In response to increased japanese expansion in asia, the united states ______.

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By The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Last Updated: Dec 9, 2022

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Russo-Japanese War

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Date:February 8, 1904 - September 5, 1905...(Show more)Location:China Manchuria Korea...(Show more)Participants:Japan Russian Empire...(Show more)Major Events:Battle of Mukden Battle of Tsushima Battle of Port Arthur Battle of the Yellow Sea...(Show more)Key People:Stepan Osipovich Makarov Nicholas II Anatoly Mikhaylovich Stessel Danshaku Suzuki Kantarō Tōgō Heihachirō...(Show more)

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Top Questions

What caused the Russo-Japanese War?

The war developed from Russia’s and Japan’s rivalry for dominance in Korea and Manchuria. After the First Sino-Japanese War, Japan acquired the Liaodong Peninsula from China, but European powers forced Japan to return it. China subsequently leased it to Russia. The Russo-Japanese War began when Japan attacked Russian warships at Port Arthur, on the peninsula.

Japan: The emergence of imperial Japan

Learn more about the start of the Russo-Japanese War in the Japan article.

Who won the Russo-Japanese war?

Japan won a convincing victory over Russia, becoming the first Asian power in modern times to defeat a European power.

Battle of Tsushima

Russia’s Baltic Fleet sailed halfway around the world only to meet its demise at the guns of Adm. Togō Heihachirō and the superior ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy in the Battle of Tsushima.

Where was the Russo-Japanese War fought?

The war was fought largely at sea: Russia tried to prevent Japan from blockading Port Arthur, and Japan tried to prevent Russia from reinforcing its troops. Japan staged amphibious attacks on Korea and the Liaodong Peninsula, causing Russian forces to retreat to Mukden. In the Battle of Mukden (early 1905), the Japanese decisively defeated the Russians.

What was the significance of the Russo-Japanese War?

Militarists in the Japanese government felt emboldened by their success, and the decades after the Russo-Japanese War would see them accrue almost unchecked power. In Russia the demoralizing defeat helped spark the Russian Revolution of 1905.

Anglo-Japanese Alliance

This strategic partnership effectively prevented other European powers from coming to Russia’s aid.

How did the Russo-Japanese War end?

The massive Battles of Mukden and Tsushima strained the resources of both Russia and Japan, so, when U.S. Pres. Theodore Roosevelt offered to mediate a peace settlement, both parties agreed. In September 1905 they signed the Treaty of Portsmouth, in which Russia recognized Japan as the dominant power in East Asia.


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Battle of Tsushima

Russo-Japanese War, (1904–05), military conflict in which a victorious Japan forced Russia to abandon its expansionist policy in East Asia, thereby becoming the first Asian power in modern times to defeat a European power.

Origins of the Russo-Japanese War

Russian Empire

By the early 17th century, Russia had established its authority over all of Siberia, but its attempts to move southward were consistently blocked by China. Fully engaged in western Europe and against Turkey during the 18th century, Russia could not press its interests in East Asia. As the settlement of Siberia developed, however, it realized its need for outlets to the sea, and, because China continued to deny it access to the Amur region, it resorted to force toward the end of the reign of Emperor Nicholas I (1825–55).

Russo-Japanese War events


Battle of Port Arthur

February 2, 1904 - August 9, 1904

Battle of the Yellow Sea

August 10, 1904

Battle of Mukden

February 20, 1905 - March 10, 1905

Battle of Tsushima

May 27, 1905 - May 29, 1905


In the 1850s, Russian towns and settlements appeared along the left bank of the Amur (Heilong) River. The Chinese government made repeated protests but, because of its ongoing struggle against Great Britain and France and the internal turmoil of the Taiping Rebellion, was unable to resist Russian pressure. Finally, by the Treaty of Aigun (1858, confirmed by the Beijing Convention, 1860), China ceded to Russia all the territory north of the Amur, together with the maritime region east of the Ussuri (Wusuli) River from the mouth of the Amur to the boundary of Korea. This included the splendid site where Vladivostok was soon to be founded. Russian expansionist policy was now alarming other European powers, however, and in 1861 Great Britain thwarted a Russian attempt to establish a naval base on the island of Tsushima, lying between Korea and Japan. For the next 30 years Russia was content to consolidate its gains.

