A student studied very hard in order to get a good grade. it worked. the good grade is an example of

56.In the case of the dogs Pavlov observed, the _____ was the unconditioned response and the _____was the conditioned response.a.food; bellb.food; salivationc.salivation; salivationd.bell; salivation

57.In operant conditioning, a voluntary behavior that occurs spontaneously is called _____

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58.A consequence that brings about an increase in the frequency of a behavior is a(n) _____; aconsequence that decreases the frequency of a behavior is a(n) _____

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59.Rewarding successive approximations of a desired behavior is part of which process?

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60.A _____ reinforcer is any reward that satisfies a basic, biological need, such a hunger, thirst, ortouch.a.primaryb.negativec.positived.secondary

61.Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

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62.A student studied very hard in order to get a good grade. It worked. The good grade is an exampleof _____

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63.Utilizing classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and/or observational learning in an effort tochange behaviors is referred to as _____

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awareness of one's own perceptions, thoughts, feelings, sensations and external environment is

circadian (evolutionary) theory

according to this theory, sleep is a means of protecting ourselves from predators

Risa experiences sudden, temporary interruptions of breathing during sleep. Risa's condition is known as

Freud called the hidden meaning of a dream it's _____ content

Activation-synthesis hypothesis

This hypothesis suggests that dreams are simply the brain's attempt to make sense of the random firing of brain cells during REM sleep

In Pavolv's original experiment with dogs, the tone was initially a ___ stimulus; after it was paired with meat, it became ___ stimulus

After having first conditioned an animal to salivate (drool) to a tone, Pavlov found that without pairing it with the food, salivation to the tone became weaker and weaker and then finally disappeared. This process is known as ____

Your sifnificant other gives you a compliment, and you smile at him/her. The probability that he/she will give you another compliment increases, This is an example of which type of learning?

when you fasten your seatbelt to turn off the obnoxious seat belt buzzer, the liklihood of buckling up increases. This is an example of

A teacher gives his class a quiz every friday. the teacher is attempting to influence his students' study habitats by using a ____schedule.

when an animal is reinforced after 3 min, 8 min, 4.5 mins, and so forth, and the average time span between reinforcers is 4 min, this is a ___ schedule of reinforcement

often parents discover that their children learn aggressive behaviors by watching tv and play video games. this type of learning is called

When school children see a classmate punished for talking back to the teacher, this experience may suppress that behavior in all of them (that is, they will not talk back to the teacher). Being influenced to suppress behaviors that one has previously obsereved as behaviors that one has previously observed as behaviors that are punished in others is called

any relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience or practice

learing is another word for maturation

Which is not true

1. learning is another word for "maturation."

2. learning is relatively permanent.

3. learning involves changes in behavior

4. learning involves experinces

Classical Conditioning (2 stick together?)

as an infacnt, steph received many penicillin injections from the dr. when she later saw a photgrapher in a white coat that was similar to the dr's coat, she started to cry. This is an example of _____.

in which type of conditioning is an association formed between one stimulus and another

Everytime marcella goes to work in the morning, she notices that her dog sulks. over several weeks, she notices that the dog gets unhapy when she picks up her car keys, immediately before leaving the house. Which phenonmenon of learning best describes dogs' behavior

pshysiologist who was studying digestion

an event or object in the environment to which an organism responds

learning to make a reflex response to a stimulus other than to the original, natural stimulus

Unconditioned Stimulus in pavlov experiment

Unconditioned response in pavlov's experiment

conditioned response in pavlov's experiment

after pavlov's dogs became conditioned to salivate at the sound of the bell, he experimented with ringing the bell and then failing to present the dogs with any food right away. Soon they stopped salivating to the sound of the bell. this process is called

the reappearance of learned response after extinction has occurred

Jamaal always wears a blue jack when he takes his dog for a walk. over time, jamaal notices that when he wears other articles of clothing that are blue, his dog gets excited. this is an example of

what waves are present when you are awake. High frequency, LV

during what stage do sleep spindles appear; flashes intense brainwave activities

stages 1-4 of sleep are called

according to the _____ theory sleep keeps humans out of harm's way and according to ____ theory sleep functions to restore body and mind

