A correlation between physical attractiveness and dating frequency of +0.60 would indicate that

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A correlation between physical attractiveness and dating frequency of +0.60 would indicate that

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A correlation between physical attractiveness and dating frequency of +0.60 would indicate that


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A correlation between physical attractiveness and dating frequency of +0.60 would indicate that


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A correlation between physical attractiveness and dating frequency of +0.60 would indicate that

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1. Wilhelm Wundt performed experiments to study
A. animal behaviors.
B. unconscious conflicts. C. brain structures.
D. mental processes.

Who was the American philosopher who authored a textbook in 1890 for the young discipline of
A. Wilhelm Wundt B. John B. Watson C. Sigmund Freud D. William James

The personality theorist, Sigmund Freud, was an Austrian
A. chemist. B. physician. C. theologian. D. politician.

54. Martin Seligman advocates a positive psychology that focuses on such topics as
A. prejudice.
B. spirituality.
C. depression

Who was a student of William James and the first female president of the American Psychological
A. Jean Piaget
B. Margaret Floy Washburn
C. Rosalie Rayner
D. Mary Whiton Calkins

In its early years, psychology focused on the study of
A. environmental influences.
B. maladaptive behavior.
C. placebo effects.
D. mental life

In which type of research is a representative random sample of people asked to answer questions
about their behaviors or attitudes?
A. experimentation
B. the survey
C. the case study

Which research method would be best for investigating the relationship between the religious beliefs of Americans and their attitudes toward abortion?
A. the survey
B. naturalistic observation
C. the case study
D. experimentation

Surveys indicate that people are much less approving of “welfare” than “aid to the needy.” These
survey results best illustrate the importance of
A. random sampling.
B. wording effects.
C. the placebo effect.
D. naturalistic observation

In a survey, psychologists select a random sample of research participants to ensure that
A. the participants are representative of the larger population they are interested in studying.
B. there will be a large number of participants in the research study.
C. the study will not be influenced by the researcher's personal values.
D. the same number of participants will be assigned to each of the experimental conditions

A. the participants are representative of the larger population they are interested in studying.

91. In one study, introductory psychology students were fitted with belt-worn tape recorders for up to four days so that researchers could sample their daily activities. The researcher employed a scientific method known as
A. naturalistic observation.
B. the double-blind procedure.
C. replication.
D. the case study

A. naturalistic observation

To track the development of children's social skills, Professor Ober carefully monitors and records
their classroom behaviors. Professor Ober is engaged in
A. survey research.
B. naturalistic observation.
C. experimentation.
D. replication

b.naturalistic observation

To compare the pace of life in different countries, investigators measured the speed at which
postal clerks completed a simple request. This best illustrates the use of
A. the case study.
B. naturalistic observation.
C. the double-blind procedure.
D. the survey

B. naturalistic observation.

Psychologists who carefully watch the behavior of chimpanzee families in their jungle habitats are
using a research method known as
A. the survey.
B. experimentation.
C. naturalistic observation.
D. the case study

C. naturalistic observation.

Which of the following is a statistical measure of the relationship between two variables?
A. a correlation coefficient
B. a random sample
C. an independent variable

A. a correlation coefficient

Suppose psychologists discovered that wealthy people are less satisfied with their marriages
than poor people are. This would indicate that wealth and marital satisfaction are
A. causally related.
B. negatively correlated.
C. independent variables.
D. positively correlated

suppose the correlation between the physical weight and reading ability of elementary
schoolchildren is +0.85. This means that
A. the weight and reading ability of elementary schoolchildren are not related.
B. low body weight has a negative effect on the reading abilities of elementary schoolchildren.
C. better reading ability is associated with greater physical weight among elementary schoolchildren.
D. greater body weight does not cause better reading ability in elementary schoolchildren

C. better reading ability is associated with greater physical weight among elementary schoolchildren

correlation between physical attractiveness and dating frequency of +0.60 would indicate that
A. physical attractiveness does not increase dating frequency.
B. more frequent dating is associated with lower levels of physical attractiveness.
C. it is impossible to predict levels of physical attractiveness based on knowledge of dating frequency.
D. less frequent dating is associated with lower levels of physical attractiveness

