Exposure factor is the expected percentage of loss that would occur from a particular attack.

Principles of Information Security, 5th Edition5-1Chapter 5Risk ManagementKey TermsAcceptance control strategy:the risk control strategy that indicates an organization iswilling to accept the current level of residual risk.Annualized cost of a safeguard (ACS):in a cost-benefit analysis, the total cost of acontrol or safeguard, including all purchase, maintenance, subscription, personnel, andsupport fees, divided by the total number of expected years of use.Annualized loss expectancy (ALE):in a cost-benefit analysis, the product of theannualized rate of occurrence and single loss expectancy.Annualized rate of occurrence (ARO):in a cost-benefit analysis, the expectedfrequency of an attack, expressed on a per-year basis.Asset exposure:seeloss magnitude.Asset valuation:the process of assigning financial value or worth to each informationasset.Attack success probability:the number of successful attacks that are expected to occurwithin a specified time period.Avoidance of competitive advantage: the adoption and implementation of a businessmodel, method, technique, resource, or technology to prevent being outperformed by acompeting organization; working to keep pace with the competition through innovation,rather than falling behind.Baseline:a performance value or metric used to compare changes in the object beingmeasured.Baselining:the comparison of past security activities and events against theorganization’s current performance.Behavioral feasibility:seeoperational feasibility.Benchmarking:the process of comparing other organizations’ activities against thepractices used in one’s own organization to produce results it would like to duplicate.

Principles of Information Security, 5th Edition, Chapter 5

Avoidance of competitive disadvantage

The adoption and implementation of a business model, method, technique, resource, or technology prevent being a out performed by a competing an organization; working to keep pace with the competition and innovation, rather than falling behind

The adoption and implementation of an innovative business model, method, technique, resource, or technology in order to out perform the competition

A determination of the extent to which an organization's information assets are exposed to risk

The application of controls that reduce the risks to an organization's information assets to an acceptable level

The enumeration and documentation of risks to an organization's information assets

Process of identifying risk, assessing its relative magnitude, taking steps to reduce it to an acceptable level

The amount of risk that remains to an information asset even after the organization has applied its desired level controls

The amount of risk organization is willing to accept

An authorization issued by an organization for the repair, modification, or update of a piece of equipment

Data classification scheme

Formal access control methodology used to assign a level of confidentiality to an information asset and thus restrict the number of people who can access it

A component of data classification scheme that assigns a status level to employees to designate maximum level classified data they may access

An organizational policy that specifies employees must inspect their work areas and ensure that all classified information, documents, and materials are secured at the end of every workday

An information attack that involves searching through a organization's trash and recycling bins for sensitive information

A process of assigning financial value or worth to each information asset

And evaluation of the threats to information assets, including a determination of their potential to endanger the organization

Threat-vulnerabilities-assets triples

A pairing of an asset with a threat and an identification of vulnerabilities that exist between the two. This pairing is often expressed in the format TVA, where there may be one or more vulnerabilities between the threat and asset.

Threats-vulnerabilities-assets worksheet

A document that shows a comparative ranking of prioritized assets against prioritized threats, with an indication of any vulnerabilities in the asset/threat pairings

attack success probability

The number of successful attacks that are expected to occur within a specified time period.

The probability that a specific vulnerability within an organization will be the target of an attack

The calculation of the likelihood of an attack coupled with the attack frequency to determine the expected number of losses within a specified time range

Also known as event loss magnitude, the combination of an asset's value and the percentage of it that might be lost in an attack

Also known as event loss magnitude, the combination of an asset's value and the percentage of it that might be lost in an attack

The risk control strategy that attempts to eliminate or reduce any remaining uncontrolled risk through the application of additional controls and safeguards

transfer control strategy

The risk control strategy that attempts to shift residual risk to other assets, other processes, or other organizations

mitigation control strategy

The risk control strategy that attempts to reduce the impact of a successful attack through planning and preparation

acceptance control strategy

The risk control strategy that indicates an organization is willing to accept the current level of residual risk

termination control strategy

The risk control strategy that eliminates all risk associated with an information asset by removing it from service

Annualized cost of a safeguard

In a cost-benefits analysis, the total cost of a control or safeguard, including all purchase, maintenance, subscription, personnel, and support fees, divided by the total number of expected years of use

Annualized Loss expectancy

In a cost benefit analysis, the product of the annualized rate of occurrence and single loss expectancy

Annualized rate of occurrence (ARO)

In a cost benefit analysis, the expected frequency of an attack, expressed on a per year basis

