How did the Supreme Court decision in the Slaughterhouse Cases affect American businesses

Date of Award

Spring 2019

Degree Type

Honors Project


College of Liberal Arts

First Advisor

Nurith Zmora


This Project focuses on the Slaughterhouse Cases, the ramifications of the Supreme Court decision, and the reaction to the decision from the public. The Slaughterhouse Cases were a series of cases originating in New Orleans around the year 1869. The white, French butchers inside the city of New Orleans had been creating a sanitary and health issue for the city for decades. The lack of ways to dispose of offal and inedible product mixed with general apathy from the butchers as to how their practices were impacting the city led to widespread cholera epidemics.

To solve this issue the newly formed Reconstruction government of Louisiana passed an act that allowed the Crescent City Slaughterhouse and Livestock Landing Co. to run what was essentially a grand-slaughterhouse monopoly outside of the city on New Orleans and force all of New Orleans’s butchers to work in said slaughterhouse. The Butchers Benevolent Guild, representing the butchers of New Orleans, sued stating their rights under the Fourteenth Amendment had been violated. They claimed that the Due Process, Privileges or Immunities, and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment protected their right to use their property to honestly pursue their trade and that the state government was not allowed to deprive them of their property and hand the sole rights to butchering in New Orleans to a single business.

This case is important because it was the first case where the Supreme Court interpreted what the Fourteenth Amendment really meant and what it intended to accomplish. The final decision given by the Supreme Court stated that the Fourteenth Amendment was only supposed to be applied “to the newly freed race” meaning African-American men. They also ruled that the Privileges or Immunities Clause only protected a few handfuls of rights on the national level but more importantly left it up to the states to decide what privileges or immunities their own citizens had.

Many people at the time saw this case as a challenge to state authority to create a monopoly or deprive citizens of their property to protect the health of the city. But this case is so much more than just that. The ramifications of the Slaughterhouse Cases and its decision was felt for nearly one-hundred years after it had been decided. This case made it possible for the southern states to establish the doctrine of Separate but Equal using the same arguments made in the Slaughterhouse Cases.

The question that this project seeks to answer is: how did the public react, if at all, to the Slaughterhouse Cases decision; how did Southerners, Northerners, and African-Americans interpret this decision? This project wishes to examine if anyone at the time realized what the far-reaching impact of the cases was and how it would impact civil and states’ rights for many years to come. The evidence examined for this study will mainly be newspaper articles printed around or shortly after the Supreme Court gave its decision on the Slaughterhouse Cases and scholarly articles from the time period.

Recommended Citation

Jensen, Gavin, "The Slaughterhouse Cases: “Unforeseen” Consequences and Public Reaction" (2019). Departmental Honors Projects. 87.






Departmental Honors Projects


Since October 18, 2019


How did the Supreme Court decision in the Slaughterhouse Cases affect American businesses
"In the Slaughter House" by Lovis Corinth (credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Note: Landmark Cases, C-SPAN’s new series on historic Supreme Court decisions—produced in cooperation with the National Constitution Center—continues on Monday, Oct. 19th at 9pm ET. This week’s show features the Slaughterhouse Cases.

The originally intended meaning of various constitutional clauses is a source of constant discussion among scholars and jurists. These debates are complicated, in part, because of how long ago these clauses and amendments were drafted. Simply asking the framers is not an option.

When the Supreme Court heard the Slaughterhouse Casesin 1873, they were tasked with interpreting the meaning and scope of the Reconstruction Amendments passed after the Civil War. Although the 13th and 14th Amendments were ratified only five years earlier, the Court adopted a contentious reading of the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the 14th Amendment. This interpretation altered the trajectory of constitutional law.

In 1869, the Louisiana state legislature granted a monopoly to the Crescent City Livestock Landing & Slaughterhouse Company, and mandated that all other livestock slaughtering businesses in the New Orleans area either shut down or pay to work on the Crescent City premises. Louisiana justified this monopoly under its police power to make laws that promote the “safety, health, welfare and morals” of its citizens. State officials explained that centralizing meat production would increase the welfare of both workers and consumers through the labor and health standards enforced at the Crescent City slaughterhouse.