D. less frequent dating is associated with lower levels of physical attractiveness

If psychologists discovered that intelligent parents have smarter children than unintelligent
parents, this would demonstrate that
A. intelligence is inherited.
B. intelligent parents provide their children with greater educational opportunities than do unintelligent parents.
C. the intelligence of parents and children is positively correlated.
D. all of these answers are true

c.the intelligence of parents and children is positively correlated

A negative correlation between degree of wealth and likelihood of suffering from a psychological
disorder would indicate that
A. poverty makes people vulnerable to psychological disorders.
B. the poor are more likely to have a psychological disorder than the wealthy.
C. psychological disorders usually prevent people from accumulating wealth.
D. all of these answers are true

B. the poor are more likely to have a psychological disorder than the wealthy.

In an experiment on the effects of dieting on weight loss, dieting would be the
A. control condition.
B. independent variable.
C. dependent variable.
D. placebo

Surveys are most likely to indicate that reckless behavior and self-control are
A. independent variables.
B. positively correlated.
C. dependent variables.
D. negatively correlated

In an experimental study of the extent to which mental alertness is reduced by sleep loss,
alertness would be the
A. control condition.
B. independent variable.
C. experimental condition.
D. dependent variable

In an experiment to determine the effects of attention on memory, memory is the
A. control condition.
B. intervening variable.
C. independent variable.
D. dependent variable

The first psychology laboratory was established by ________ in the year ________.
A. Wundt; 1879 B. James; 1890 C. Freud; 1900 D. Watson; 1913

Who would be most likely to agree with the statement, “Psychology should investigate only
behaviors that can be observed”?
A. Wilhelm Wundt
B. Sigmund Freud
C. John B. Watson
D. William James

In an experimental study of the extent to which sexual arousal is stimulated by laughter, sexual
arousal would be the
A. control condition.
B. experimental condition.
C. independent variable.
D. dependent variable

The dependent variable in an experiment is the factor
A. that is directly manipulated by the investigator.
B. that may be influenced by the experimental treatment.
C. whose effect is being studied.
D. that causes the behavior being studied

B. that may be influenced by the experimental treatment.

Knowing the difference between an experimental group and a control group is most important
for understanding the nature of
A. random sampling.
B. replication.
C. hindsight bias.
D. independent variables.

In a psychological experiment, researchers are interested in studying the potential effects of the ________ variable.
A. dependent
B. control
C. independent
D. random

281. In an experiment to study the effectiveness of a new drug, research participants who receive a
placebo have been assigned to the ________ group.
A. dependent variable
B. correlational
C. experimental
D. control

The healing power of positive expectations is best illustrated by
A. overconfidence.
B. illusory correlation.
C. the placebo effect.
D. hindsight bias.

276. In a drug-treatment study, participants given a pill containing no actual drug are receiving a
A. random sample.
B. double-blind.
C. replication.
D. placebo

Research participants drank either caffeinated or decaffeinated beverages in a study of the effects of caffeine on anxiety levels. Those who received the decaffeinated drinks were assigned to the ________ group.
A. survey
B. experimental
C. correlational
D. control

. To provide a comparison for evaluating the effects of a specific treatment, experimenters make
use of a(n)
A. dependent variable.
B. independent variable.
C. control group.
D. experimental group.

Random sampling is to ________ as random assignment is to ________.
A. correlational studies; case studies
B. surveys; experiments
C. replication; correlation
D. description; prediction

Experimentation is more useful than correlational research for testing the claim that
A. children who view a great deal of television violence are also likely to be unusually aggressive.
B. people who exercise frequently are less likely to suffer from depression than infrequent exercisers.
C. people's friendliness and feelings of happiness are increased by drinking alcohol.
D. people who drink a lot of coffee experience higher-than-normal levels of anxiety.

C. people's friendliness and feelings of happiness are increased by drinking alcohol

Known for debunking psychic phenomena

A humanistic psychologist

Founder of a positive psychology

Americans first psychologist

John B. Watson
B.F. Skinner