First Sino-Japanese War

The reign of Emperor Alexander III (1881–94) witnessed a revival of interest in the development of the Asian parts of the Russian Empire. In 1891 Alexander sent his son, soon to reign as Nicholas II, on a much-publicized tour of East Asia, and at this time work began on the Trans-Siberian Railway. After the accession of Nicholas II in 1894, Russian expansionist policy became more active and pronounced. However, the outbreak of the First Sino-Japanese War in that year demonstrated that Japan was an ascendant new power in Asia.

The emergence of Japan


Qing dynasty

The transformation of Japan from an isolationist feudal state into a vigorous modern power had begun in 1868 with the demise of the Tokugawa shogunate and the restoration of the Meiji emperor. The reforms of that era had been carried through with such dramatic speed that within a quarter of a century Japan was ready to assert itself against China. Although the rulers of the Qing dynasty controlled a vast empire, China entered the latter half of the 19th century fighting a losing battle against European encroachment and weakened by internal corruption.

In its foreign policy, Japan aimed first at extending its authority into Korea, a state over which China had long claimed suzerainty. Its struggle with China for predominance in Korea gave rise to several crises and finally, in 1894, to war. Japan, with its modernized army and navy, at once won a series of striking victories against the Chinese, who, in the Treaty of Shimonoseki (April 17, 1895), ceded to Japan the Kwantung (Liaodong) Peninsula, on which Port Arthur (now Dalian) stands, together with Formosa (Taiwan) and the Pescadores (P’eng-hu) Islands, and agreed to pay a heavy indemnity.

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This display of Japanese power and its decisive victory over China threatened to close the door on Russia in East Asia, and it made conflict between Russia and Japan inevitable. The Russian government was quick to react to the Treaty of Shimonoseki. On the initiative of Nicholas II, Russia, Germany, and France conducted the so-called Triple Intervention, compelling Japan to give up its territorial gains in return for an increased indemnity. Nicholas, guided by Sergey Yulyevich, Count Witte, his minister of communications and finance, at once obtained a loan for China, enabling it to pay the large indemnity to Japan. In 1896 Russia concluded an alliance with China against Japan, guaranteeing the integrity of Chinese territory. Under the terms of this alliance, Russia also obtained the right to lay the eastern section of the Trans-Siberian Railway across Manchuria by way of Harbin to Vladivostok, to extend a branch line from Harbin to Mukden (now Shenyang) and Dalian, and to administer and patrol with Russian troops a strip of territory on either side of the railway.

European colonialism in China

An era of European rivalry had now begun in East Asia. German Emperor William II, during a visit to Russia in 1897, secured the support of his cousin Nicholas II for the German annexation of Kiaochow (now Qingdao). Subsequently, Nicholas II himself decided to seize Port Arthur, in spite of his own guarantees of the integrity of Chinese territory and over the strong objections of his minister Witte. Witte nevertheless managed to win Chinese agreement to a lease of Port Arthur for 25 years (April 8, 1898). Russia thus entered into the occupation of the Kwantung Peninsula, from which only three years earlier it had excluded Japan.

Learn about the Boxer Rebellion

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The seizure of Chinese territory by Germany and Russia was followed by British demands for Weihai and French claims on Kwangchow (now Guangzhou). The response to the steady erosion of Chinese sovereignty was the Boxer Rebellion (1899–1900), an officially sanctioned peasant uprising against foreigners. Japan and the European powers intervened to suppress the revolt, and Russia used the rebellion as an excuse to pour troops into Manchuria. From there it planned to invade Korea, the independence of which had been “guaranteed” by Japan since the Treaty of Shimonoseki.

As Japan prepared to assert its power in East Asia, it built up a modern and efficient army and navy. As a result of its recruiting law of 1896, by January 1904 its frontline army numbered 270,000 highly trained troops. Although its reserves amounted only to some 200,000 men, Japan had gained a distinct advantage over Russia in East Asia. Including all patrols on the Manchurian railways and the small garrisons at Port Arthur and Vladivostok, Russia had only some 80,000 troops in the region. At the other end of the Trans-Siberian Railway, however, it had almost overwhelming manpower available, as the peacetime strength of the Russian army was approximately 1,000,000 men. The Japanese, of course, entertained no thought of attacking Russia itself but were concerned wholly with winning an early and decisive victory that would securely establish their hegemony in East Asia. In this strategy, they were counting on the Trans-Siberian Railway to prove inadequate to the task of bringing up timely Russian reinforcements, and their miscalculation on this score might have involved them in disaster.

