A company can determine the value of its CRM program by calculating its Quizlet

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computer science

Design a class named Time. The `class` contains: * The data fields `hour`, `minute`, and `second` that represent a time. * A no-arg constructor that creates a `Time` object for the current time. (The values of the data fields will represent the current time.) * A constructor that constructs a `Time` object with a specified elapsed time since midnight, January 1, 1970, in milliseconds. (The values of the data fields will represent this time.) * A constructor that constructs a `Time` object with the specified hour, minute, and second. * Three getter methods for the data fields `hour`, `minute`, and `second`, respectively. * A method named `setTime(long elapseTime)` that sets a new time for the object using the elapsed time. For example, if the elapsed time is 555550000 milliseconds, the hour is 10, the minute is 19, and the second is 10. Draw the UML diagram for the class and then implement the class. Write a test program that creates two `Time` objects (using `new Time()` and `new Time(555550000)`) and displays their hour, minute, and second in the format hour:minute:second. (Hint: The first two constructors will extract the hour, minute, and second from the elapsed time. For the no-arg constructor, the current time can be obtained using `System.currentTimeMillis()`.

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What are the determinant of CRM?

An example of this approach is the work of (Roh et al 2005), in which the researcher identified the following factors as requirements for CRM success: process fit, customer information quality, system support, efficiency, customer satisfaction, and profitability.

What are 5 ways a company may use the data in the CRM?

5 Ways CRM Drives Business Growth.
Improvements to Your Bottom Line. ... .
Identify, Categorize and Get Quality Leads. ... .
Increase Referrals to Get More Customers. ... .
Offer Better Customer Support. ... .
Improve Your Products and Services..

What are the 4 components of CRM strategy and what are the steps in developing a CRM strategy illustrate and briefly explain?

The 4 components of customer relationship management are satisfaction, loyalty, profitability, and customer retention.

How CRM creates value for the firm's stakeholders?

CRM helps businesses build a relationship with their customers that, in turn, creates loyalty and customer retention. Since customer loyalty and revenue are both qualities that affect a company's revenue, CRM is a management strategy that results in increased profits for a business.


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