Butchers in the New Orleans area objected to the mandate, saying that the law made doing business for them too costly and deprived them of their livelihoods. These butchers sued Louisiana and argued that the state-sanctioned monopoly infringed on their newly ratified 13th and 14th Amendment rights.

They argued that being forced to pay the Crescent City slaughterhouse to maintain their livelihoods amounted to involuntary servitude. Furthermore, the butchers argued that the law infringed on citizens’ “privileges or immunities” and deprived individuals of property without “due process of law.” The Court was thus asked to decide the scope and meaning of the newly passed amendments while their ratification was “fresh within the memory of us all.”

Writing for the Court, Justice Samuel Miller quickly dismissed the butcher’s claims regarding due process and involuntary servitude. He said that “under no construction” of the Due Process Clause is the Louisiana statute impermissible. He also explained that since the intention of the 13th Amendment was clearly to end African-American slavery, it would be improper to understand this alleged deprivation of livelihood as covered by the amendment.

Justice Miller then turned to the question of whether the butchers’ “privileges or immunities” were violated by the Louisiana statute. For guidance, Justice Miller looked to Article IV, which entitles “the Citizens of each State” to “all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.” The 14th Amendment, on the other hand, guarantees protection of the “privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.” [emphases added]

Miller reasoned that the two clauses protect different bundles of rights, with Article IV protecting the rights of state citizenship and the 14th Amendment protecting rights of national citizenship. The privileges and immunities of U.S. citizenship are narrow and only those specified in the Constitution, which include the right to freely travel throughout the states. Not included, Miller explained, is the right to one’s livelihood or be protected against a monopoly.

Through this narrow reading, Justice Miller effectively rendered the Privileges or Immunities Clause impotent—despite the fact that its drafter, Representative John Bingham of Ohio, had explained on the House floor that the clause was meant to give Congress the power to enforce the Bill of Rights against the states. Later, in Adamson v. California, Justice Hugo Black wrote that the historical record was clear that Bingham’s intention was to ensure that state governments could not violate the rights outlined in the first ten amendments.

By ruling that the 14th Amendment does not protect substantive rights, constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe has argued, the Court “incorrectly gutted” the Privileges or Immunities Clause.  His colleague Akhil Amar has echoed that assessment, declaring that “virtually no serious modern scholar—left, right and center—thinks that [Slaughterhouse] is a plausible reading of the [14th] Amendment.”

As a result of the Slaughterhouse Cases, the butchers in New Orleans were forced to deal with the monopoly granted to Crescent City Livestock. But the lasting outcome was a limited understanding of the Privileges or Immunities Clause. Instead, citizens would have to seek substantive rights protection under the 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause—a strategy that continues today.

Jonathan Stahl is an intern at the National Constitution Center. He is also a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, majoring in politics, philosophy and economics.

How did the Supreme Court decision in the Slaughterhouse Cases affect American?

The Slaughterhouse Cases, resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1873, ruled that a citizen's "privileges and immunities," as protected by the Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment against the states, were limited to those spelled out in the Constitution and did not include many rights given by the individual states.

How was the Supreme Court decision in the Slaughterhouse Cases of 1873 a setback for African Americans?

The Supreme Court's decision in the Slaughterhouse cases of 1873 was a setback for African Americans because the Court stated that most of Americans' basic civil rights were obtained through their citizenship in a state and the amendment did not protect those rights, meaning states could pass discriminatory laws ...

Why were the Slaughterhouse Cases 1873 and the Civil Rights Cases 1883 significant for later champions of civil rights?

Why were the Slaughterhouse Cases (1873) and the Civil Rights Cases (1883) significant for later champions of civil rights? They limited future advocates' ability to legally use the Fourteenth Amendment and the 1875 Civil Rights Act, which these cases stripped.

What were some short term effects of the Court's decision in the Slaughterhouse Cases?

what were short-term effects of the Court's decision in the Slaughterhouse cases? Butchers did not get their businesses back. What were long-term effects of Slaughterhouse cases? Northerners saw Reconstruction as a failure b/c they could not enforce laws, so they gave up.