Russian policy in East Asia

Aleksey Kuropatkin

The Russian government was confused and unrealistic in its policy leading up to the war with Japan and, indeed, in the conduct of the war itself. This fact, combined with the ineffective leadership of its troops, was, more than any other factor, responsible for its defeat. Gen. Aleksey Kuropatkin, Nicholas II’s minister of war, had watched with anxiety the growth of Japanese armed strength. Realizing that Japan had gained preponderance in East Asia, in the summer of 1903 he recommended that Russia should abandon its projects in Manchuria and restore Port Arthur to China in return for concessions in the Vladivostok region. His proposals were accepted, but extremists at the imperial court and the powerful commercial interests behind the Russian expansionist movement in East Asia nullified Kuropatkin’s policy. Meanwhile, nothing was done to strengthen Russian forces, and the Russian government simply ignored Japan’s preparations and obvious intentions.

The outbreak of war

Tōgō Heihachirō

Russo-Japanese War

attack on Port Arthur

On the night of February 8–9, 1904, without a declaration of war, the main Japanese fleet, under the command of Adm. Tōgō Heihachirō, took the Russian squadron at Port Arthur by surprise, inflicting serious losses and imposing a blockade on the harbour. Adm. Yevgeny Alekseyev was viceroy and first commander in chief of the Russian forces in East Asia. Alekseyev, though a favourite of the emperor, possessed questionable judgment, and he gave the demoralizing order that the navy was not to risk proceeding to sea.

Stepan Osipovich Makarov

Russo-Japanese War

When Adm. Stepan Osipovich Makarov, a brave and able officer, assumed command of the navy, he took his ships to sea daily and seriously harassed the Japanese fleet. Unfortunately for the Russian military effort, Makarov was killed on April 13, barely two months into the war, when his flagship Petropavlovsk struck a mine and sank. The Russian squadron was thereafter kept in harbour for months while the Japanese fleet lay off Port Arthur unchallenged. Thus, the Japanese fleet, although about equal in strength to the Russian Far Eastern Fleet, kept the enemy fleet divided and confined in Port Arthur and Vladivostok.

Russo-Japanese War

Without waiting to gain command of the sea, the Japanese had begun in March transporting their First Army (under the command of Gen. Tamemoto Kuroki) across the sea to Korea, landing it at Inch’ŏn, not far from Seoul, and at Namp’o, in the north. The spring thaw had made the roads virtually impassible, and it took many days before the Japanese army was in position before the town of Ŭiju (now Sinŭiju) on the Yalu River. On May 1 the Japanese attacked and, after bitter fighting, defeated the Russians. Japanese losses were about 1,100 men out of a force of 40,000, while Russian losses were 2,500 out of a force of 7,000 troops engaged in this action. It was a victory of tremendous significance, for, although the outnumbered Russians made an orderly withdrawal, it was Japan’s first victorious engagement against a Western country.

Russian strategy

Russo-Japanese War

A public outcry against Alekseyev as commander in chief compelled Nicholas to send Kuropatkin to take over the command, although Alekseyev remained as viceroy. Kuropatkin had proved a competent minister of war but was to show himself sadly irresolute and passive as a commander in the field. His policy was to avoid action wherever possible until he had significant superiority in numbers. He placed his forces so that they could delay the enemy and then retire to positions prepared in the rear.

Nogi Maresuke

During May the Japanese Second Army, under Gen. Yasukata Oku, landed on the Kwantung Peninsula. On May 26 this force, outnumbering the Russians 10 to 1, won the Battle of Nanshan, cutting off the Port Arthur garrison from Russia’s main forces in Manchuria. Two more Japanese divisions landed on the eastern Korean coast to form the Third Army, under Gen. Nogi Maresuke, which was to operate against Port Arthur. A further division, to form the nucleus of the Fourth Army, under Gen. Michitsura Nodzu, was landed on the Manchurian coast.

defense of Port Arthur

Kuropatkin was disturbed by this enemy concentration. He ordered preparations to make Mukden a stronghold to which he could retreat, but at this time he received an order, signed by the emperor himself, impressing on him that the fate of Port Arthur was his direct responsibility. Kuropatkin therefore disposed his main forces south of Mukden around Liaoyang. But at Fu-hsien (now Wafangdian) on June 14 the Japanese, with 35,000 men, decisively defeated a 25,000-strong Russian army. The Japanese then advanced in three columns on Liaoyang, where the main Russian force, under Kuropatkin, had retired and taken up strong positions.


