How would a nurse advise a caregiver to clear the nostrils when an infant has a cold?

The nurse tells the parents of a child who has a positive throat culture for group A hemolytic streptococcus that the treatment most likely will be:

oral penicillin for 10 days.

The initial intervention that the nurse would suggest to the parents of a child experiencing laryngeal spasm is to:

take the child to the bathroom and turn on a hot shower.

The nurse would observe a child for frequent swallowing following a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (T&A) because this is indicative of:

bleeding from the surgical site.

The best choice for fluid replacement that the nurse can offer a child who has just had a tonsillectomy is:

The nurse auscultating breath sounds of an infant with respiratory syncytial virus would immediately report the assessment of:

“quiet chest” from previous assessment of wheezing.

The nurse, auscultating the breath sounds of a child hospitalized for an acute asthma attack, would expect to find the classic sign of:

The nurse caring for a child experiencing an acute asthma attack would:

position the child with arms resting on the overbed table.

What should the nurse explain to the parent of a child with exercise-induced asthma about when to inhale Cromolyn?

Before exercise to prevent attacks

The parents of a 3-month-old infant with cystic fibrosis (CF) want to know how their child got this disease, because no one in either of their families has CF. The nurse’s response is based on the understanding that with CF:

both parents are carriers of the CF gene.

The statement indicating that the child’s parents understand how to perform respiratory therapy is:

“We give the aerosol followed by postural drainage before meals.”

What will the nurse teach the child with cystic fibrosis to take in order to facilitate digestion and absorption of nutrients?

The nurse would advise a mother to clear the nostrils when her infant has a cold by:

removing nasal secretions with a bulb syringe.

The nurse offers a variety of fluids to a 5-year-old asthmatic child to compensate for the fluid loss through dyspnea. Which fluids are most appropriate?

The asthmatic child who has been taking theophylline complains of stomachache and tachycardia and is sweating profusely. The nurse recognizes these symptoms as:

The nurse is planning to teach parents about preventing sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Significant information would include:

placing infants on their backs or sides for sleep.

The nurse is caring for a toddler with acute laryngotracheobronchitis. The assessment finding that would indicate the child is experiencing increased respiratory obstruction is:

The teaching plan for the use of a dry powder inhaler for the treatment of asthma should include the warning to rinse the mouth after inhaling the powder. What does this prevent?

The nurse is caring for a 3-year-old child who suffered a smoke inhalation injury. How long is this patient at the highest risk for pulmonary edema after exposure?

Which is the most appropriate nursing action when planning care for a child with cystic fibrosis?

Ensure high-protein, high-calorie diet.

The first child of a couple is being treated for bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). They ask how to prevent this from happening with the child they are currently expecting. What will the nurse explain as the best way to prevent BPD?

Prevention of preterm birth

the "allergic salute" as a cluster of what signs related to chronic allergy? Select all that apply.

Mouth breathing - Transverse nasal crease - Dark circles under the eyes - Reddened conjunctiva

The nurse would suggest to the parents of an asthmatic child to encourage participation in which sport(s)? Select all that apply.




. The nurse reports which assessment(s) that suggest a meconium ileus in a newborn? Select all that apply.

Abdominal distention


Absence of stool

What would the nurse teaching an asthmatic child the technique of pursed-lip breathing include? (Select all that apply.)

Inhale deeply through nose with mouth closed. Make exhalation twice as long as inhalation Exhale through mouth as if whistling.

A toddler must maintain bed rest for the diagnosis of pneumonia. What actions will the nurse implement? (Select all that apply.)

b. Consider age. c. Assess developmental level. d. Implement light play activities.

The school nurse suspects a first-grade student has sinusitis. Which symptoms might lead the nurse to this suspicion? (Select all that apply.)

a. Child reports tooth pain c. Child reports, “I have had a cold for 2 weeks.” d. Nurse observes periorbital swelling. e. Halitosis is present.

The nurse is caring for a 4-year-old child diagnosed with H. influenzae type B. Which signs and symptoms exhibited by the child would alert the nurse to suspect epiglottitis? (Select all that apply.)

b. Restlessness c. Edematous epiglottis e. Drooling

What will the nurse discourage when providing education to parents of a child with asthma? (Select all that apply.)

After the 3-month-old child with respiratory syncytial virus is given a protocol of antiviral medications, the nurse explains that routine immunizations will need to be delayed for _______ months.

What should the nurse teach the parents about preventing sudden infant death syndrome SIDS?

Always Place Baby on His or Her Back To Sleep, for Naps and at Night, To Reduce the Risk of SIDS. The back sleep position is the safest position for all babies, until they are 1 year old.

Which assessment findings would alert the nurse that the child is in respiratory distress?

The early signs of respiratory distress include restlessness, tachypnea, tachycardia, and diaphoresis.

What measure at home could help a child with an upper respiratory infection breathe more easily?

Place a humidifier by your child's bed or close to your child. This may make it easier for your child to breathe.

How should a baby sleep with RSV?

Have your child sleep in a reclined position if possible. This can be accomplished using a wedge under the crib mattress or a car seat. Sleep in the same room as your child so you know if they have trouble breathing right away. Your doctor may order a test for RSV which is done by swabbing the inside of the nose.


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