Eeg resembles beta waves of waking patterns

Why is REM sleep called paradoxical  (not going together) or active sleep

consolidation of memory is facilitated by

Nightmares occur during ___ sleep whereas night terrors and sleepwalking during ____sleep

during ____ breathing stops for periods of time

according to Freud ______ direct our behavior

is underlying meaning of the dream

during _____ dreams you can go into your dreams and influence them

a _____ is a response that is elicited by the unconditioned stimulus without prior learning

during _____ conditioning the conditioned stimulus precedes the unconditioned stimulus. (CS before US)

Simultaneous conditioning

is the best type of conditioning

worst type of conditioning

advertising uses classical conditioning of 

cam up with law of effect (if behavior follows reward it increases)

wants (praise, money, attention)

ability to distinguish between similar stimuli so that the conditioned response only occurs to the original conditioned stimulus but not to similar stimuli

if you get ill after eating a turkey sandwich and as a result associate the illness with it. By avoiding turkey sandwiches in order to avoid the illness you are displaying

making punishment more effective

apply punishmesnt as soon as possible after the misbehavior; interupt the problem behavior in order to halt its rewarding aspect; use minimum severity; be consistent with punishment.

Normally, when food is placed in the mouth of any animal, the salivary glands start releasing saliva to help with chewing and digestion. In terms of Pavlov's analysis of learning, salivation would be referred to as

Conditioned response is elicited (brought about) by the _____

Sue noticed that whenefer she opened the door to the pantry, her dog would come into the kitchen and act hungry, by drooling and whining. She thought that because the dog food was stored in the pantry, the sound of the door had become a _____

smell and see to salivate

In pavlov's original experiment, dogs heard a tone and then had meat powder placed in their mouths, which caused them to salivate. After many pairings of the tone and meat powder, they would salivate when the tone was presented alone. In this case, salivating to the tone is an example of ____

Allison is a fashion model, so cameras and flashbulbs are a big part of her life. Her pupils respond to the click of a camera by constricting slightly, even whena flashbulb is not being used. This constriction of her pupils in the absense of a flash is an example of _____

skinner designed a sound proof apparatus, often equipped with a lever or bar, with which he conducted his experiments in operant conditioning. This has been called ____

A child learns that whenever he eats all of his dinner he gets a cookie for dessert. This type of learning is BEST explained by _____ conditioning

in operant conditioning, ____ is necessary to create the association between the stimulus and the repetition of a voluntary response.

A reinforcer is a consequence that ____ behavior, while a punisher is a consequence that ____ a behavior.

If a student studies very hard in order to get good grades, the good grade is an example of ______.

increase in behavior, take away a stimulus

if a student studies very hard in order to avoid getting bad grades, this is an example of which behavioral principle

tara takes an aspirin, and 20 minutes later her headache begins to go away

A cupcake; a certificate of achievement given to a student

_____ is an example of a primary reinforcer, whereas _____ is an example of a secondary reinforcer.

The most efficient way to condition a new response is ______.

most important in maintaining rate of response

Variable-ratio reinforcement schedule

Billy often throws tantrums in stores if his mom does not give into his requests for candy. She usually ignores his tantrums, but every so often she gives in when it is inconvenien to aruge. He is being reinforced on which schedule

You walk up to a soda machine and put in a dollar, and you are rewarded with a bottle of root beer. When you put in another dollar you get another soda. Assuming that the machine does not run out of root beer, which kind of reinforcement schedule does this machine operate on?

Al must build 25 radios before he receives $20. What scedule of reinforcement is being used?

In a ____ schedule, the first response made after a same specific period of time has elapsed brings the reinforcement.