Even an unexpected sortie of the Russian naval squadron at Port Arthur, which for a time paralyzed the Japanese land offensive, and then the sudden appearance of the Russian Vladivostok squadron in the straits of Tsushima, which added to the anxieties of the Japanese high command, did not embolden the Russian command to adopt more aggressive tactics. Toward the end of July Kuropatkin engaged Kuroki’s First Army, after which Kuropatkin fell back on Liaoyang and there remained on the defensive, although he had considerable opportunities to attack the advancing enemy columns.

Russo-Japanese War

On August 25 the Battle of Liaoyang was joined, and, after nine days of stubborn fighting, the Japanese won a significant victory in spite of inferior numbers: 130,000 against 180,000 Russians. Nevertheless, their loss of some 23,000 men faced them with serious difficulties, for they had limited trained reserves. The Russians, meanwhile, had withdrawn in good order toward Mukden, where they were now receiving reinforcements via the Trans-Siberian Railway at the rate of 30,000 men per month.

Realizing that the Japanese were nearing the end of their resources while the Russian army was gaining in strength, Kuropatkin resolved now to take the offensive. Despite this new, more assertive strategy, Kuropatkin made careful preparations to hold Mukden, which, as the capital of Manchuria, had special political importance. The first battle resulting from Kuropatkin’s offensive was fought on the Shaho River (October 5–17, 1904), and a subsequent battle took place at Sandepu (January 26–27, 1905). Both might have been decisive victories for Russia had Kuropatkin and his senior officers been more resolute and aggressive, but, in the event, both battles proved indecisive.

The capture of Port Arthur

Russo-Japanese War

Russo-Japanese War

Meanwhile, at Port Arthur the Japanese found the Russian garrison much stronger than they had expected. The Russian defenders had done much to fortify their position with breastworks and barbed wire, and they possessed several machine guns. After making several very costly attempts to take the fortress, the Japanese abandoned general assaults and resorted to siege tactics. The dragging-on of these operations distressed the Japanese command, for it not only tied down their Third Army, which they needed urgently in the main theatre of war, but it also lowered the morale of their troops in Manchuria. The news of the sailing of the Russian Baltic Fleet for East Asia made the Japanese redouble their efforts to take Port Arthur. Russian machine guns took a vicious toll on the Japanese attackers, who suffered very heavy casualties as a result of the storming tactics to which they had once again resorted. Observers from the armies of western Europe and the United States were embedded with both the Japanese and the Russians, and the effect of machine gun fire on massed infantry assaults was gruesomely apparent to all. However, the lessons of Port Arthur would go largely unheeded by European commanders, who would replicate the same sanguinary tactics on the Western Front during World War I.

Russo-Japanese War

Russo-Japanese War

Battleships at Port Arthur

Among the Russian commanders at Port Arthur there was serious disagreement. Some urged surrender, while others insisted that the garrison must resist to the end. On January 2, 1905, Lieut. Gen. Anatoly Stessel, the commander of the fortress, sent out the white flag without conferring with his officers and thus surrendered Port Arthur. The surrender was regarded as an act of either incompetence or treachery, for the fortress contained provisions for over three months and adequate supplies of ammunition.

The Battle of Mukden

The final and greatest land battle of the war was fought for Mukden (February 19–March 10, 1905). Again Kuropatkin decided to attack, but this time the Japanese forestalled him. Three Russian armies faced the Japanese—from right to left, the Second (under Gen. Alexander von Kaulbars), the Third (under Gen. Alexander Bilderling), and the First (under Gen. Nikolai Linevich)—comprising 330,000 men and 1,475 guns in all. This force held firm against three Japanese armies under the command of Marshal Iwao Oyama, who had 270,000 men and 1,062 guns. After long and stubborn fighting and heavy casualties, Kuropatkin decided to draw off his troops to the north, a movement he carried out successfully, but it left Mukden to fall into the hands of the Japanese. Losses in this battle were exceptionally heavy, approximately 89,000 Russians and 71,000 Japanese having fallen. Japan was now exhausted and could not hope to pursue the land war to a successful conclusion. Its salvation would come with a stunning naval victory at Tsushima, along with increasing internal unrest throughout Russia.

The Battle of Tsushima

The Japanese had been unable to secure the complete command of the sea on which their campaign depended. The Russian squadrons at Port Arthur and Vladivostok had made sorties, and both sides had suffered losses in engagements. Meanwhile, in St. Petersburg it was decided to send the Baltic Fleet to East Asia under the command of Adm. Zinovi Petrovich Rozhestvensky, for it was assumed that once the Russians had gained command of the sea, the Japanese campaign would collapse.