The process of preventing the financial impact of an incident by implementing a control

Cost benefit analysis (CBA)

AKA an economic feasibility study, the formal assessment and presentation of the economic expenditures needed for a particular security control; contrasted with its projected value to the organization

In a cost benefit analysis, the expected percentage of loss that would occur from a particular attack

Single Loss Expectancy (SLE)

In a cost benefit analysis, the calculated value associated with the most likely loss from an attack. The SLE is the product of the asset's value and the exposure factor

An asset valuation approach that uses categorical or non-numeric values rather than absolute numerical measures

As asset valuation approach that attempts to assign absolute numerical measures

The process of comparing other organization's activities against the practices used in one's own organization to produce results it would like to duplicate

Security efforts that seek to provide a superior level of performance in the protection of information. AKA best practices or recommended practices.

Performance measures or metrics based on observed numerical data

The difference between an organization's observed and desired performance

Performance measures or metrics based on intangible activities

A performance value or metric used to compare changes in the object being measured

The comparison of past security activities and events against the organization's current performance

An assessment of user acceptance and support, management acceptance and support, and the overall requirements of the organization's stakeholders

An assessment of user acceptance and support, management acceptance and support, and the overall requirements of the organization's stakeholders

organizational feasibility

An assessment of how well the proposed information security alternatives will contribute to the efficiency, effectiveness, and overall operation of an organization

An assessment of which controls can and cannot occur based on the consensus and relationships among communities of interest

An assessment of whether the organization can acquire the technology necessary to implement and support the proposed control

SLE = Exposure Factor (EF) x Asset Value

Single Loss Expectancy Formula

ALE = Single Loss Expectancy (SLE) x Annualized Rate of Occurance (ARO)

Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE)

CBA = ALE (prior) - ALE (post) - ACS (Annualized Cost of Safeguard)

Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)

Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: A Security Lifecycle Approach

Engineering Principles for Information Technology Security (A Baseline for Achieving Security)

Security Self-Assessment Guide for Information Technology Systems

Things to consider when considering Best Practices for your organization

1) Does your organization resemble the identified target organization? Is your organization in a similar industry as the target?
2) Can your organization expend resources similar to those identified with the best practice?
3) Is your organization in a sim

Federal Agencies Security Practices (FASP)

A web site established by the U.S. government to share best practices in Information Security

Two measures to compare benchmarking practices

Metrics-based and Process-based measures

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) emotions of upper management officials

Primary factors to consider when selecting a risk control strategy

Level of the threat and value of the asset

The most common mitigation plans are:

Contigency Plans (IR, DR, BC plans)

The Defense Strategy includes 3 common methods

1) Application of policy (Managerial control)
2) Education and training (Operational control)
3) Application of technology (Technological control)

FAIR Approach to Risk Assessment

Stage 1: Identify scenario components
Stage 2: Evaluate Loss Event Frequency (LEF)
- Threat Event Frequency (TEF)
- Threat capability (TCap)
- Control strength (CS)
- Vulnerability (Vuln)
Stage 3: Evaluate Probable Loss Magnitude (PLM)
Stage 4: Derive and

Risk = Loss frequency x Loss magnitude + uncertainty

Loss Event Frequency (LEF) Formula

LEF = Likelihood of attack x attack success probability

Compartmented Information

Named projects requiring an extreme-need-to-know before access is allowed

The Reasoned Approach to Risk

One that balances the expense of controlling vulnerabilities against possible losses if the vulnerabilities are exposed

Is the expected percentage of loss that would occur from a particular attack?

Exposure factor is the expected percentage of loss that would occur from a particular attack. In a cost-benefit analysis, a single loss expectancy (SLE) is the calculated value associated with the most likely loss from an attack; the SLE is the product of the asset's value and the annualized loss expectancy.

Is the calculated value associated with the most likely loss from a single occurrence of a specific attack?

A single loss expectancy is the value associated with the most likely loss from an attack. It is a calculation based on the value of the asset and the expected percentage of loss that would occur from a single occurrence of a particular attack.

Is the risk control strategy that attempts to reduce the impact of a successful attack through planning and preparation?

The risk control strategy that attempts to reduce the impact of the loss caused by a realized incident, disaster, or attack through effective contingency planning and preparation is known as the mitigation risk control strategy.

What is the assessment of the amount of risk an organization is willing to accept for a particular information asset?

Risk appetite is the amount of risk an organization is willing to take in pursuit of objectives it deems have value. Risk appetite can also be described as an organization's risk capacity, or the maximum amount of residual risk it will accept after controls and other measures have been put in place.


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