A teacher gives her class at least one unannounced quiz every wek. The students never know which day it will fall on. the teacher is attempting to influence their study habits by using a variable-interval

Positive Punishment (add)

A stimulus presented to a person or animal that decreases the probability of a particular response known as ______

Problems associated with punishment

doesn't extinguish an undesirable behavior, rather suppresses that behavior; can lead to aggression; indicated that a behavior is unacceptable but doesn't help a person develop an appropriate behavior

Latent learning (memorized)

Sarah has just received her drivers' lecense and is now ready to drive to school. Although she's never driven to her school before, Sarah knows they way. The fact that sarah can drive herself to school suggest that ____ has occured.

if you cam home to your apartment in the very early hours of the morning and did not wish to wake your roommate by turning on the lights, you would likely rely upon ____ to aid you in avoiding obstacles in the apartment tha t might cause injury or noise.

Modeling and Observational Learning

Learning by watching others

Exhibiting a behavior similar to that of a model in an unfamiliar situation.

Imitating someone's behavior

Displaying previously suppressed behavior b/c model does without punishment

Memory contains info received over time and stores info for less than a second

memory lasts from 20 to 30 seconds unless rehearsed; 7 (+/-) 2 bits of info

unlimited; memory is permanent

declorative; implicit or procedural or non-decorative

two kinds of long term memory

facts; personal memories; info; can be brought to mind verbally or in form of images then declared or stated

Implicit or procedural or non-declarative

motor skills; habits and classically CR; learning how to walk

two types of declarative memory

subjective experiences; autobiographical memories; flashbulb; fear hormones

facts; general knowledge objective info

Remembering a poem uses _____ recall whereas  essay exams use ______ recall.

Multiple choice tests use

are a framework of knowledge and assumptions affecting how info is encoded and remembered.

is the tendency for recollection of events to be distorted after the even occurred

leaving out details, brain tries to add stuff

Context dependent earning

_____ amnesia is the loss of abilitity to form long term memories of events occurring after a brain injury or surgery whereas ____ amnesia is the loss of memory for experiences that occurred shortly before the loss of consciousness.

cause of forgetting when memory is never put into long term memory

short term memory, don't use info, goes away

new/old info interferes ability

interupts going to long term

Longitudinal; cross sectional

In a _____ study the same group is measured at different ages over a long period of time whereas in a  ______ groups at different stages are studied at a single point in time.

developing baby during first 2 weeks

after birth (up to 1 month)

developing baby can be harmed by

Accommodation (dif b/w dogs and cats); assimilation (adding stuff already exists)

_____ is process by which existing schemas are modified and new ones are created whereas ____ is the process by which new info is added to the existing schemas.

Object permanence (peek-a-boo) ; conservation (Shape volume same)

The major achievement of the sensorimotor stage is ______ and of concrete operational stage is _____.

Personal Fable; imaginary audience

The belief of adolescents that they are unique and no one understands how they feel is ____ and when they feel that everyone is weatching their every move is _____.

process in which a more skilled learner gives help to a less skilled learner reducing the amount of help as the less skilled learner becomes more capable

Zone of procimal development

children can do at certain age

talk to themselces to accomplish somthing

in the oral stage if fixation occurs the aduclt can be exremelyy ____ or _____

according to freud fixation take place during _____ stage (s)

best style of parenting is; rules and why, flexible

worst style of parenting style

babies with ___ temperament are irritable, don't like to be put into new situations and tend to not have regular sleep schedules (10%)

trust vs mistrust; identity vs. role confusion

the ______ psychosocial sage laws the groundwork for development and during ______ stage transition is made form dependency of childhood to independent identity

In the Kubler Ross's ______ stage of dying the individual tries to postpone death in return for some promise whereas in the ____ stage the indv resents and envies healthy people

can't get out of fixated stage

Which of the following are examples of behavior modification?

Examples of behavior modification which can be used to increase behavior are: praise and approval, modeling, positive programming, shaping, token economy, self-monitoring, and shaping.

Which of the following is an example of a primary reinforcer?

Water, food, sleep, shelter, sex, and touch, among others, are primary reinforcers. Pleasure is also a primary reinforcer.

Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement quizlet?

Escape and avoidance conditioning are examples of negative reinforcement—behavior is strengthened by subtracting/taking away something "bad" or aversive.

What is it called when learning takes place without actual performance?

Learning that takes place without actual performance (a kind of latent learning) is called the learning/performance distinction.