The Baltic Fleet spent the entire summer of 1904 preparing to sail, and it set out from Libava (now Liepāja, Latvia) on October 15, 1904. On October 21, off the Dogger Bank, several Russian ships opened fire on British civilian trawlers in the mistaken belief that they were Japanese torpedo boats. This incident inflamed the British to such a degree that war between Britain and Russia was avoided only by an immediate apology and promise of full compensation made by the Russian government. At Nossi-Bé, near Madagascar, Rozhestvensky learned of the surrender of Port Arthur and proposed returning to Russia. However, naval reinforcements were already en route from the Baltic via Suez in early March 1905, and he decided to proceed.

Rozhestvensky linked up with these reinforcements at Cam Ranh Bay (now in Vietnam), and his full fleet appeared to be a formidable armada. In reality, however, many of the ships were old and unserviceable. Early in May the fleet reached the China Sea, and Rozhestvensky made for Vladivostok via the Tsushima Strait. Tōgō lay in wait for him off the southern Korean coast near Pusan (Busan), and, on May 27, as the Russian fleet approached, he attacked. The Japanese ships were superior in speed and armament, and, in the course of the two-day battle, two-thirds of the Russian fleet was sunk, six ships were captured, four reached Vladivostok, and six took refuge in neutral ports. It was a dramatic and decisive defeat; after voyaging seven months to within a few hundred miles of its destination, the Baltic Fleet was shattered. With it Russia’s hope of regaining mastery of the sea was crushed.

The Treaty of Portsmouth

Russo-Japanese War

Witness the entry of the U.S. into international politics as Theodore Roosevelt successfully ends the Russo-Japanese War of 1905

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For Russia the disastrous course of the war had seriously aggravated unrest inside the country, and the surrender of Port Arthur, followed by the loss of Mukden and the devastating defeat at Tsushima, made the emperor accept the proffered mediation of U.S. Pres. Theodore Roosevelt. It was, however, the Japanese government that had taken the initiative in proposing peace negotiations. Exhausted financially and fearing a long, drawn-out war of attrition far from their bases, the Japanese hoped that the acute unrest in Russia would compel the government to discuss terms, and their hopes proved justified.

Roosevelt served as mediator at the peace conference, which was held at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine, U.S. (August 9–September 5, 1905). In the resulting Treaty of Portsmouth, Japan gained control of the Liaodong Peninsula (and Port Arthur) and the South Manchurian Railway (which led to Port Arthur) as well as half of Sakhalin Island. Russia agreed to evacuate southern Manchuria, which was restored to China, and Japan’s control of Korea was recognized. Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in ending the conflict.


Japanese expansion

The Treaty of Portsmouth effectively ended Russia’s expansionist East Asian policy directed toward establishing hegemony over the whole of Asia. Furthermore, the humiliating defeat at the hands of an Asian power that had until so recently been preindustrial and isolationist added to the national anger and disgust. Within two months the Revolution of 1905 compelled Nicholas II to issue the October Manifesto, which ostensibly transformed Russia from an unlimited autocracy into a constitutional monarchy. Russia’s defeat also had profound repercussions throughout Asia and Europe. Russia nevertheless remained an Asian power, possessing as it did the railways across Siberia and northern Manchuria to Vladivostok and being closely allied with China.

Japan, for its part, formalized its hold on Korea by forcing Kojong, the final monarch of the Chosŏn (Yi) dynasty, to abdicate in 1907. Korean language and culture were violently suppressed, and Japan formally annexed Korea in 1910. Japanese militarists found their domestic political power greatly enhanced, and, by the outbreak of World War I, Japan was in a position to treat with its European allies as a fully equal partner. While the Japanese contribution to the war in Europe was negligible, Japanese troops were quick to occupy German colonial possessions in East Asia. World War I left the great powers of Europe shattered, but it reinforced Japan’s status as the strongest military and imperialist power in East Asia.

How did the United States respond to Japan's increased military expansion in Asia?

The United States responded to this growing threat by temporarily halting negotiations with Japanese diplomats, instituting a full embargo on exports to Japan, freezing Japanese assets in U.S. banks, and sending supplies into China along the Burma Road.

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What was a result of Japanese American internment? Many Japanese Americans lost their homes and businesses. Many Japanese Americans were motivated to fight for the United States.

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