Before scheduling treatments it is important to note the condition of the skin on the

Before scheduling treatments it is important to note the condition of the skin on the

When is the last time you have been to a preventative skin care appointment? Many people simply answer that they don’t know because they don’t know they need one. Everyone needs to get regular skin checks, especially once you’re in your 20s and beyond. Whether you’re interested in getting a cosmetic skin care procedure completed or you’re concerned about a spot on your skin, the first thing to do is schedule a preventative skin care appointment with a reputable professional. Here’s what you need to know about your skincare consultation.

Learn About Your Skin’s Health

Your skin could change over time, depending on various factors. This largely depends on the amount of sun exposure you’ve had throughout your life, but other factors can play a role as well. When you see a medical aesthetics professional for the first time, they will evaluate your skin, make notes, take pictures of potential problem areas, and document what they see. So then when you come in for your next annual visit, they can refer to those notes and observe any changes. An annual skin check helps you stay on top of your skin health and can focus on protecting potential problem spots as you get older. Plus, you’ll feel more comfortable when having a cosmetic procedure done since you’ve prioritized your skin health.

What Happens At A Skincare Consultation?

Skincare consultations are painless and comfortable at Hillside Medical Clinic. We will ensure you understand everything that’s going on and will answer any questions you have. It’s important to tell the medical professional about any concerns you’ve had with your skin, how long it has been since you had your skin checked, and any family history of skin conditions. Your medical professional is there to help ensure you know everything about your skin, possible risk factors, and how to take care of it going forward. These skincare consultations are not only for preventing issues like skin cancer, but also for determining what treatments are available that can help you have youthful and glowing skin if that’s something you desire.

Regular Skin Checks Are Important For Many Reasons

Even if you constantly look at the moles on your skin, it’s difficult for the average person to see the subtle changes they make over time and distinguish potential cancerous spots versus simple signs of aging. Our professionals at Hillside Medical know exactly what to look for and can identify potential problems before they become an issue, so you’ll have some peace of mind knowing your skin is healthy. And if you’ve been thinking about getting some cosmetic work done on your skin, your medical professional should evaluate it first to determine how safe and effective treatments will be. They can offer advice on how to keep your skin as healthy as possible now and for years to come.

Hillside Medical Clinic offers many different cosmetic procedures, and we also provide regular skin checks for patients concerned about skin cancer. Our qualified and experienced professionals work in your best interests to ensure you get the proper treatments to keep your skin as healthy as possible. Our goal is to make your skincare consultation as comfortable as possible, so contact us today to book your appointment and prioritize your skin’s health.

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Before scheduling treatments it is important to note the condition of the skin on the

If you have never had a facial before or it has been awhile since you have, you may not know what to do the week before your appointment or even the day of. It is not a difficult process to prepare for your facial, but there are a few tips you should follow to ensure you get optimum, long-lasting results from your facial treatment.

  1. Wear clothing that is comfortable. We recommend wearing clothing that is easy to change in and out of.
  2. Wear your make-up.  Or don't.  Either way your esthetician will cleanse your skin as part of any of our facial treaments.
  3. Skip any strong at-home facial treatments the week before your appointment and any exfoliation treatments a few days prior. Your esthetician will be providing this crucial step as part of your facial treatment.
  4. Stay out of the sun and away from tanning for five days before your facial.  Sun damage and skin do not mix and should always be avoided; but escpecially before your service.
  5. Know the names of the skin care products you are using at home. Bring a list if you need to so you can discuss it with your esthetician. Having these details will help the esthetician make recommendations products you may want to add or delete from your at-home routine.
  6. Let your esthetician know any medications, medical conditions, and/or past skin conditions you may have had. Even over-the-counter medications can affect your skin, so it is good for them to know what may be contributing to your concerns and the way your skin reacts to certain products.
  7. Are you getting your skin ready for a big event? If you've never had a facial before and don't know how your skin will respond, our licensed estheticians recommend scheduling an appointment about six weeks in advance with a follow-up appointment closer to your event date.  This way you have time to address any negative skin reactions and get the maximum results from your service. Don't have that much time?  That's okay.  Our experienced staff can recommend a service that will help you put your best face forward.
  8. Be prepared to discuss your skin concerns and what your goals might be. Your esthetician is a licensed expert in skin and skin care so they will help you with a specific regime of treatments and products to achieve your goals.

What to Expect Upon Arrival:

If you've never had a facial at Oasis, we will have you fill out a short health questionnaire to help guide your esthetician in choosing the best products for your skin type.  You will meet your esthetician, and she will escort you to your treatment room.  You will get a robe to cover up with so you can take off as much clothing as you are comfortable with.  Your esthetician needs access to your face, neck and shoulders, so removing your shirt is a must. If you are wearing a bra, you can leave it on just make sure to pull your straps down. At Oasis Massage and Spa, we like to give a nice neck and shoulder massage as part of our facials, so you want to make sure you get the full effect. Trust us, it is so worth it!

Lastly, relax! A facial is meant to be relaxing and stress free. Do not sweat it if you do not follow these tips completely. These are just our recommendations and tips to make sure you get the best treatment while you are with us. Enjoy!

At Oasis Massage and Spa whatever your skin needs are, we have a treatment to cover you. Not sure what facial to choose? No problem. We offer a complimentary 15-minute skin consultation to help determine which of our services will work best for you.

Check out our full list of services online at or give us a call to setup your next appointment at 402-964-2267.

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