can show what portion of a goal has been met. If an automatic value for the data bars results in filling nearly all the affected cells, you can edit the Data Bars conditional formatting rule to compare the data more clearly.Click and drag to select range D5:D8.You want to change the maximum value for the data bars in this range.In the Styles group, click the Conditional Formatting button.The Conditional Formatting menu opens.On the menu, point to Data Bars.The Data Bars gallery appears. You can change the data bar format using gradients and colors, or you can customize the data bar display by clicking More Rules.Click More Rules.The New Formatting Rule dialog box opens. The Maximum value is currently Automatic, meaning that Excel determines the maximum value of data bars for you.In the dialog box, in the Edit the Rule Description section, click the Maximum arrow.You will set a new maximum value.On the menu, click Number.You will specify a number as the maximum value.Select the current value in the Value box in the Maximum section, and then type 75000 to replace it.Click OK.Excel adjusts the data bars to completely fill every cell with a value of 75,000 or above.

Adding a shape, such as a callout or block arrow, is a good way to add interest to your worksheet. You can customize the shape to suit your particular needs and the overall look of the worksheet.Click the red callout shape.Sizing handles appear on the shape.Click the Drawing Tools Format tab on the ribbon.The Drawing Tools Format tab lets you insert and customize shapes, as well as manage WordArt and accessibility settings. In the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Outline button. The Shape Outline gallery opens. In the Shape Outline gallery, click the Blue, Accent 5 option (Theme Colors section, first row, second option from right)Excel applies the color you selected to the outline. In the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Outline button again.At the bottom of the Outline gallery, point to Weight.The Weight gallery opens.In the Weight gallery, click the 3 pt option. Excel changes the thickness of the outline.

While a sparkline shows a trend in nearby data, adding markers to the sparkline can emphasize specific data such as high or low points.Click and drag to select range E5:E8.Each cell in the range contains a sparkline; all four sparklines are selected. The Sparkline Tools Design tab appears on the ribbon.Click the Sparkline Tools Design tab.In the Style group, click the Marker Color button.You can add markers of different colors for high, low, first, last, and negative points on the sparkline. You can also add markers of the same color for every point.On the menu, point to High Point.You will use one color to indicate the highest point on each sparkline.In the Color gallery, in the Standard Colors section, click Green (the sixth option in the Standard Colors section).In the Style group, click the Marker Color button again.You will use a different color marker to indicate the lowest point in the sparkline.On the menu, point to Low Point.In the Color gallery, in the Standard Colors section, click Red (the second option in the Standard Colors section).Excel marks the lowest value in each sparkline with a red dot.

A histogram chart plots the distribution of values in a data series by placing a range of values within each column, or bin. You can change the bin size quickly and easily by changing the Bin width setting.In the Histogram chart, double-click a value on the horizontal axis.The Format Axis task pane opens at the right of the Excel window. The Axis Options tab is active.In the task pane, click the Axis Options button.The Axis Options section names appear.Click the Axis Options arrow to expand the section and display all options.In the Bins section, click the Bin width option button.The width of each bin is currently 23.0 points. You want each bin to represent 15 data points, starting with billable rates of $75 through $90, $90-$105, and so on.Select the existing text in the Bin width text box, type 15.0 in the box, then press TAB.Excel reconfigures the chart so that each bin now spans three data points. Excel adds an additional bin to the chart to account for the new bin size.In the task pane, click the Close button.The task pane closes.

Data labels make charts easier to read by identifying the names and values in a data series. Apply the data label options that work best with your chart and the type of data it contains.Click the chart.Excel activates the Chart Tools tabs on the Ribbon as well as the Chart Elements, Chart Styles, and Chart Filters buttons to the right of the chart.Click the Chart Elements button.The Chart Elements gallery appears showing a list of available chart elements. Those elements currently displayed in the chart are checked.Point to Data Labels, and click the arrow that appears.A fly-out menu appears with options for data label locations.Click More Options.The Format Data Labels pane opens. The Label Options tab and button are active, and the Label Options section is expanded.In the pane, in the Label Contains section, click the Percentage check box to select it.Excel adds percentage values to the data labels. You want to show the percentages only, not their numerical values.In the pane, in the Label Contains section, click the Value check box to deselect it.Excel removes the numerical values from the data labels.In the Label Position section, click the Inside End option button to select it.Excel moves the data labels to the Inside End position.In the pane, click the Close button.The pane closes.


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